Putin defends war in Ukraine as ‘noble’

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that peace talks with Ukraine have hit "a dead end" and vowed to continue military operations. The Russian leader also dismissed the reports of atrocities in the Ukrainian town of Bucha as “fake." CNN's Fred Pleitgen reports on the painstaking work that is going into investigating alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine.
#CNNI #News


    1. Yall need to check out Graham Phillips and his video titled “Girl with nazi tattoo”. Yall might have a different take on whats going on. 💖

  1. “His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.” — A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler: His Life and Legend”

    1. @The Don that would be an accurate Trump was not responsible for any full blown on the war mostly just political posturing

  2. Against the Chinese government’s arrest of protesters in Shanghai! We should adopt a more civilized way! Cast a vote of no confidence in the Chinese government and the Shanghai government!

  3. “Humans are a part of nature, and their war against nature is inevitably a war against themselves.”
    ― Rachel Carson

  4. I am glad they are having other countries do the investigation that way Russia can’t cry revenge.

    1. @Tsrif Tsal and I don’t try to pretend that it didn’t happen, I am under no illusion about my country. And now may I ask where you are from.

    2. Yall need to check out Graham Phillips and his video titled “Girl with nazi tattoo”. Yall might have a different take on whats going on. 💖

    3. @nemo pouncey Yall need to check out Graham Phillips and his video titled “Girl with nazi tattoo”. Yall might have a different take on whats going on. 💖

  5. Here in lays the problem: Interpretation, what he really said was, ‘War in Ukraine is no bull.’

    1. Assuming you speak Russian…if so really appreciate the clarification…honestly, so much suffering is because of poor communication…I am totally against Putin’s actions but propaganda is on all sides…

    2. @Tsrif Tsal Yes, the US is an Imperialist country, for sure, though I would not say Nazis. It was not right to do so.

      War of any kind, in this day and age is simply not acceptable.

  6. I hate the war it reminds me of what happend to bosina (the country I’m from) this is sad. Please God help these people

  7. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke”

    1. Yall need to check out Graham Phillips and his video titled “Girl with nazi tattoo”. Yall might have a different take on whats going on. 💖

  8. I’m sorry for the loss of life and suffering, but the hypocrisy I’m seeing from us bystanders makes me sick. Fellow Americans, we’ve been killing families in the middle east for over two decades and those innocents were only collateral damage. Now because they are European families it is suddenly a war crime. No disrespect to the dead but wake up people. They are playing us against each other.

  9. I’m not russian

    «Его основными правилами были: никогда не позволять публике остывать; никогда не признавай свою вину или неправоту; никогда не допускайте, что в вашем враге может быть что-то хорошее; никогда не оставляйте места для альтернатив; никогда не берите на себя вину; концентрируйтесь на одном враге и вините его во всем, что идет не так; люди скорее поверят большой лжи, чем маленькой; и если вы будете повторять это достаточно часто, люди рано или поздно поверят вам». -Уолтер Лангер

  10. They were literally looking for civilians in basements to do these things to? They were already hiding underground in their own homes… How are they a threat?

  11. Says the guy who actually isn’t in the war getting killed

    Put him in the war and then let’s get his perspective

  12. Putin doesn’t like people getting too physically close to him, most of the time.
    But, someone will.

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