PSAC Workers pay will phase out, what does this mean for the strike? | Power Play with Joyce Napier

The Strategy Session panel discusses the feds' new tabled offer to PSAC and how long the strike can last as the pay fades.

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PSAC Workers pay will phase out, what does this mean for the strike? | Power Play with Joyce Napier


  1. Stopping everyone’s pay will probably cause more harm and cost to the government in the long term. Phoenix isn’t 100% and if there is any pay errors, the government will be on the hook for fines which was agreed to a few years ago.

  2. It is soo hard to get government jobs as they already have higher pay and perks than the private sector.

  3. Whoever edits these things please stop cutting them off in the middle of a word in the middle of a sentence. Thank you.

  4. Less then cost of leaving ? That NDP woman is funny . The ycan go and find jobs that offer more then cost of living .

    1. They need to be grateful that they have a job working for the government. Many need to go cause they do nothing and are not needed. They need to get back to work without anything. Period

  5. Well they were not there for the truckers, so now you are on your own ,Canadians are not on your side

  6. Someone commented let them eat peanuts…lol….I say send in the same national No name hired for beatings police used on the truckers….maybe y’all Canadians will wake up!

  7. Unfortunately this strike is viewed negatively due to the type of leadership this Country has had especially in the last 3 years. 2 years without a contract or a raise average is $41k to $60k when pay raises are given to MPs without discretion.

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