1. This is not young men MAKING the ultimate sacrifice for their country. This is young men BEING sacrificed for the legacy of one man.

    1. There was a terrorist attack on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, both were damaged. But the most interesting part was the NATO military exercises (REPMUS 22) with the help of unmanned systems. Recently, Russia in the Black Sea discovered two kamikaze unmanned underwater vehicles from the United States. Who benefits from destroying the European economy? If the production of Europe moves to the USA and boosts its economy! 7

    1. Funny how much fuss the western and European media makes of Russia’s partial mobilization. They show protests and arrests and crying but won’t state the facts. Although 7,000 – 10,000 have been arrested for protesting over 175,000 – 200,000 men have already accepted reality and been mobilized and are at training facilities. That’s 2/3rds of the 300k Putin wanted. In one week.

    2. @Rosy Contrarian If it didn’t mean anything you racists wouldn’t say that. Stop trying to outsmart liberals. You can’t do it.

    3. @Nate Dawg That was cool about his powers.
      Most super heroes like to keep their powers secret.
      My guess was his power would be sexually assaulting women with just thinking about it.

    1. @Bojan FrntiΔ‡ They are smart and don’t want to be cannon fodder like so many of their other russian mates. The vast majority of Russians are proud and smart they don’t support the criminal putin and his oligarchs – they are just forced to under his control. Look at their last elections – any opposition is killed.

    2. Should Putin just have let Ukraine continue killing another 14,000 ethnic Russian living in E. Ukraine.
      Should Putin not be worried about the 30+ U.S. sponsored bioweapons labs in E. Ukraine?
      Should Putin not worry about Ukraine becoming a NATO member and letting NATO deploy nukes on Russia’s border?
      Should Putin have ignored the fact that Ukraine never followed the Minsk Agreement?

      If you remember the Cuban Missile Crisis, Russia stood down to the US and pulled the nukes back out of Cuba. Except, Russia placing nukes in Cuba was in response to the USA FIRST placing nukes in Italy and Turkey aimed at Russia.

      Your POV (and that of your 1.4k upvoters) is adulterated by Western Propaganda. China is our true enemy, yet day and night since the end of WW2, we are told Russia is our enemy. Never a peep about china being the enemy of the US from sheeple media and Hollywood entertainment. We could have formed an alliance with another Christian nation, Russia as a counter to China.

    3. Imagine all these Russians would have cried out loud months ago – but they all decided to keep quiet, stay there and that itβ€˜s all fine as long as it didnβ€˜t hurt themselves

    4. @Brian Smith Many understand what you are saying is bvllshite. Can’t even see your downvotes. Your senile pant-shidder in chief is the real ‘madman’ here.

    5. @Pat Aherne Russians could be as patriotic as they want to be, but there is no good reason for them to go to the neighboring country and kill Ukrainian people left and right, just because their dictator thinks it is a swell idea.
      I t would be like Americans went and fight with Canada, just because of US Congress decided that it could be good for them and the president.
      During the WW2, everyone from the Soviet Union went to fight, young and old, boys and girls. But that war, was the Patriotic War, people were defending their land, their families and their future.
      Now it is Ukrainian Patriotic War, while Russian army, is an army of occupiers.
      They don’t fight for Russia, they fight for the ideas of one Russian lunatic.
      He already sold Russian future (financial, educational and moral). Now, he is selling Russian lives, lives of Ukrainians and when he will lose again, he may use nuclear weapons, just in spite.

  2. The thing with a threat is, the first time you use it there is great shock and fear, but after you’ve repeated it a hundered times it loses it’s meaning.

  3. This life on earth sucks bc there are men who rule who are sick with fragile egos who want others to fight their battles and die for them so they remain in power and wealthy beyond the imagination.

  4. I am Russian who left the country 5 years ago to live in United States since even back then my family knew that the government only cared about them selfs and not the people. I still have a lot of my family back in Russia and the worst part about it is that I have my sister there and she was put on the list mobilization because she is a doctor. She managed to run away to Turkey a couple days ago but now she doesn’t have anything because she had to leave everything she worked so hard for back in Russia. I was always against this stupid war and I feel such a sorrow that my people and Ukrainian people have to die because of one’s man greed.

    1. All honour to those Russians that left the kleptocracy in the last 20 years, even if those that sent money home to their families indirectly supporting putler.l

    2. one’s man greed…? (as an American, I don’t want the USA to be involved in this war AT ALL)
      After the overthrow of democratically elected Yanukovych, Ukraine was told not to abide by the Minsk Agreement, proving this by choosing not even to negotiate peaceful solution with Russia. Instead, Ukraine shelled the Donbas for 8 years, killing an estimated 14,000 ethnic Russians living in East Ukraine. Also, why were there 30 or more bioweapons labs sponsored by our State Dept. in E. Ukraine? Western media never talks about the constant NATO pressure put on Russia’s border or the nukes the West wanted to deploy in Ukraine after they planned on making it a NATO country. Many still like their country, Russia. You, on the other hand, expect Russia to just bend over for the West. Why?

      Now we have the West using Ukrainians as proxy war ho’s to fight Russia. This is what’s heartbreaking because it is OUR war more than Ukraine’s war. We are using Ukraine. Without our help, this conflict would have ended and 10’s of thousands of Ukrainians would not have been killed. Ukrainians are getting slaughtered and their country blown up because the Western puppet, Zelensky would rather deploy more Western high tech weaponry than negotiate peace. What kind of a leader is that?

  5. I’m thinking about democratization theory from university. The contention is that no democracy has ever gone to war with another democracy. Some people dispute it, because It depends on your definition of democracy, but it seems to be as true as any laws of human behaviour. Today it seems quite profound. If given a free choice, regular people don’t want to kill each other. There is something comforting in that.

  6. im from Afghanistan n i rmmbr armed forces would come to our house to search for young men to join the army. we would hide my teenage brother in the basement n they missed searching the basement. after that we left our house, car, retirement n everything n started life from zero all over again. this was like 30 years ago n we dtill see the effect of what happened then until now. May God help all the innocents that get killed for no reason😒😒😒

    1. I’m beyond impressed that you managed to keep your brother safe and were able to give up everything and start over completely. I understand the effects reverberate out into the generations, but more so would the loss of you and your brother.

    2. @Charity Ava yes thank you so much. i hv been in the United States over 30 years n now trying to help the new refugees. I was a little innocent kid n witnessed war n bombing, fled to pak n made it to US, put myself through school n college n supported my family. i feel so blessed bcz so many did not n could not make it. Life was tough n i have had many obstacles but nothing compared to what people over there go through so really thankful to God for being so kind to help us get through. still hv nightmares about bombing sometimes. these memories do not go away

  7. “”Gov. Romney, I’m glad you recognize al-Qaida is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what is the biggest geopolitical group facing America, you said Russia, not al-Qaida,, you said Russia. And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. Because the Cold War has been over for 20 years” – Barack Obama, October 2012

  8. We are so traumatized at this point that we’re listening to them talk about the use of nuclear weapons as though it’s just kind of a thing that’s happening. This world really needs to change

  9. This is so sick and heartbreaking. A mad man sits at a long table alone against the world and rations out human beings for supper. Praying for all to be safe. Praying for Ukraine to be free. Blessings from Canada. Peace tot he World.

    1. @Janek Mon Lets see the russian military is occupying the country and has criminally and unjustly killed their fellow Ukrainians and now the Russians are forcing them to vote – that is total shameful and a joke to say its a fair vote. Even if the russian military was not there just because Russians relocated there during the USSR does not give them the right to take the Ukraine they are Ukrainians now not Russians. Next you will say well Finland and Georgia let the Russians in so Finland or Georgia should “vote:” to become part of russia. Oooooh wait the Russians are already invading parts of Georgia too. Russians need to stay out of other sovereign nations and stop trying to annex their neighbors territory.

    2. i know this sounds bad on some levels but the sooner we accept that ‘help’ is not going to come from inside R the easier it will be to understand what are the options. brainwashed or not, many rs support their dictator, too many…

  10. Watching those boys separate from family and get on a bus… is heartbreaking and maddening. Can’t imagine going to battle for a guy who treats men like disposables.

    1. I dont think most Russians are too afraid.
      Ukraine performs alot of sorties that airdrop letter that instruct russian soldiers on how to properly surrendor.
      I would not be surprised if all the people mobilized ended up going that route.

    2. Russia is huge, they could have fled to other parts of Russia that no military wants to search them there. No, they show up for military. Why they show up? Did you see videos where them and their parents are bragging about going to serve their country. It’s mostly ignorance and unbelievable stupid obidience.

  11. Imagine being a healthy young man just about to begin adult life then suddenly being drafted to spill guts and blood in a completely unnecessary unprovoked war…. that in itself is a crime against humanity.

  12. The phrase “crossing the Rubicon” is an idiom that means that one is passing a point of no return. Its meaning comes from allusion… not ILLUSION but ALLUSION…to the crossing of the river Rubicon by Julius Caesar in early January 49 BC…

  13. I have no better words to express how heartbreaking this is. Praying for the Russian and Ukrainian people and the end of this mad war.

  14. Such an insightful, smart, articulate man! Love hearing what he has to say. Been there, knows Putin better than anyone because of his dealings with him. Bill’s books are exceptional, urge you all to read them. Thank you sir.

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