CTV News' Mackenzie Gray reports on the ongoing protests in Ottawa as the trucker convoy makes it way towards Parliament Hill.
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Whatever is, peaceful protest will be key to success in expressing oneself .
@J B a successful peaceful protest would silence a lot of the critics and add support. A violent protest will do the opposite
@ALPHA Fitter these protests haven’t done anything though have they? This one will do diddly squat. Don’t you understand that there is only one way out of this now?
Just stop it Kathy.
Yep as long as it remains peaceful but somwhat noisy…glad I’m in Little Italy and not downtown.
agreee, he is a paid trouble maker
This is what _mostly peaceful_ looks like!
This is what peaceful looks like, mostly peaceful allows for a couple buildings to be lit on fire
@Angus Mac paid provocateurs were planted on Jan 6th.
@Angus Mac uhh no that’s what they said when half of Kenosha was on fire.
Blm burning buildings is mostly peaceful hahahaha
@Angus Mac How is it a comparison so far?
The legalized discrimination must come to an end.
Was never legal
@Mark Garvin tell that to the cops giving fines and enforcing vac passports.
@Mad Zak they’ll be held accountable. Are you forgetting the Nuremberg trials?
@Mark Garvin It will be hard to do that, but I hope it happens.
New Nuremberg must be commenced or this tyrannical regime will never stop.
@Richard ThompsonOne of the remaining members that drew up the charter is currently pushing for a lawsuit against the violations.
Cry again when nothin changes. Honking a few horns surely will cause a change :):)
What about my rights. Democracy is a two way street and so far “ truckers” are going against science. Go figure
police don’t have to worry about the pm’s office..he’s never there!!!
Scared of Humankind!
Exactly why they need to go over to the cottage …..1 Sussex drive btw
@C. Drewski peoplekind… remember?

ha ha ha ha!!! and i hope he never is allowed to go there or do any damage ever again…..
“The police are concerned about the security situation.” Interesting concept. Have a nice day.
They made me proud to be Canadian again, the Gov’t made me ashamed.
Make Canada great again!
After they are done with Trudeau they need to go after George Sorow and the ILLUMINATI mafia
@Ji Dol Trudeau is pribabky on the phone with Soris asking..” what now?”
“State Broadcasters” This report just proved the point!
Canada Strong For Everyone Way to Go Truckers
These are not just truckers. They are Canadians who came on trucks!!!
This is what we had to do in South Africa to stand up against farm murders. The pathetic excuse of a government couldn’t care less, but we eventually got their attention.
Omg what a comparison! No. Just no.
Yes! A corrupt government is not going to correct itself and that is exactly what Canada has.
You are the reason we are losing our loved one to a virus for 2 years. Shame on you
@Cyrene just ” no” what.?
Duke did your loved one have preexisting. Conditions? Do you know Jesus? He’s coming back soon. Get ready. Luke 21:25
How about the headline should be,” Canadian voters and taxpayers assemble in Ottawa to voice their displeasure.” Thank you, that’s all.
We pay their wages and yet we have unacceptable views….gotta laugh.
You should do it, you’ll get knocked out pretty quickly lil guy
@Spectacular Disaster Don’t hate on the messenger.
@Spectacular Disaster <<<<<------- that is probably what your parents said when your were born.
Truckers are fighting for a free and strong land! Trudeau should resign! Canada is the country I love!

Sorry Canada
I voted for wrong one now I want him to resing.
@Xena Shine What song do you want him to resing?
@Xena Shine useless voter
We need this PEACEFUL and organized protest!
Its peaceful. Give it a rest
@Crypto holica72 not when it comes to trespassing parliament
@Pantera fan Loco who is trespassing? it’s a public space!
@Pantera fan Loco Proof of source please or else halt the bunk.
CTVs interpretation of “violence” is more yelling….
No one said the word violence bud. Quit playing the victim.
@Starky513 they are implying violence when those same news reporters consider words to be violence
LOUD is NOT necessarily “AGGRESIVE” stop USING TERMS that do not reflect what is happening! NO ISSUES NO ARRESTS NO INCIDENTS because it’s PEACEFUL … LOUD BUT PEACEFUL!
@Lyn delaney well, if you try to storm or trespass the parliament, it’s pretty aggressive enough.
Truck you Trudeau!
@Pantera fan Loco Who is storming the Hill?
@Pantera fan Loco Yes how about the benefit of doubt for starters.
@Pantera fan Loco Take it easy there Fed – trying to pull a Ray Epps are we. No one is doing anything illegal, just peaceful lawful protesting.
Truckers are the blood system of the country, you have a lot of power. be strong and persistent! Thank you!
Proud to be Canadian seeing this peaceful protest and loudly honking that Canada should be a free country!
Why are they protesting at his office he’s never there ! Get over to the cottage!
Proud to be Canadian !
Proud the be one as well and should not be banned from getting vaccines
Way to go truckers, make them aware of how important you guys are to the economy and sustaining society.