Abby Kuhathasan has the latest on the ballot-counting in Pennsylvania and the protests that erupted in the U.S.
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bots everywhere.
LMAO Veritas is for simps that have no clue how to think critically.
It’s a sad time when you’re actively censored
Trump: Dark Side
Biden: Light side
May the force be with you
Yeah…Lucifer Light side
Election interference of ANY kind is a federal crime. Going to be a LOT of Trump supporters going to prison!
You guys hardly covered the blm murders but jump on trump lol lol how you call yourselves a news channel i dont know. State run.
shut up already.
Why are they taping up posters and cardboard on the windows all of a sudden if they don’t have anything to hide?
Welcome to 3 world corrupt voting for 2 corrupt parties
If this can happen in the USA can you imagine how the liberals won in CANADA.
Look up project veritas breaking news, election fraud revealed.
“Count every vote”
Makes sense to me. Sounds fair