Larry English, the man who owns the home under construction that Ahmaud Arbery is believed to have entered before he was shot and killed, says he does not believe Arbery stole anything that day.
#CNN #News
Property owner doesn’t believe Ahmaud Arbery stole anything the day he died

The fact that anyone would even entertain this as justification for what happened shows how sick our society is.
Kind of like sicko smollet. False accusations about whites attacking him. Yeah.
@Let’s Chat Brandishing a weapon. Two , possibly three to one odds. Why not subdue him and contact law enforcement? The kid was lynched.
@David Bird I’m relaying the facts, relaying the interview from the property owner and the driver of the second vehicle that was trailing and shot the video footage. I’m not saying whether these men will be found guilty in a court of law, I’m saying there’s enough information to charge, and to go to trial. I’m also saying to people thinking what they did was ok in any way, then rethink your position, because even if you find that they were justified it still resulted in someone’s death, and that by itself is tragic.
@Everrett Kleen yeah just like Emmett Till
Sarah Adams I agree. Very sad state
Why is this even a conversation? No action deserved summary execution.
@Rick J The law in Georgia says you can self defend if you’re not the one holding a gun. He didn’t want to run and get shot in the back.
@Patient Carrot Why did he have to stop? He didn’t know that guy from Adam. He didn’t know them. They had guns pulled on him and kept blocking him off in their trucks. He didn’t have to stop for anyone. For the self defense, he was trying to knock the gun out.of the guy’s hand because he didn’t want to keep jogging and get shot in the back. Georgia has a self defense law if a gun is pulled on someone. It is mentioned here in the video and in other videos about the case. As far as their “citizen’s arrest”, it won’t hold up in court. They did it illegally and did not actually witness him doing a crime.
ali- exactly.
Execution is like when you have someone tied to a pole and then you shoot them. Arbery was not restrained in any way. He brought the fight to McMichaels–that’s why he’s dead. Cold blooded murder is like walking up to a stranger from behind and shooting them in the head. This was more like a life and death struggle where it was not clear who would survive the battle.
That doesnt justify murder in coldblood.
God bless him there is still honest decent people in the world.
Facts. This guy is genuine.
Crossed Finges
And also God please cover him and his family as well
Key Key yes that poor guy (honest decent guy) will be getting flack from both sides. Personally I think the man shot was hunted down and murdered. So sad. I live in NZ and we have such mild racist issues here. Most people have friend groups with all races in them and racism is not really thought about. There are parts of provincial NZ that have racism from not meeting other races and pure ignorance of not knowing other races. And then there’s the issues of the indigenous people Maori having more poverty. but it’s nothing like the US, I find it hard to understand why skin colour is such a big issue for people in the US. It’s bizarre for me.
Nothing justifies the killing of this young man!
@#justsaying kid? Ninja was 25.
@VLADIMIR TROTSKY no one likes it when you start judging by the content of his character.
@Jeremiah Ferguson you another one of those faking the funk “black people” you know no content no subscription just you texting hate WE KNOW YOU’RE REALLY A WHITE PERSON ! OK …… TROLL!
@James Kellinger unless the young man was accosted by those so called law abiding citizens.
Bla bla bla lets be stupid sheep and take sides like our owners want us to do
Doesn’t matter what he did? The sentence for nothing is nothing. What’s the news? If two white guys kill someone while pretending to be citizen cops (in their minds) then there is a debate. The debate should only be how long these murders get to stay in jail. Only in the south? If it was two black men shooting an unarmed white man for no reason do you think we would debate if what they did was right. What these to white guys did was not right and was 1st degree murder. That’s the death sentence in the south.
Arm chair attorney bla bla bla
@sweed You really think that he would get incarcerated for being curious and trespassing to look at a house under construction? It doesn’t look like the property owners would have even pressed charges.
@sweed and there was no theft
@Cheeky actually they are one and the same. Only moral gymnastics make it seem like they aren’t.
Like my Grandma always said “What’s the price of beans?” AKA WtF does that have to do with this MAN being killed?
A person’s life is precious; a shame on us goes like this
Larron Singleton are you 9 years old? Lol
Wanna play a game?
@Spoony G
I hope they’re found guilty for stalking the thug but not guilty of murder because grabbing a loaded shotgun is nothing short of reckless stupidity,and a lack of knowledge about gun logistics…
I C stalking lols
Very brave of you.
@Spoony G STFU coward
I C whatever kick rocks with your butthurt u nutnapkin.
The people trying to justify his murder because of this video are just as bad as the ones who murdered him. Hate filled racists.
@Valelacerte, holy christ, I see where you get your bs from as Stefan Molyneux has quite the creative imagination and just makes up bs as he goes along.
@cj p you are kind of right. What’s your thoughts on the murder?
cj p so u saying because he ran out it’s justified he was murdered?
@Raymond you must mean just in America? That can’t be the world wide total.
Marta Selway ???
Cant possibly be a citizens arrest, if a crime wasnt committed..
Wayne Smith No they won’t
@Matthew Hackett yeah they will and you should hope so if this is let go this only opens the door for more situations for. Sick men to overly react in these cases then only to be justified by this case trayvon martin case allowed this case to be ok this goes without being handled correctly what are we as a people saying yes or ok to..Are you fine with the backlash the future justifications because this wasnt handled properly what happenedd if next time its a whiteo ur man leaving a property with priors running down a black neighborhood should he be pulled up on with guns. Or if you have a relative who somehow found himself in this same situation do your moral senses then kick in
@Matthew Hackett i guess the people who charged them with murder have no brain likewise to u
@Matthew Hackett they never saw him trespassing never they just saw him running abd assumed
Once again another case of gun carrying citizens trying to take the law into their own hands.we see how well this is going
It doesn’t justify murder. Riding around with shotguns. Shooting in broad daylight like it’s a pass time. Why is it hard to admit that this was murder?
Maybe they should shoot your young son, brother, in the street? You wouldn’t debate it right? You will call it murder then right?
@Arianna R. People like you defending garbage that can’t keep their hands of other peoples stuff and who think fighting people who are just tired of you coming around stealing is what is wrong with society. Didn’t your parents raise you better?
@t1tacal that wasn’t a cop that stopped him, cave ape. Lol. And real talk…….I got something if any of u genetic mistakes try me. Lol. Oh god….please do.
@t1tacal you are clearly a racist and bigot so it’s obvious your parents didnt raise you right.
@Watching utube if someone walked up to you with a shotgun and started questioning you youd be scared for your life too.
@Corey Davis What is that you got Corey? AIDS?
Wishing this family peace and comfort. This has got to be a crazy time for them as well.
Yeah, not everyday you lose a son that jogged 24 miles every morning.
Punish the McMichaels to the extent of the law!
I see them getting off unfortunately.
That will be a not guilty verdict, if it even goes to trial.
Those two jerkoffs are father and son, but they’re also cousins.
They’re actually half brothers
They got unshaven ballsac faces.
Thanks for the giggle
We need more citizens like Mr. English. Cool, calm, collected, gentle and honest.
Most people are like that in person generally kind. It is only when they get behind keyboards using anonymity and pseudonyms that they act like completely different people.
Arbery was being attacked by two armed individuals who had intercepted his path with a vehicle and then demanded that he stop. The two armed individuals tried to unlawfully detain Ahmaud Arbery and illegally brandished their weapons in order to intimidate and frighten Ahmaud Arbery into complying with their unlawful attempt to detain him. It is ILLEGAL to brandish a weapon for the purpose of coercing or intimidating another person.
The fact that the father and son were engaged in the criminal act of trying to illegally detain Ahmed Arbery while brandishing weapons means that the father and son DO NOT get to claim self defense to justify their actions and they had no lawful right to ‘stand their ground’.
You don’t get to claim self defense or ‘stand your ground’ when you are yourself engaged in criminal activity that predicates the situation. As a matter of fact, if anyone dies as a result of your illegal behavior, then the ‘felony murder’ statute kicks in and you are guilty of murder. In fact, if Ahmaud Arbery had chosen to try to run away from his attempted kidnappers and then got ran over by a bus and died, it would still be a felony murder case against the father and son.
Folks walk into homes being constructed all the time.
@ray ray He speaking from the assumption that Arbery stole something from the property. The fact that the owner of the property confirmed that nothing was stolen blows his opinion out the water. Cops can also be wrong black or white he wrong.
Its obvious he was either looking for something to steal or scoping the place out to come back with a car to steal what he saw .
But still only cops should be stopping people on public streets .
So a guy with a criminal history of theft ?
Was not stealing stuff well that’s easy to figure out he either didn’t see anything worth stealing or was going to come back at night with a vehicle to take what he saw in there not rocket science.
But still those guy had no business stopping him on the streets like that
That’s why we have cops .
@D M so I had to go back and look at the comment because I don’t respond with emotions, I respond with raw facts. But your comment was ” I agree there was no imminent threat when he walked into that house, unfortunately they were fighting for the shotgun and the gun owner now had legal cause to shoot in any state he’s an idiot for chasing after him with a shotgun, if he had just called the police the man would still be alive” so no the gun owner did not have legal cause to shoot him, i have watched the shooting video frame by frame and Travis the son the one with the shotgun pointed it at Ahmaud and shot before he attacked.
Who tries to steal wood materials in broad daylight he just looked curious of the house built
@Terry Allen thank you I’ve been nosey a few times just curious on the layout of the home.
Just about every young man on the planet has done that.
I’ve been curious, I’ve been looking for a job, I’ve gone to a buddies job site, I’ve heard odd sounds and checked them out. There are many normal human reasons.
I also know, even if white men suspected me of something, they would approach me…a white guy…far differently than they would a young black man. It is just the way a big part of our country is.
@Princess Garcia the law disagree with what your saying. People have the right to enter your property when you ask them to leave then you have to leave, That is what the law saids . If they break something to enter then they are trespassing which didn’t happen.
Charles Pitts it’s a house with no barriers to entry it’s not your property then you have no business there,,, it could be an empty piece of land it’s trespassing
@Princess Garcia wasn’t the father and son house either, they should have mind their own business, but no! The racism couldn’t let them..
Mr English has behaved well, clearly grieving and depressed.
He didn’t deserve to die
Hey lowkey looks like a piggy
Poor guy. Dragged into this mess through no fault of his own. It’s really sad, but he’s stepped up in a big way. God Bless him!
he spoke very good english
Thank god
His mom and his friend at morehouse college said that he wanted to be an electrician. That would explain his curiosity at a construction site
@Austin Giguere A thief deserves to be killed? I think you’re lost, this isn’t the Wild West anymore. You might want to head up to North Korea since you love cruel punishments
@Greg B Like niggas who defend criminals ?
Austin Giguere you are sick smh sad
But not explain why he entered it in a sprint, then left in a sprint when spooked by the neighbor.
Try again……