White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki talks with CNN's Brian Stelter about taking on the job in the wake of the Trump administration and how she deals with news outlets who push debunked propaganda and are often hostile to the Biden administration.
#BrianStelter #ReliableSources #CNNBusiness
Psaki: I can’t let briefing room become a forum for propaganda

Tell them the truth… even when you can become angry by their idiotic obstinence…
LOL, CNN clowns!
@Joel Rodriguez what a joke how pathetic she can’t answer some questions about blatant issues its pathetic
@Joel Rodriguez She would like to reply to your statement. But she will have to circle back to you on that
@j m lol
@Thomas Velazquez And the Dems make her a Hero for her Incompetence …I Bet Jen has a bunch of participation trophies ….
Since when did we start calling lies “falsehoods”
@Jake Roberts he’s a politician, not a novelist. Plagiarism is a problem for one career only, writer, which he isn’t. 2+2 doesn’t equal 7 just because someone told you so.
@pete toma hahah trumps own ag fabricated the mueller report. I don’t want to hear it dude
@FactsarenotdirtyFwords was trying to be sarcastic to point out that they are the same (shhh don’t tell people I love the comments)
Lol.. you people trying to rewrite history is funny.
This chick lies every time her hands move.
@John Crawford Thanks for that dribble, just Google it, his stealing other peoples speachs. He just did it again at the Coast Guard commencement, what a fiasco that was. Sorry about the feelings thingy, didn’t mean to get your panties in a wad. So only writers can Plagerise, gee, ok.
Absolutely love this gal!
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over; each time expecting a different result – here’s a corollary; asking the same question over and over when it’s already been answered is too.
yeah, look up pascal’s wager, if you don’t already know it, that’s been answered for centuries and is still asked
She is really good. I watch her sometimes and she is on fire always. Like her style
Well low IQ sheep would!
the way she manipulated thebtruth or sidesteps real questioning?
are you a real person? I pity your family.
I don’t think the Biden’s administration realize that there is absolutely nothing he is going to get done in 4 years because of Manchin.
@rosy Lee Joe Got good Qualities China and Dr. Fauci Said …
He’s already accomplished a great deal more then the “last guy” and its only been a few months 🤷♂️
@John Pretty lame comment. Why bother if you’re not going to say WHY you think it’s “good?”
Biden needs to have a Godfather moment; sit Manchin down and make him an offer he can’t refuse. Tell him to fall in line or his political career is ruined.
Awesome! Thank you… and No – it is not boring, just Civilized – big difference
Ngl, she’s not bad. But we also had Trump’s press secretaries for 4 years so it could just be shock.
The Psaki Smackdown is the best thing for this nation! What are you talking about?
The title made me do a spit take
So nice to see Mcaveney, Huckerbee Sanders and Spicer in the rear view mirror listening to their daily lies
Sure, let reporters ask gotcha questions and then answer them in such a way that everyone knows that it is a gotcha question. Sure do get tired of gotcha questions at the debates.
Thank you Jen! I for one love the truth. Something missing from 2017 through January 20th 2020.
We love you lady Psaki! Let them have it lady!
Jen Psaki rocks, man! Yes, you go girl. You are so freakin awesome. Keep up the good work!
My God. We’ve entered the era of REAL news.
From CNN? Tell that to their viewership in America declining by 70% 😂
Did Comrade Psaki just say she won’t allow propaganda?
Has she forgotten who her boss is?
The United states is a corporation. All these people’s work for the corporation. And they do what they’re told to do
“Ladies and gentlemen, the amateur Press Sec hour is finally over”. About time.
over and over she lies and mumbles for most of her briefings, and uses her famous phrase( Ill circle back to you about that) when asked real questions.