Dr. Vin Gupta breaks down pulmonologist Dr. Martin Tobin's testimony at the Chauvin trial that "oxygen deprivation" killed George Floyd. Aired on 04/08/2021.
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#GeorgeFloyd #DerekChauvin #MSNBC
Pulmonologist At Chauvin Trial: Oxygen Deprivation Killed George Floyd | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Look up Video Police Leak for the full bodycam videos (over 1 hour in length) released 08/2020
You can hear Floyd yelling out that he can’t breathe before they even took him out of the car and put him on the ground per his request.
@LotWizzard why is Nelson slimy ? Seriously just because he is a lawyer that’s inanity
@ma,ma gee’s gospel I’m done with you I’m married to a black man BTW yep huge black man loving women so
also our kids would suggest otherwise I’ve never been racist but thanks I’m just all about details and facts . Just because I don’t see the intent to murder doesn’t mean I’m racist nor does it mean I don’t find the whole thing very sad
@Beastbombshell it can also be from having a knee on your neck can it not? Or do YOU know everything
@Beastbombshell It is third degree murder, whether it’s part of the official charges or not is irrelevant. comprehension is hard, huh?
this is like a soviet show trial
@The Tom Dillenger Escape Plan All brats agree. They hate the light.
@OutdoorIndoorVariety notice how ignorant rightists try to find reasons to blame floyd, even if they are lying
@Barbarian King rightist that’s a new one lmao. Guess that means I’m always right but better than being always wrong
@Barbarian King Democrats love criminals.
They have a legal system in Russia? No one noticed.
21st century American Pravda
@Dylan D If anyone thinks the police were out to protect property in either of those two situations, he’s a moron.
@Dylan D And in that one case, you have a rare, actual case of police abuse. Actually, a case of murder by police. That’s one great big fat exception to the rule.
@Gregory Pankow Agreed, but you’re expecting contextual accuracy from someone who statistically is likely to have bought the big lie, unlikely to ‘believe’ in science, and think democracy is their right but not really yours if you happen to disagree.
@ThiccDaddy69 You have biden derangement syndrome. I never mentioned democrats or biden. I also didn’t vote for Biden in 2020. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the statement made.
@Brian Oconnell How about John Crawford III? Philando Castille? Tamir Rice?
Or was that the big fat exception cause Daniel has a winning complexion?
Due to fentanyl, covid or the knee?
@Barbarian King He would have been “loopy” thank you for your scientific analysis.
fentanyl them thangs too lethal bro..he swallowed a bag of it man.. Yall tripping I’m black and he killed himself end of discussion
@wifipimp actually you missed the part where is has to be without a doubt
@Barbarian King what about covid , meth & fentanyl and pot ..
@Keep Moore Greener none of that warrants the death penalty via police offer in the street
They seldom show defense cross examination.
@Jay Paige
Robert A. Middleberg, PhD, F-ABFT, DABCC-TC, Laboratory
Toxicology Report
Report Issued 05/31/2020 18:44
Hennepin County Medical Examiner
530 Chicago Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Patient Name
Patient ID
46 Y
DOB 10/14/1973
Positive Findings:
Compound Result Units Matrix Source
Caffeine Positive mcg/mL 001 – Hospital Blood
Cotinine Positive ng/mL 001 – Hospital Blood
4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL 003 – Hospital Blood
11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL 001 – Hospital Blood
Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL 001 – Hospital Blood
Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL 001 – Hospital Blood
Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL 001 – Hospital Blood
Fentanyl 11 ng/mL 001 – Hospital Blood
Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL 001 – Hospital Blood
Cannabinoids Presump Pos ng/mL 012 – Urine
Amphetamines Presump Pos ng/mL 012 – Urine
Fentanyl / Metabolite Presump Pos ng/mL 012 – Urine
Morphine – Free 86 ng/mL 012 – Urine
See Detailed Findings section for additional information
Testing Requested:
Analysis Code Description
8050U Postmortem, Urine Screen Add-on (6-MAM Quantification only)
9096B Alcohol Screen, Blood (Forensic)
8210B Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Screen 2, Blood
8052B Postmortem, Expanded, Blood (Forensic)
8756B Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Screen 1, Blood
Specimens Received:
ID Tube/Container Volume/
Matrix Source Miscellaneous
001 Lavender Vial 2.8 mL 05/25/2020 21:00 Hospital Blood
002 Gray Vial 0.6 mL 05/25/2020 21:00 Hospital Blood
003 Lavender Vial 5.75 mL 05/25/2020 21:00 Hospital Blood
004 Light Blue Vial 2.5 mL 05/25/2020 21:00 Hospital Blood
005 Green Vial 1.3 mL 05/25/2020 21:00 Hospital Blood
006 Red Vial 0.75 mL 05/25/2020 21:00 Hospital Serum or Plasma
007 Gray Top Tube 8.8 mL 05/26/2020 12:20 Femoral Blood
008 Gray Top Tube 8.8 mL 05/26/2020 12:20 Femoral Blood
009 Gray Top Tube 8.8 mL 05/26/2020 12:20 Femoral Blood
NMS v.1
@Jay Paige ummm are you high?
@Sovereign1917 off of Dr. Martin Tobin’s testimony !
@Jay Paige weird since it destroyed your beliefs
The defence could barely pronounce a word. Useless deflection that got shut down fast.
Now do Jeff Epstein
Shhh they gonna come get you
*If I Were “The Defense” I Would Have Done “Anything & Everything In My Power” 2 “Make Sure” Dr. Tobin “Saw Zero Parts” Of The Witness Chair Today! Translation = Derek Chauvin Is “Literally & Royally Phucked & In a Major Way!*
From MSNBC. In real life the prosecution is being wrecked before the first defense witness has even been called
Prosecution is already toast. MSLSD is fake news. Get some better perspective and,,,think for a change.
@The Tom Dillenger Escape Plan MSNBC?? You’re better off getting your news from fb smh
Good God
@Major Payne How is the live broadcast of the trial been manipulated for people to believe whatever MSNBC wants? I’ve listen to every single testimony while I work every single day. I actually listen to music whenever they are on a break and then commentators want to take that opportunity to give their opinion. I don’t need translators. I have gray matter. Stop accusing people of doing the things you do. LOL!!!!
Just trying to remember the last time I, or anyone I know, accidentally strangled someone to death.
Nine minutes is not an accident.
@Sea of Tranquility it was to prove to the crown that he was the almighty
@slim dude thats all they are holding onto….. like wth weren’t u all listening
… that why the DR shredded the defense to bits.. let them keep pulling on straws
@Sebastian Addict because cops have never planted evidence before
@Tera Tokomi the experts that testified today completely destroyed that argument you’re making here.
@Jatycre literally false
Who would have thunk it?. This is the most damning testimony to my mind. He literally pointed out to 2 facts-his breathing pattern and co2 levels-that can not be explained by fentanyl. But that are nonetheless made sense of through asphyxia.
Done deal.
@Sovereign1917 No
@Sovereign1917 because it is if no relevance. As I said, it is very unlikely for an addict to suffer an overdose precisely the same day and time that an officer places his knee on his neck as he is being restrained. What a coincidence that would be.
@V V you weren’t aware
@Beastbombshell it is not about proving as one does in mathematics. It is about which explanation makes the most sense of the facts, an overdose or positional asphyxia.
So far, there are two facts that an overdose can not explain while asphyxia can. Namely his breathing pattern and co2 content.
@Anthony drugs can cause asphyxia, but if they did, it would have been reflected on his breathing pattern. Necessarily. Which it does not. He was breathing normally according to experts.
The co2 levels would have been a lot lower if his asphyxia had been caused by an overdose
This testimony was the nail in the Chaufin!!
How do? It actually helps the defense
@Sovereign1917 no it didn’t
the defense was trying to say that GF’s drug use caused his death and the Dr said otherwise smh. Check!
Did you miss all the other testimonies and the cross examination
Ummm no he didn’t
@Beastbombshell he did
My conclusion as well – The Chauvin Trial is Out To Lunch!
Right up there with the two Trump impeachments…
Was Derek Chauvin having a bad day?…We all saw what George Floyd was doing 20 minutes before his death. Why aren’t we talking about what Derek Chauvin was doing 20 minutes before he arrived at that store?..Was Derek Chauvin also tested for drugs?..Did Chauvin have an argument with someone earlier that day?…..Looking at this trial it looks like the one on trial is George Floyd and not Derek Chauvin.
U can watch the full 1hr and 5 minutes of body cam footage.
Well hey… Chauvin is entitled to whatever defense he can come up with. But yeah, we all saw it and it sure looked like murder to me.
Thanks genius, cased solved
The defense using the fact that floyd having drugs in his system being the real reason for his death is like saying yea, I shot the guy, but he had cancer.
So true! It’s just very illogical thinking on the part of the side that has got nothing and is grasping at straws.
@The Sage Millennial Well, first off, “communists” is wrong. We’re just people who want justice. Second of all, if you mean “leftists,” I’d like to point out that we win everything. The culture war, the presidency and White House, the senate, the house, and hopefully soon George Floyd’s trial will see justice. You’re part of a dying ideology, I suppose it’s not your fault that your mind didn’t naturally progress on its own.

Get him JB!
Grasping at straws the man had enough drugs in his system to be pulled over for OVI . Defiantly not grasping . They couldn’t exactly prove the drug combination didn’t not cause his death either . I feel like some people only hear what they want to hear from these testimonies

Dr. Martin Tobin’s testimony was powerful !! God bless you Sir !!!!
Except it doesn’t prove intent to murder . I haven’t seen anything that proves an intent yet . The information is interesting
@Beastbombshell you so dumb it do prove it simple(STUPID) one. Flat line yourself
Chauvin murdered George Floyd. Thank you, Dr. Martin Tobin for speaking and promoting the truth.
Murder is a stretch
@Beastbombshell Did you watch Dr. Tobin’s testimony?
Everyone has known from the beginning that if Chauvin is not convicted of murder , Americas cities will be burned to the ground ,and the jurors lives will be in grave danger. Period.
@CutEm Loose you think that isn’t true?
With the experience and knowledge of the doctors that testified in Mr Floyd’s murder trial today, if it was possible those guys can create humans on their own.. wonderful great guys.. best witness since the trial began.. .
No simple(STUPID) racist one. He’s just one of majority. Flat line yourself
So much for the “He died from drugs” theory.
So wild we’re pretending like the same fentanyl killing record numbers of people was nothing to Mr Floyd. He truly was a god