Punxsutawney Phil, the world's most famous groundhog, will be coaxed from his burrow in western Pennsylvania early Wednesday, Feb. 2, as a pandemic-stressed nation watches to find out whether we'll have an early spring or six more weeks of cold and snow.
According to legend, if it's sunny and Phil sees his shadow, the scared groundhog returns to his burrow and the USA will endure six more weeks of winter. If it's cloudy when the groundhog emerges Feb. 2, the critter won't see his shadow and will leave his burrow, meaning winter will soon end and an early start to spring is coming.
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#GroundhogDay #GroundhogShadow #phil
He see winter
There’s no sound
thank God I thought I had gone deaf!
I think they do that when all the music is playing due to copyright infringement or something like that. Then they turn the audio on when the ceremony begins. ️
@Carrie Cardwell Yes, they have to when it’s being streamed on YouTube. As Tom Scott says, the copyright system is broken.
6 more weeks of winter
Ugh no more winter
NATO, get out of the USSR, don’t anger the Russian bear!
How funny, I couldn’t sleep, and just decided to look this up! Yay Phil & Groundhog Day!
It really is Groundhogs Day it’s always 6 more weeks of winter…
Astronomically speaking that’s correct, but we can always wish for better weather!
Hello my dear friend please talk to me privately
video starts at 1:20:45
Darn it Phil! LOL!!!
1:22:51 The prediction.
Such a massive event now – all thanks to a certain movie. If I could only remember its name…
What About Bob?
I mean….it’s obvious seeing as the weather is a little extreme in some parts of america.
NATO, get out of the USSR, don’t anger the Russian bear!
NATO, get out of the USSR, don’t anger the Russian bear!
I’ll give you a winter prediction. It’s gonna be cold, .. it’s gonna be gray, .. and it’s gonna last you for the rest of your life.
It’s time for all the indigenous people of America to come out to the streets and ask to hand over the political power to the indigenous people.
Phil scratches handler, jail him
salt must flow site for good laughs and real info
This is hysterical. Not much to do in the middle of PA. in February. So why not !