Annie Bergeron-Oliver breaks down what we know about the tentative deal between PSAC and the federal government.
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My biggest concern of remote work is surrounding security of my information. The recent track record of many organizations in recent months seems shaky.
No doubt. Also, as a manager I know that sometimes you can’t step out for a coffee before the slackers stop working.
@roof pizzaFair point. If I’m honest I don’t think i would have the discipline to work from home that’s for sure. It’s not that I’m lazy per say, though some may dissagree, I just need that structure.
Summary: PSAC got 12% and every union member getting paid off with $2,500. CRA union wants 9% raise immediately then a 20.5% raise over 3 years – so just a 30% salary increase.
13% increase over 3 years.
@Jumbo Me that’s what they asked for but they only got 12% over 4 years.
Again… one in the private sector are getting deals like this….. Trudeau spends like a drunken sailor back from New York City.
Then talk to your employer and stop crying about others
This increase in the public sector will set the standard bar higher than before for the entire industry. Everyone in private sectors should begin increasing their standards as well. Your fault if you don’t want to negotiate with your employer. Nobody is forcing you to sit back and accept pay cuts as inflation gets worse. The money is literally getting squeezed out of your pockets and the ones taking the difference are businesses who refuse to increase your wage. You should stand up.
Yikes. Private sector needs more/stronger unions.
Gosh that’s a $300 million one time payment of $2500 each on top of 12% and what ever other goodies they got. That’s better than the $467 grocery rebate for a family of 4. Unbelievable.
The only ones that qualify for that rebate are welfare and low income
are you burning? lol
So 3% times 4 years = 12%
How do the settle a strike yet CRA is still on strike?
PSAC begged CRA to go on a strike with them – when the deal is made, they bounced. We live in a country where government workers are run by these kinds of organizations.
There are multiple bargaining units with different collective agreements. That collective agreement is still not settled
Been living in Canada most of my adult life what federally provided service or product warrants a pay raise exactly?
Can you drive a tractor trailer from home? I wonder who exactly needs a raise; .. hope am not being too racist
overpaid whiny bureaucrats
Quite amusing with the union wanting employees to be able to work from the cottage but forced them to come to the pickett line in person.
Do as I say , not as I do.
so they got 2500$ now and 11.5% on 3 years the psac strike.
Is a news organization still uploading in 720p in 2023? Seriously? Do better!
Taxpayers will end up paying for their increase in pay.
$2500 payment? Canadian taxpayers taken to the cleaners, yet again.
3% a year ?
What is the inflation rate ?
What is the bonus for the union leaders?….They always get one, will it be released?
I was concerned that Trudeau was gonna do the Emergencies Act on them
EVERYBODY seems to forget that they,ve already been 2 years without a contract!!!!! So,,12% over 6 years(not the 4),,with the 2500 signing bonus IS NOT VERY MUCH and is certainly what the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WAS GOING TO ALLOW ANYWAYS!!!
Congratulations! You deserve to be paid your worth.
“Here’s what we know about the tentative deal”…taxpayers are going to get fucked.