A tentative agreement for 120,000 federal workers has been reached, but CRA workers remain on strike.
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Can we see the before the strike deal in a side by side comparison? Union members themselves are chatting it up, saying there is insignificant changes from the offer given BEFORE the strike. This illegal strike only had 35% of membership voting. PSAC is so out of touch. PSAC wasn’t prepared for the Canadian Taxpayer backlash of being considered self entitled brats.
@Wahid Shirin Conservatives don’t like it so it is illegal.
Justin alt account?
Just a reminder that there is a CSIS list of over a dozen Canadian politicians who have received money from Beijing.
Whose names are on the list? Why is the Trudeau government ardently trying to avoid it?
CG or CG? Canadian government or Criminal government?
‘tele’-work?…still milking that, are they.
Did anyone notice they were gone..unreal !!!
Nope, service was the same as before…terrible
Take from the needy
To feed the greedy!
Capitalism in a nutshell.
How convenient.
Here comes more taxs!!!
Ok seeing the sign that says… we need to eat too!!! I have no response on how ridiculous this is when some veterans and seniors are living below poverty. Liberals caved in.
Just cause things suck for one group they should suck for all? Glass half empty. How about they both get help?
@Ryan W Pretty PSAC aren’t starving, that’s the point.
Yup “work” from home ie babysit your own kids, laundry, baking, making lunch for the family, watching the soap opera…then 30 minutes of actual work
I suspect that working from home doesn’t mean you no longer have to meet your deadlines.
Did anyone miss them when they were on strike? I mean service was probably better with managers running things. 12.6 per cent from 2021 to 2024 and a one-time pensionable lump sum payment of $2,500. Anyone in the CAF, on CPP or just a regular tired taxpayer wish they had a 12.6 raise and 2 grand on hand?
You don’t know managers very well…
I doubt managers would do a better job. They manage the big picture, their teams do the work. Often, managers don’t know how to do the work because they have never done it or haven’t for many years. As for retirees getting 12.6% pay hike. That’s absurd. A retiree should have their home paid off (bought at a much lower price than today), their kids are adults and working. Strikers getting a raise are in their working years, with families to provide for and insane mortgages they are trying to pay off.
Government workers also pay taxes, so they also are part of the regular, tired tax payer
I only saw one person in Vancouver doing this lol
Taxes will go up now and still terrible service.
Bloody hell… I guess our taxes are going up!!
I noticed no difference between them being on strike and “working”
Neither did my dog
Why didnt they get arrested for closing down ports?
Why didnt they have their bank accounts frozen for disrupting the supply chain?
Why wasnt the law applied equally?
Just doing some research on legal precedence and unequal treatment under the law. Any information would be great!!
@Wahid Shirin and neither of those were the reasons why those things happened…
Maybe if you weren’t a gov employee I would expect some more sense from you
@Zestee Cheeze You’re right, there were far worse reasons. But if you’re fine with just those things that I mentioned, the rest will just hurt your brain too much.
@Wahid Shirin can you name one of those “far worse reasons”… let’s see if I can guess one of your memorized inaccuracies.
“There were confederate flags and swastikas”
??? Did I get it ??? Do I get your gold star now, or do i get my own, or how does this work?
155,000 on strike and didnt notice any change in services…
Can’t wait to see the Fraser institutes report for 2023
So everyone else got a raise to pay for higher taxes to fund their raises??
Remember they work so hard
. I was one and many have it very easy. Nothing to complain about but they found something
Fire them and privatize
Were public servants on strike? I didn’t notice