Putin critic says he begged friend and fellow Kremlin critic not to go to Moscow

CNN's Erin Burnett talks to longtime Putin critic Bill Browder about his friend and fellow Putin critic, Vladimir Kara-Murza, being detained in Moscow as fears mount for his safety.
#ErinBurnett #CNN #Ukraine


    1. That’s too pessimistic/simplistic. There is of course degrees of corruption and theft everywhere. But a system of checks and balances limits the amount significantly over one where a small group has total power. There’s really significant qualitative differences even if it’s not perfect anywhere.

    1. Can’t do much else so I am on line and donating to show support , as much as I possibly can. Have learn so much and fallen ❤ in love with the Ukrainian people and their country , Glory to UKRAINE!

  1. I fear for Kara-Murza’s life. I’ve watched him in the news for some time now and can only pray that he somehow survive. 🙏

    1. I wonder if they would’ve helped my country Poland, which is helping them now, if the tables were turned… I think I know the answer based on history..

  2. Wish we could do something to help him but he went to Moscow with purpose. He knew he’d be arrested or killed but he went there to light a slowly burning fuse through self sacrifice. I understand your feelings as a friend of his but I admire him to no end. I hope if it in comes to it I’d have that courage. This needs to be a motivation for all opposition. Do not let this be in foley.

    1. He made a Choice Only Heroes Like that can do to face His worst Enemy No matter what they do to him .

  3. Germany may have a real power supply issue here. They increased their military budget. By a lot. I’m assuming oil will be needed that they didn’t have stockpiled.

  4. I recall another, er, ”president” who immediately forgot about people the moment they got in trouble. Alike in so many ways.

    1. Oh yes I think I remember him or may have seen him once or twice but he wasn’t that important and didn’t do very much so was fired

    2. Was rolling down, looking for this comment! If you didn’t, I was going to! MAGA FAMILIAR !!!

  5. this guy has so much courage. most would never go back after 2 poisonings. is there a disconnect between putin and his government? kara-murza only got 15 days in jail.

  6. Kara-Murza and Navalny were both stalked by the same poison squad and both survived assassination attempts from them. The other opposition leaders in Russia have been killed or fled the country and yet both Kara-Murza and Navalny returned knowing full well the danger they faced because they want Russia to be a normal democratic country that badly.

  7. We need you alive, Kara-Murza, more than to prove a point of bravery. Your knowledge and even the future of Russia is awaiting you, but it’s more scary if you’re in the hands of the Kremlin now. I am so sad this happened to you but also understand, you had to do it. My best wishes to you and your family.

    1. Pre-ordered the new one, Freezing Order, and have already read it. A fascinating page turner just like Red Notice.
      Both books a must read.

    2. Love his new Harry Potter book too. Especially wen he writes about Hermoine getting pregnant by Harry Potter and has to have an abortion..CLASSIC..

  8. So often we live our life somehow ignoring the fact that one day we shall have to leave it behind . We spend so much effort grasping onto things that we make it hard to let go . And often we depart from this world suffering a death we cannot accept.

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