Prosecutors want Bannon to be sentenced to six months

Federal prosecutors want Steve Bannon, a former top adviser to former President Donald Trump, to be sentenced to six months in prison for contempt of Congress, according to a recommendation filed Monday. In addition to serving time, the government is seeking $200,000 in fines. #CNN #News

Prosecutors want Bannon to be sentenced to six months


  1. If he was found guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress he should be sentenced to at least one year in prison without bail or parole and $500,000 in fines

    1. @Randy Bobandy pretty sure disregard for the rule of law is exactly the reason why. Held in contempt of Congress. 🥱

  2. Previous reporting stated that six months is the minimum for EACH of his two convictions. His maximum time in prison was a total of two years. The minimum time was six months for EACH crime (refusing to testify and refusing to turn over documents) but the judge had the option to allow them to run concurrently.

    1. Penalties for violations (a misdemeanor) include a fine of up to $100,000 and a jail term of one to 12 months.

  3. Just six months? Man, this country is kind hearted. I can assure you that if Trump and Bannon were in charge, they would not call for six-month sentences for anybody.

  4. This guy gets 6 months sentence while people get 6 years for weed? This is absurd for the high crimes that this man has done and is walking around with slaps on the wrist. This is disgusting.

    1. @Randy Bobandy Randy do see what you’re saying…..your threating. Take a step back man. Brannon is a bad man. I do consider him the worst. There is a book and a video. CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICS. Invest some time. It’s by a guy who worked for Bannon. Mark my words💙💜💚

    1. He really is, he has some chip on his shoulders, he was probably passed-over on a promotion in the Navy, he thought he should have gotten.

  5. Just imagine, only 6 months for all that? Who makes such laws? People are being locked away 3-6 years for lesser offenses #friendsofscoan

  6. 6 whole months? Well I would be frightened to death to ignore a subpoena after this…teeth chattering fear of Congress, and their power to unleash a heartless and cruel court system.

  7. Contempt usually doesn’t carry a long possible jail sentence, unless it’s coersive contempt (get out of jail as soon as you do the thing). A few people have actually spent years in jail because they have refused to do something the court ordered them to do. If you are Black, like Melvin Davis and Licurtis Reels, you can be held in jail for over 14 years.

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