CNN’s Christiane Amanpour reacts to news that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on spring conscription, fixing a target for 134,500 individuals to be drafted into the Russian armed forces. #CNN #News
Putin authorizes draft of nearly 135,000 into Russian military

In strategic terms, this invasion is one of the most colossal military blunders in history.
لانه روسيا لا تستخدم الأسلحة المحرمة كما فعلت امريكا بالعراق وافغانستان
@Jess Mason He won’t have a _major_ dissent problem. Serfdom and bowing to the czar is hard-coded into Russians’ cultural DNA. The very few true citizens will leave or be inprisoned. The remaining muzhiks will keep watching TV and cheering Putin.
Actually, ALL war is a colossal blunder.
His standing Army couldn’t defeat Ukraine, so the plan is to send “Troops” that want to be there even less. Brilliant
It’s illegal to use a legal name !!!
That’s the spell that wins this game
read & share the BCCRSS
@Suzy Rottencrotch that doesn’t make grammatical sense, but whatever. That being said, Russia’s gdp is half of California’s. There are 2 superpowers in the world, and Russia ain’t one of them. Sorry…
Actually the word is “genius” remember
It’s remarkable how much Russia’s military again resembles the early Soviet armies and the Imperial Russians one. There’s just no concern whatsoever for the well-being of the soldiers… they’re simply expendable.
@Alan Tasman Fewer died there over a decade and the military actually achieved their strategic goals.
Russia’s always been like that.
That’s the same as it seems with all armies everywhere.
“Some of you will die, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make” Putin took that line from shriek a little to serious
@CalvinK people are afraid to do anything else. 20% who don’t is a large chunk as 90% agreed with the Soviet army going into Afghanistan.
@DomInator soooooooo*
@CalvinK Never met anyone younger than 60 that missed the Soviet Union, and most of the people older than 50 were drunk every time I met with them. Also they seem to think Democracy was something someone else did, it wasn’t their job to make it work.
I never underestimate a Russian. It’s their leadership. Any people that can live through Siberian winters, Czars and Stalin has my respect for their tenacity, if nothing else. God must surely love and value them, because their leaders surely don’t.
“It is easy enough for a statesman to ride the popular wave from the comfort of his own fireside. Making thunderous speeches from the rostrum, letting the public sound the trumpets of war, and leaving it to the musketeer bleeding out his life’s blood in the snowy wastes to settle whether policies end in glory or in failure. Nothing is simpler. But woe to any statesman who at such a time fails to find a cause of war which will stand up to scrutiny once the fighting is over.” – Otto Von Bismarck
@rukus If you honestly have this much difficulty reading a single paragraph, perhaps the comment section is a bit too advanced for you. Not sure why you’d admit that , but hey. Good times.
@SuCKeRPunCH187 Yes, they’re drafting every Putin they can find, last i heard.
@rukus Not everyone has read the life of Bismarck. I actually appreciated it. But then, I do have the reading ability of an adult.
@rukus Hey Mr Crankypants, someone didn’t have their breakfast this morning.
Ukrainians are so brave and heroic. They deserve the best equipment from every Country. Love to Ukraine
الأفغان والعراقيين أيضا شجعان
Comment section full of bots lmao
And for one second I thought Russia was not lying when she said troops are gonna be withdrawn from the north of Ukraine. They have no intention of stopping the invasion, they just need more time to collect more troops, more supplies, and to fix their equipment.
I guess this would be a great time for defectors. ‘Amnesty’ to Russian military defectors and free cell phones.
Ukrainian military are just smarter and they know how to fight. The other side, not so much.
The world is laughing at Russia as it stands in awe of Ukraine and it’s soldiers.
I figured that “reducing operations” in Ukraine actually meant they were going to throw more bodies. If he thinks just giving a man a gun and tell them to take the objective is going to work, he is in for a rude awakening.
This is what USA did in Vietnam
Reducing operations means that occupying the radioactive contamination zone of Chernobyl north of Kyiv and digging up all the radioactive soil by making trenches and running 60 ton tanks over them, did not go well. Now they know why Ukraine is happy to get up to the airport north of Kyiv and stop there. By summer the Russians around Chernobyl will be dead anyway. But it gets better. After contaminating the soldiers and all their equipment, they are pulling them out to move them around with other regiments.
The frail unequipped Soviet in WW2 was not the mighty Russian military today, yet they still have no problem losing a lot in the battlefield. This is a serious matter, more dire than you think.
This is just so wrong you are twisting. He didn’t sign mobilization order, he signed the usual spring draft decree. It happens every year. Actually twice a year. Spring to summer and autumn to winter. This decree clearly states of completion of training of previous group and their graduation and the call-ups of new ones aged 18-27 to pass their usual conscript military training.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making massive mistakes
It’s the annual spring draft that happens yearly.
@matt degroot I’m glad he decided to wait to have the draft this year for the usual time, he’s going to need those 135,000 soldiers just to take the Donbass region which was obviously the goal all along
@VesperAegis News & Games sure that’s why they attacked kiev for nothing
@scambammer r/WOOOOSSSHHH
strategic military planning > kgb vladdy.
The initial Russian attack troops were both poorly trained and poorly equipped and Russian morale at the outset was likely as high as it was going to get in this terrible war. Even if these new draftees are put into rear positions and more seasoned troops moved to the front, it is extremely hard to regain momentum against a dug-in and highly motivated adversary who is fighting for their homeland and feels that they have nothing to lose. Barring the use of weapons of mass destruction, it is highly likely that the Russians will lose regardless of how long they choose to continue.
And if they use WMDs, even if they win, they’ll lose, as NATO considers their use a red line.
He literally told his people they weren’t going to draft anyone, or send in any further of their military to this war.
Were I an 18 year old in Russia, I’d say “Hell no!” & take the prison time.
Bread & water beats rotting on Ukrainian soil.
From his first lie, no conscripts are being used in this special operation, to now conscripting more to use as cannon fodder, the Russian people are now seeing the lies of this little, old man who is desperately trying to hang on to power. His time past 40 years ago he just doesn’t realize it.
I feel bad for all those citizens, imagine fighting for no damn reason.
Russian MEN, not ‘citizens’ . Forced military service is a violation of the human rights of these young Russian men
@Angel Lee the difference is, Ukraine is defending their freedom, Russia is violating and trying to rob the freedom of Ukraine, get it right, try and think harder
It’s not that big of a deal, all self respecting nations should have a conscription.
غزو امريكا للعراق وأفغانستان اليس انتهاك حقوق الإنسان
“Putin authorized 135,000 unmarked graves and 135,000 Russian mothers punished for asking what happened to their sons.”