1. Condolences to the mothers, fathers and children who lost their loved ones, this is heartbreaking for the people of Ukraine.

    1. @kenneth evanger ps it is “Russian”and you say you are American I doubt that.😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Когда однажды, после обретения Вирджинией или Род-Айлендом независимости, они попросят Россию разместить на их территории баллистические ракеты, способные нести ядерные заряды, американцы объяснят вам, почему русские сейчас беспокоятся.

    3. poutine is responsible for all what this past of suffering is for the two brotherly Ukrainian and Russian peoples! for the history of the great Slav peoples, that’s a civil war!
      Mosco did not measure the consequences

    1. Because Ukraine were running out of target practice Generals silly Don’t you just hate it when a Putin’s army can’t hold on to their Generals? 🙂

    1. @roger redworth “ Helen” has a 3 day old account. Just another desperate Russian propagandist.

    1. @John Smith Finland also had the best weapons capability from Germany, as Ukraine does now —- it’s West vs East , all over again , and we shall triumph as usual against you subhumans

    2. @John Smith you’re correct, most of the free world had their hands full with WW2. The US weren’t concerned, as WW2 hadn’t effected them at that point. Brave little Finland had to face the soviet empire alone. 🇫🇮

  2. Appointing another general and expecting different outcomes from the same poor soldiers is a sign of madness. They should withdraw and begin sorting their own house out before they try and take someone elses.

    1. Well not always, Patton replaced Freedenhall in the afrixan campaign and the improvements were notizable. But after losing in 42 days the same men as in Chechenya and Afganistan i can asume that Putin will want results and achieve victory prior May 9th parade

    1. @Kirk Patrick I will answer your questions but can you answer my? You scare to answer them? For example Roket strike with Tochka U in Kramatorsk have direct relation to Ukraine situation. Just Answer what was the direction of flight of that roket wich kiled dozen of citizen people there who were trying to evacuate? The answer on that question will say who did it. Ukrainian forces or russian.

  3. That’s a pretty big statement for the leader of the United Kingdom to walk the streets of a war zone to answer in person, talk to the Ukrainian public and face the aggression of a dictatorial regime.

    1. Maybe he woke up with novachoke on his cloths. I hear it happens to politicians all the time in Russia. What are the odds?

    2. @Audio Video & Tech Maybe hillary cand give some info about a psichiatrist. You can use some help soon.

  4. Freedom must stand for freedom… Whether you watch CNN or Fox News… We all need to stand up for freedom and do everything we can!

    1. @Miguel Gonzalez you say that now… But if it were our country being destroyed you would be one of the first people saying we need support from allies… You need to put yourself in someone elses shoes… What if we didn’t have a large military or superior tech and we were the ones being attacked… Would you expect the world to just turn it’s back and say oh well… No … You would be begging for help… You need to see the larger picture and see that without people like us, who stand up against bullies, the world would be a very ugly place

    2. @Caleb Lenga Why should the US be the world police? If you know history, the US is responsible for many atrocities too. Hiroshima, Nagasaki ring any bells? Supporting military dictatorships to stop the spread of communism in the 60s-80s?

      Thanks to the second amendment, other countries will think twice to invade knowing Americans are armed. I’m definitely thinking of the bigger picture here, because this country gave me the opportunities my home country could never give. If what’s happening at home is not addressed, you’re looking at the complete collapse of a beautiful country. The collapse of society, family values and what it really means to be free. I bet you don’t know of the “sexy summer camp,” huh? Look it up here on YouTube and tell me that’s not repulsive and destructive to children.

    3. @Rainmaker Ah, matter of perspective, huh? So thousands of lives lost so let’s take the lives of more than a 100k people then?

  5. They guy killed Syrian civilians and now thrown in Ukraine to do the same. Certainly he will find his ☠️ there.
    God bless Ukraine and its brave people 🇺🇦

  6. My condolences to the family of the new general. He must know he’s been handed a death sentence!

    1. Please don’t be brutal to innocent people General what ever your name is. Remember the day of Reckoning will come when you will be held accountable by God and there will be no one there to save you. No one envies you your job that’s for sure. Be afraid. Really afraid.

  7. I remember from our history when a bigger adversary attack everyone thought we will buckle. One of the certain ways they were loosing was when start changing generals

    1. @Peter Codner Even Russia dosent consider Civil war not even Putler says that. Russia has recongise Ukraine as an independent country since 1990s so you need to lay off what ever you smoking

  8. Puthler: even everything goes as planned with our special operation in Ukraine, we need a commander for it. Any volunteer!?

    Alexander Dvornikov: me!? (damn! )


  9. I’m extremely concerned about the coming days and weeks of this invasion/war. Ukraine doesn’t need well wishes, they need everyone’s help, artillery, fighter jets, and ongoing prayers.

    1. One could argue that the well wishing is the closest thing to prayer many people are capable of these days. You’re completely correct though, anyone who can afford to should donate whatever they can to trustworthy charities.

  10. “The lover of fighting is a lover of sin: he who makes high his doorway is looking for destruction” – Bible. 🇺🇦🇧🇷

  11. I’ve never had much respect for Prime Minister Johnson i’m certainly not in the same side politically as him, I could tell you a lot of bad about that man. But I do respect his bravery travelling to Kyiv good move Boris

    1. @artnull13 he wasn’t beaten with the intelligence and the weaponry to defend Ukraine before the war began give him that

    2. @Lorraine Taylor no I’ll give that to Whitehall, British intelligence and the British armed forces, the people doing the work behind the scenes.

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