1. 🤣😂@ “the man is a superhero still” I have been around many black Americans and NO ONE TALKS LIKE THAT. 🤣😂 FAKE ACCOUNT.

  1. Kara-Murza may you be safe and well. We pray you will be free soon. Our best wishes are with you.

    1. @Tony T I know, I just hope there will be a regime change in Russia and he will be set free. He and Navalny are true heroes.

    2. @Tony TNM made it out alive, although his youth was gone. I don’t think Kara-Murza would be that fortunate unless, as we said, Vlad the Impaler and his monstrous regime is somehow toppled. I’m hoping for that.

    1. @The Critical Heretic America experienced it during 2016 through 2020. We are no strangers to this.

  2. Can you imagine living in a country where the ruling party would try to falsely imprison the opposition?

  3. Truth and freedom have a price, corruption and oppression are cheaper to achieve. This man is a hero, it’s a shame he stands in such a small crowd.

    1. Truth and freedom have a price, corruption and oppression are cheaper to achieve. Julian Assange is a hero, it’s a shame he stands in such a small crowd. Free Julian Assange✊

  4. When I wake up early in the morning, to have a good start in the day I usually make me some coffee and I thank God for everything but especially that I wasn’t born as a Russian.

  5. She is right. The longer the sentence, the greater the fear/desperation in the Kremlin itself

    1. thelength of the sentence is irrelevant. they can keep major political enemies as much longeror as much shorter than the sentence as they want, or kill them any day.

  6. This is terrible news, but Vladimir Kara-Murza knew this could and likely may happen when he returned. My heart goes out to him and his wife Evgenia. Vladimir Kara-Murza will always be an icon for Russia’s pregnant democracy. May he survive until that day comes to be….sending prayers and energy.

  7. awesome dude. i’ve seen him speak a number of times. he’s incredibly intelligent, brave, and has a vision for a free and prosperous Russia.

    1. awesome dude. i’ve seen Julian Assange speak a number of times. he’s incredibly intelligent, brave, and has a vision for a free and prosperous USA.

    1. My prayers go out to Julian Assange. Don’t give up! The world is standing with you!! Free Julian Assange✊

  8. Omg. This man is still in deep trouble. I admire him for his emotional strength.
    I couldn’t possibly stand up to a horrible government like Russia.

  9. I really feel for the guy and wish he’d gotten out the country to a safe location. Russia is a terrorist state run by a murderous dictator. The guy is like the Nelson Mandela of Russia risking everything to speak the truth.

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