Protests Continue In New York Hours After 8PM Curfew | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

MSNBC's Ali Velshi joins to discuss what's happening on the ground in New York after another day of peaceful protests leads into nighttime and a citywide curfew going into effect. Aired on 6/2/2020.
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Protests Continue In New York Hours After 8PM Curfew | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Protests Continue In New York Hours After 8PM Curfew | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. Ya know, I respect these protesters fighting peacefully, but on the other hand, the corona ain’t gone. Please stay safe and healthy! 🙏

    1. @Shin There are 2 types of people rioting. Paid agitators and opportunists of crime (looters). Which one are you?

    2. Nobody I know has Carona and nobody they know has Corona and has EVER had it. I haven’t worn a mask, I REFUSE to submit to this NWO nonsense.

  2. this almost sounds like a joke. we went from stay at home orders….to curfews? which is…..the same thing?

    1. @Snake Plissken there’s no problem protesting at all but thats not what’s being shown. Whats being shown is riots, people begging looters to not burn down their black owned businesses and then they attack them and murder them and video tape it, then they burn everything down. This is globalism trying to destroy everything on their way down and using some of you to do it.

    2. @Brandon Boggs
      They’re not using me, bro…

      And the video in question shows people demonstrating the correct way.
      Kneeling with their fists in the air, marching to show solidarity…
      And defiance.
      These free Americans didn’t go home when they were told.
      I’m of the opinion that we could all do with a little defiance right now.

      Which is what the original post on this thread seems to be trying to say.


    3. @Matt Moore
      Says Matt.

      Matt with a channel containing zero content and no subs.

      What a shock…

  3. The people of NYCity are very familiar with tRump & generally hate him with a passion. Drop me a line & I’ll tell you why they hate tRump & Rudy Colludy Ghouliani there!

    1. Their both parasites and don’t deserve to be called fine human beings who contribute nothing to humanity. Most people who support these morons would never get a dime from them. Not even a dime.

  4. Such a waste of time and resources arresting peaceful protesters and slapping them with fines. It has no effect on people’s motivation.

    1. @Daniel Moses probably do what we did with lockdown protesters and release some hardened criminals to free up enough space

    2. Didn’t Trump said to lock them all up for ten years or something? Imagine the federal tax increase to hold tens of thousands of peaceful protesters for that long.

    1. Bo Jangles : Let’s ask anyone who’s under CURFEW right now, just how, “Free,” they feel? And, then ask them who THEY blame for their loss of freedom? I bet I know the answer? We gotta’ lose this Deep State Donny. Soon! ✌️

    2. Albert Green : Roughly since, “policing,” involved the slow, degrading, public MURDER of innocent citizens, I guess? Next question? Trump Troll

    1. @littleportrait

      So, you’re just a little “Cartman”…


      I’m sorry, I thought you were a mental case!

      Well, at least you have an excuse for bein’ so goofy.

      That was fun.

      Troll on, weird little kid…


    2. @littleportrait 14 huh. Well glad I had some other things to do before I delve into the Philosophy of Morality, Meta-Physics, Game Theory (not the show on this platform), the Dicomidy of Faith and Science, the Trinity of Logos, Ethos, and Pathos, and the Hypocrisy of the Word Perfection.

    3. BooBoo Bear after all that rant and you close it off with a Fox News reference. Are you mental mate?

  5. The blacks and colored have had enough of these injustices, there must be and end to these . For more than 400yrs ,injustice in all spheres has continued unabated.
    America, must do exactly what, she has on paper.
    What ” the emancipation proclamation did to the blackman, is analogous to transporting the astronaut to space,without his gadgets “.
    The civil rights movement came, with emphasis what, has to be done to write the wrongs of the past, in a non violent form to no avail. Black lives matter, can’t be underestimated but the expected results, did not follow. Now is the time and the time is now, America must come out of apartheid and live up to her creed.

    1. @T Holmes we’re dead either way. I’d rather die standing up for what’s right and making a change….

    2. I am confused on what is going on right now. It went from one thing to another and all of a sudden boom, a Riot out if nowhere becomes obnoxious and outrageous. I’ve seen too many footage’s showing me this and that and now I am lost on what is going on here.

    3. @Magic Shadow It’s a war. Good vs evil. Protesters are wearing masks. And our psycho President declared war on American protesters. The riots started because the cops tear gassed and shot ppl with rubber bullets… Being shot with a rubber bullet feels like you’ve been hit with a sledgehammer. Would wouldn’t become violent after that? Sh*t just go ahead and shot me with a real bullet. Don’t make me suffer like that.

    1. Shalom Denny You’re the only CCP Stereotype that overuse this term in this entire comment section

    1. Yeah Paul Manafort is free after looting MILLION$ of illegal dollar$… Where’s the justice??? In America, the rich thieves get away w/ looting, the poor get the shaft! “Freedom? Yeah right!”😈👎

  6. We in Europe keep hearing how the US is a free country. We never see these things here. You have created a monster.

    1. @treeko 10k People around the world loved Pres. Obama. People HATED W. Bush… and Trump is a joke! A laughing stock! It’s all about who is in charge… poppy Bush was just a disaster!😈👎

    2. @BooBoo Bear Why do u think everything is FALLING APART in the US? It all all comes back to Trump & his corrupt, inept WH that has ROTTED the country from the head down!🤮👎
      Moronic dictatorship has NO PLACE in America! *TRUMP FOR PRISON 2021*
      I’ll take Cuomo over Trump ANY DAY!😈

  7. From HK: I stand with these brave and peaceful souls fighting for fairness. Many riots look like Trump supporter. Five demands not one less: 1. Trump MUST resign.

    1. Captain Deplorable I promise you that looting isn’t a republican/Democrat thing. I’m sure that goes across the whole spectrum

    2. @Captain Deplorable There are videos showing white guys breaking windows before looting to dishonor this great protest

    3. @Captain Deplorable they have looked at the social media of arrested people, and there are literally all kinds.

    4. Bildgesmythe ill give you that but if you pay attention to the charges ,the whites arent being arrested for ,looting and viloence. Most of those whites are being arrested for curfew violations and such. All the ones looting and burning stuff down are a sea of light and dark brown . This is what they do everywhere they are,. The only exception to this ,are those basement dwelling antifa nerds.

    5. Captain Deplorable you of course realize that no matter what you media tells you. Antifa just means anti fascist. It’s not an Organisation.

  8. It goes further than what people realize: the government is playing around black people are tired of the Trump administration

    1. Well, Trump, as ever, made the whole thing about himself. So, he’s ended up being the one who opposes justice, freedom and the American way. Ask anyone under curfew if they feel free, right now? Then ask them who they blame for their not being free? Donny does it again. And each time, he makes it worse . . . Smh

  9. Sorry.. but using a curfew as a curtain to arrest peaceful protesters is simply pathetic.

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