Fani Willis, the Atlanta-area district attorney investigating former President Donald Trump, is beefing up her office with a new evidence expert, according to a source familiar with the situation.
#CNN #News
Fani Willis, the Atlanta-area district attorney investigating former President Donald Trump, is beefing up her office with a new evidence expert, according to a source familiar with the situation.
#CNN #News
Let’s send Trump To prison! Let’s make America safe again!
@Pamela Wing Trump was a far better president than Biden for all the world to see.
Trump is not going anywhere he will never see you one day in jail you just love to blah blah blah blah blah blah he is the king of America he’s got more money that all Americans put together so stop blah blah blah blah blah
@Mark Ellis Trump was a far better president than Biden for all the world to see.
@Martin Dreadhe might have a lot of money but he ain’t no better president than any other president he was the worst president America will ever see
@John Holmes jr trump is going somewhere… down
His trial can’t come quick enough.
@Frszt I don’t know if you heard but Joe is not the President in either
@Andiamo18 Trumpers are sick in the head
There ain’t no way Trump will ever see a courtroom or even an indictment.
@Andiamo18 he is president whether you like it or not. Like I said, facts don’t care about your feelings
@Nexus Six They already have him for campaign finance fraud, don’t you have access to real news, comrade? Perhaps you just have a limited memory, remember individual one?
People, you all know that he did this why are we dragging our feet in this case he should be charged for criminal offenses and arrested plain and simple if someone else had done this they would have been in jail by now why is it taking so long I just say system sucks
Well in America people are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. So they do have to build the case first they can’t just arrest him and say everybody knows he did this.
Building a case takes time. It’s not what you “know” it’s what you can prove.
@SuperDannyrulez understandable if we all didn’t see so much video coverage over and over and over……
A Fool rushes in where angels fear to tread. Trump was so foolish enough and so desperate enough to make a phone call that would have him on tape. SMDH.
Knowing what we do about trump, and the fact he went to the Russians, Ukraine and China for help, I seriously doubt that was the only State he tried to coerce, love to see his phone records for that period when the FBI is done with them.
He was used to doing this his whole life, he forgot that as a President he will be recorded and he thought very delussionally that every Republican is a crooked as himself.
He needs to be accountable… this man is guilty of so much. He has blood on his hands for all those that died from covid. He knew. GEORGIA PLEASE GIVE US JUSTICE!!!!
He looks like a Family Guy cartoon version of himself in that thumbnail.
Trump has always been a characture
Peter Griffin would be a better President then Trump.
@Ivares Kesner thanks for the spellcheck update xo lol
Lord, he’s at a wedding talking about this.
Somebody get your crazy uncle off the mic.
… Ok “hero”…

Enjoy the Evening. It’s truly sad what politics and this so called virus has done to this country.
@Scott Jeter Don’t forget your booster shot
@Andiamo18 TDS – “Trump derangement syndrome” People dressed head to toe in Trump hats, shirts, flags, and banners holding parades/caravans for him when he’s not even there! People who listen to Trump say something horrible, something they know is horrible – but then think he never said it because Trump says he never said it. THAT is TDS, not pointing out his lies and dumb a** behavior.
Donnie The Trumpet, “Just say you recalculated, yea that’s the ticket, only count my votes, so important for me/I mean,
the country”…
Poor wedding couples and guest I can’t believe how I will feel if someone starts to whine on my wedding party about an election he lost
, and this is funny 

This must be a comedy , no one could be this low no class at all — oh I
forget the Fat Orange Turd .
Bad groom
No pity. They invited him. Or. Did he crash the party? But they chose to have it there, so…

I had a dream… the orange clown was in an orange suit.
He went too far, too many times. Just like Al Capone, he may not fall for what we thought he would but this dangerous “man” will be down anyway.
I had the same dream. I think mine was a premonition. And it was great! He was behind bars with all the other crooks in his administration.
@Sandra Barrie havent you been having that dream for 5 years now?
@BYDEN Gives XI a Reach Around Daily LMAO! Something bad about Trump got reported? Quick… copy pasta some deflection!!
IT may have been a dream , but it’s a projecting dream — in orange he
shall be .
@Abd Sofy Chosen messiah? You are one twisted freak.
I don’t understand how anyone likes him let alone give him money or support.
@Andiamo18 Russian Troll…. U tube check his IP address?
@Trump Circus won’t happen women aren’t leaders sorry buddy
@Trump Circus Good guess you must work with Adam pencil neck Chit
@Sharon Azevedo
He is what it is
@Michael Fairbairn I’m voting for the American Patriot.
Confederate flag waving traitors are not getting my vote.
Lock him up already. America will be better off.
Todd you have a better chance of going to jail lol. Are you people nuts or totally insane
@Andiamo18 with your name you will be locked up soon
@Andiamo18 take all the politics out of it; you really still can’t see that he is a horrible person? The constant lying. The bullying. The selfishness. The lying.
@Todd McKintyre Elaborate Todd tell me about the lying
@Trump Circus lol go back to your Xbox
Trump’s defense attorneys: “Your honor, our client is an idiot. The defense rests.”
Well said.
@Julian Rivera you are wrong. l my not a troll. visit the channel l have told you will see what awaits us.
… and he only did it all for “entertainment” and campaign donations.
President Trump is so much more a leader than that demented racist Biden
@M Hall Biden and Trump are just actors. they have same masters ( ,Windsor ,Rockfeller , Rothschild. …) and worship the same god :Lucifer
Good. Let’s gets this moving.
The bag of crap is slowly going down the drain. Like we didn’t see that coming.
shouldnt call biden a bag of crap. There is no bag.
@Frank Harris Oh look. It’s a whiny crybaby.
Hopefully Trump will trading in that toupee real soon for a bed buddy called “Bubba? ” we go to jail over a speeding ticket, but this narcissistic man child literally tried altering our very democracy!
NO, he tried to kill it.
@Linda Walters

Why would racketeering be “difficult” to prove when hes been doing it for decades?
Imagine being able to look back on your wedding and say “remember when trump stood up and whined about losing the election?” He’s so pathetic
@Uriah Heep If you let your significant other read some of my post, she will immediately get pregnant, I have that much testosterone flowing and yeah, you cannot keep printing money, eventually someone will have to get a job, or learn how to work on the machines…… and prices will start skyrocketing Nationwide… but don’t worry, they will print more money, LOL
@Rahim Majid talking sense to a SGT.?

@Stephen Gordon the channel “shaking my head productions ” can wake you up .Don’t miss learning the truth about this world . instead of watching CNN or fox news, watch one of these channel videos.
@Sgt.Martin Riggs, see, as soon as facts are mentioned you go silent. No worries, I wasn’t expecting much anyway.
@Tracy Walker sgt Marty party hearty reporting for cult45 insurrectionists take over and photograph shooting. To whom do I apply for head of brain damaging drugs?
Bring it on, this level of blatant corruption needs to be brought to justice.
Washington post retracted their story 2 weeks ago that they lied story never happened
The fact that his toast to a newlywed couple was about his own election that he lost over 5 months ago is absolutely hilarious but shows how much of a narcissist he is.