Recent protests across the country are likely to cause a spike in coronavirus cases as the pandemic continues to impact the United States. Dr. Dave Campbell discusses when and where the country could see spikes. Aired on 6/1/2020.
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Protests Could Set Off Second Wave Of Coronavirus Infections | Morning Joe | MSNBC
2 months of isolation and economic disaster, undone in one week
Well like the old saying says “you can’t fix stupid”
Thats what i said totally
This just sucks. People are stupid..cant fix stupid
Sticking with the water analogy, it doesn’t feel like a wave, it feels like we are fish in a washing machine.
Please cry some more so I can laugh harder.
@mig mm that doesn’t make any sense.
@Andrew Prim not crying mate.
Twas talking to everybody it applied to
mig mm this comment made my day..I’m sorry
Remember, we’re all in this together
Can’t we all just get along ?
@Sudhir Kakar nope. Expect ww3
I’m sure the family of George Floyd will share the settlement with you, not. Can you say lotto time
@Louis Reed I was originally being sarcastic. The government is going to be bankrupt after all the settlements now. I did 5 years for threatening to throw a dope whores keys out of the window after I ditched her and she left them in my car. I faced 16 felony charges and life in Georgia. Now I can’t get a job or a stimulus payment. Burn it down !!!!! Christianity is a fraud in itself !!!!!!
@Louis Reed there’s not gonna be a government much longer. Enough is enough. I’d like to cash my check with blood. I’m done with it already.
Coronavirus: “It’s free real estate”
@Edgy Teen Statically a unarmed black man has more of a chance to get struck by lightning than to get killed by a cop…On the left everything is emotions and lies,ignorance and unfounded hate..These set up riots by Antifa and BLM will only cause more divisions..
Glock Coley I actually dont know if thats true and thats the sad part. Yall are so focused on left and right and not the issue at hand. Unity, not division
@JabJabBinks Dude, your country is not about right and wrong any more… It’s more right and left.
It’s all divisions and blind sheep!
I’m sorry, but that’s what it is…At the end, George Bush didn’t come from Mars. He was American and his notorios slogan:
“you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” Is, in essence, your national anthem.
Baraa Khalaf again, this is the issue
When your number’s up your numbers up.
I don’t give a rat sass about your number. It’s when you go out to protest and bring that infection into the hospital and your inconsiderate action ends up taking my sons mother because she has to help you. All numbers are connected Jazz Man. Don’t be a fool with my wife’s health.
@Lourd O DaFlies she’s in the take a risk business and numbers don’t lie fool .
2020: yeet!
Looks like humanity is getting yeeted from existence.
Welp, just going to wait for this to die down in like a month to see what appears in July
This year so far has been an spectacular shitshow…
It’s funny because you said yeet
Second wave… Where was this when open up protest were going on and just the rush to open up.
Stay hope if you are retired and or terrified. Let those who have RENT to pay for closed up businesses work with precautions. The majority of deaths are those in poor health and over 60 years of age.
The average Covid death age is the same as the overall average death age. If you die from Covid, you are a 78 year old man who was going to die in a few months anyway
@R R that average is inflates sense early days of this pandemic in the US where nursing homes when inflected are immediate extreme cases. This due to the high constant numbers of those with compromise immune system stuck inside a shared ecosystem. Also you say 78 yr old dying is no big deal to you; yet others would see them as value members of a family unite. Plus if we were right off tens of thousands in deaths your going to see austerity measures crank way up from a lack of taxes (increased taxes, less spending on public goods/services, shrinking of the middle class options, etc).
The average isn’t inflated, those are the people dying, old sick people. You also incredibly wrong about “austerity”. 78 year olds are the ones who are on welfare. They are a net drain because they pay in less than they use. It would actually be good for the welfare system if they died, $ wise
Imagine handing Trump re-election like this. I thought they didn’t like him?
All Democrats care about is burning America to the ground to install their “Socialist States of anti-America” Democrat dystopia.
peyton quinn He doesn’t have dementia, stop listening to obviously fake alt right conspiracies. They’re only going to leave you lonely and mad all the time lol
@Kat Marie …..thought you were serious for a second
Down the Simple answers from the simple minded GO TRUMP!!!!
If it was me dying on the streets you will walk over me
Reser Loreto joker?
someone would see you and try to help even though there’s riot there are a few people who will notice, just keep screaming and reach out for someone to help
That’s my favorite scene in joker :p
@spy fox
I wouldn’t let them take your shoes!
@Reser Loreto a liberal
Bruh can’t my family just get deported back to Mexico? Would rather lmao. Might as well go to Santa Monica
I am enraged at these violent protesters. They are sick!
They may be getting sick, literally!
It’s media that’s escalating this.
No, not this bobble headed bleached blond, and Stabbin Joe, they aren’t pushing an agenda. They’re just telling us what to think, with their “experts”
It’s hard to get gun powder all over your hands if they are up. Much easier tho when you are attempting a strong armed robbery of an officer’s duty weapon
I am so proud of this thread. Because of us hate will stop
Embrace the hate
@ALL HAIL SATAN A ‘beliviricst’? What the fvck is that?
If it doesn’t stop, it’s gonna cause another civil war
Trump started that , the day he was inaugurated. Biden 2020
DIVeltro we need to settle thing right by working things out in a real way, all this violence, looting and killing is only going to get more people dead. Innocent people
@Tyler Irick understand perfectly the implications. Sometimes war and thinning out the population is healthy,,, take a wildfire for instance. Everything comes back healthier and greener. So yeah,, I’m in.
Lew King then I hope you’re ready for war and I hope you’re ready for what it brings
Sorry must correct that statement, two governmental factions make a civil war, when it’s the people against the system it’s a revolution…
Nothing like watching are country being torn apart from the inside out, just what are enemy’s want. I hope we the people can work something out together, God bless you all
Now in this vulnerable state is the perfect time for Russia or North Korea to attack us.
@Uncanny Danny trumps deploying his federal troops to the street 7pm curfew.
I actually see Americans coming together…
Systemic injustice BEEN tearing us apart from the inside out.
No, America should always have focused on itself first. What business does have anywhere other than in America?
Yep staying at home quarantining this whole time was all for nothing good job everyone
@Wavy TY Reacts ya more like getting corona
Or was this a part of a plan to reach november. This whole year is flakey.
@Louis Reed lies the economy was destroyed before this happened. Looks like they might blame it on the protest
Theirs no CV pandemic more like a plandemic. If someone dies of cancer, the death certificate will say CV. Its all a smokescreen. All this mess is happening by Design. Good times huh..
Fat Vibe Check
let it all burn i will burn first, God i’ve tried am i lost in your eyes? This hate that he gave me just let me burn it’s what i Deserve
He also wouldn’t have wanted to die as he plead for his life.
Imagine if this was never caught on camera…
He would’ve walked it’s terrible
When it’s even caught on video the police always walk.
I said that elier…and it does happen off camera no telling how often this happens unnoticed..
I live in LA and it’s a complete mess here…
*“Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?”*
– Arthur
Who Arthur is? He do brakes?
Nope, people just have cell phones now.
for real its basically the riots he caused but in real life
It’s all finally collapsing, it can’t sustain it self anymore. Look at all the over time for these cops, with state and city budgets already short in funding.
Why can’t they say infected, automatically they revert to dying. They want the scare the public
Because, instinctively, humans tend to refer to the worst situation.
because they have to keep selling it to keep the fear going. They know there is a large sector of people that believe everything they see on TV and and everything they read in these bull crap newspapers….facts