Study subjects who received Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine had positive early results, according to the biotech company, which partnered with the National Institutes of Health to develop the vaccine. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains what's next.
#Covid #CNN #News
Are there any mouse patient with hypertension and diabetes problems that they tried the vaccine on?
@Sally Portillo i meant youre probably not gonna get the answers youre looking for “here”
@EleCticCOokie I know but this is the only thing I can do, how many People will die for being a bio-experiment by the nasty researchers with no conscience.
@EleCticCOokie The Western researchers are fawning ignorance, they are really after the children by spreading a new kind of virus which is similar to Kawasaki disease.
UK freemason researchers are really diabolical, next is the Americans and Europeans.
Why are there less children in Asia with known Kawasaki disease and the White children are being sacrificed at the altar of BioPharma profits?
This question is dumb, really dumb.
About to be like “I am Legend” pretty soon. Loll
– Edit: I forgot I was on CNN. Can’t post anything without it becoming political.
Everyone need to wait until fall when coronavirus and influenza join forces lol..
@William H Music 2020
“useful idiot”
@Dave Schultz
“useful idiot”
Beat me to it damn!
Anti-vax moms: NOPE NOPE NOPE
But the funny thing is, I guarantee the people who are behind the creation of the vaccine or are funding it, won’t get the vaccination themselves. They know better than blind stupid sheep. If you guys are cool being guinea pigs for the rest of us, then please be my guest!
Influenza yeah we know, you realize the vaccine changes every year for the different strain of virus? Like the flu
Jennifer Carlough that’s your decision but vaccines, especially the ones for older viruses such as polio, have saved lives. The government is clearly corrupt, and I’m not talking about this new vaccine, but please vaccinate your kids. (Minus their flu shlts and all that if you feel that way, but millions died before vaccines came around.) Again, your decision…
Rory Cannon that’s a popular narrative given by quite a few people that for some strange reason feel its perfectly ok to tell others what they should or shouldn’t do with their own bodies & that of their children. The reality is that the majority of people that choose to space out vaccines or avoid them all together came to that conclusion from extensive research after, themselves or a loved one became sick or injured as a direct result of vaccines, in some cases death. There is never a one size fits all for any kind of medication the same is true for food, some people can die from penicillin or shellfish while others may just developed a rash or other symptoms & the next person will be fine. It’s widely known & not even disputed that some people will never even develop any kind of immunity after the shot. The slogan “safe & effective” is deceptive at best. Bottom line is if you want to be vaccinated or take chance on hoping your child will be ok if they are vaccinated then you should be able to do that I guess but no one has the right to force others to risk their lives or well being their children.
Generic Jameson that pretty much proves the point of them being pointless.
Moderna has never released a single vaccine to the public, I feel happy about this breakthrough!, but I don’t know I would be cautious…
There’s still trials for the vaccine to go through before it’s released to the public. Let’s just hope it passes all trials
My own primary care physician said she has concerns about a vaccine being developed this quickly. That gave me pause.
Dude….its a trial with promising results.
@T N there is no vaccine. so it hasn’t been developed quickly. The trials aren’t over.
Well, then what could go wrong with this?
I’m going to take the wait and see approach to this vaccine to get all of the facts first.
Rory Cannon A man made virus and a man made vaccine…that doesn’t seem a little bit suspicious to you?
@david bouy So, why so toxic? Do you get your rocks off insulting people when it makes little sense given the comment you replied to… There are plenty of stupid comments you could better expell your hateful nature upon. I bet you have loads of friends. Not. Good luck in life kid, I think you might need it.
@WeeStrom CO Guy if you want to be an antivaxx apologist GO AHEAD. But don’t expect understanding from the likes of me.
When it’s cleared by the professionals, that’s the time to take it.
But hey, if a bunch of Trump’s don’t want to take the vaccine. Cool. It means it’ll b quicker for the rest of us who are not fooled by silly conspiracy theories about Bill Gates working for Satan, or whatever such nonsense these idiots believe.
Yeah but when Donald touted hydroxyhloroquine as panacea, you did not have time to “gather all the facts’. When actual scientists develop a clinically tested vaccine,all of a sudden, people wana reject it..People
Me with internet explorer: When is the Area 51 raid going to happen?
NOT “people”……DEMOCRATS! Hair on fire!….DEMOCRATS…..mean while Cuomo sends infected patients back to nursing homes to kill senior residents
“useful idiot”
Someone entered and let the coronavirus out!
@edstimator1 Chill Im a Republican too but at this time of crisis we gosta look out for each other even though we have political differences. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER check this
Gates foundation everybody!
knowing 2020 so far you know coronavirus is gonna be like: *Syke lol*
@Forest Leech Yes,for more information go to
@drhambo go to site askdoctorbuttar. com
@Allan Ritchie please check site
askdoctorbuttar. com
@Deviant Affinity please check site
askdoctorbuttar. com
@Nina Kotyk no check this out
In 12-18 months: “should be 12-18 months”
2021: I got something for y’all
Marcos campos I was waiting for someone to say that
@mason deeks It already has! The 2019-2020 flu season’s number stagnated at 6g in October of 2019. With no more numbers recorded. The normal yearly numbers are more than 20g. Where did they go? Where did the thousands and thousands that die every year from heart disease, strokes, kidney failure, diabetes, cancer or vehicular deaths go? Their numbers simply are not there!
@Marcos campos it supposed to change d n a.
Yup it’s called agenda 21 ft. the govt and bill gates.
Karen’s getting there Facebook fingers ready like:

Bernie Sanders is getting ready to blast all of the drug companies bringing these vaccines to market.
Gleeko 1 Their you fucking idiot
Hope the llama antibodies can get us somewhere as well
i cant wait to see this when they tell us to Line Up and roll up your sleeve…….gonna be interesting
Roll up your sleeve—that’s what me and all the other kids did when Polio vaccine came along.
Ill line up for that shot any day
It’s ok you don’t have to get it, it’s your life. You can keep being a conspiracy theorists, that’s your right. The sane people will continue ignoring your rhetoric.
Ernie S. Polio was an actual problem that disfigured and killed millions since basically the beginning of recorded history. And the vaccine wasn’t pushed as “almost ready” by the bill and melinda gates foundation when it was in phase one…
jcxd21 because you can…
because if phase 3 goes well you have a pile made allready and not waiting another few months to make them…got it boss?
This, the rush to a vaccine, is the beginning of every zombie movie I’ve ever seen.
Yesss!! Wasn’t this the premise of Legend???
Bernie Sanders railing against the drug companies is the beginning of every zombie movie I’ve ever seen.
@Zach do you know how to grow food?
Potatoes and radishes are your best survival food.
Raddish can harvest in close to a month. Potatoes are virtually pest free if grown in buckets.
And we case neighborhoods looking for bernie signs in the front yard to identify soft targets.
Just pretend we are “jogging”.
I think you have seen the movie a lot. It isn’t real.
The Walking Dead in real life
2020: Vaccine is coming this year..
Corona: say sike right now!
Toilet paper and hand sanitizer companies
We have HCQ sitting on the shelves. It is not just promising it is proven and even prevents you from catching the China Coronavirus.
People: _Finds a vaccine_
2020: *There’s another*
I hope your comment spoiled like milk, not wine.
@USAball oh don’t worry it’s *WINE*
See how quick they came up with a vaccine for this virus but took a long time to find one for the HIV
because they created it we all know that
As hard as a “vaccine is critical for getting back to normal” has been pushed in the media, we ought to be highly skeptical and cautious with any vaccine that gets pushed through the system any faster than it usually does minimally. There’s just too much money and politics involved that can lead to corner cutting and lazy reporting.
(Note: im not an anti-vaxxer)
Lol anti trump doomers