A procession from Toronto to Barrie for OPP Const. Pierzchala is underway. CTV public safety analyst Chris Lewis on the community support.
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How could this of happened?!
Didn’t this individual have a parole or probation officer? Why wasn’t he arrested months before hand?
My thoughts and prayers go out to the officer’s family and friends.
Sadly this will continue as our government doesn’t address crime & violence. In fact they lowered the penalties for many crimes.
Yes it’s pathetic but cops don’t enforce court orders half the time anyway. There was a warrant out since September had the cops even looked for the guy or were they too focused on thought policing non violent offenders etc. instead? All this attention when a cop dies but there are over a hundred a year killed by domestic violence in Canada yearly and many of them have court ordered protection orders too that are useless and unenforced cops blame the courts courts blame the cops and no justice for anyone. Apparently it was Gregs boyhood dream to be a police officer too so some would say that’s what he signed up for.
@Chris Coyle yeah really a life sentence is possibly only 25 yrs. I say bring back the death penalty.
The public and police need too deal with this not politicians
You mean the public and police need to take care of the politicians.
This is on CTV’s hero Trudeau .
Why is the guy still breathing
The judicial system failed the society again,?
But why?
Police officers deserve to go to work and not have to worry about these kinds of criminals. Instead our government thinks it’s more important to go after hunters and sport shooters than it is to secure the borders from the guns used to commit these crimes.
to add to that, the current liberal government reduced the minimal sentences for criminals convicted of firearm related crimes.
@Jordan L wonder what liberal voters think now?
Why , why is cruel and very painful news !
wonder where and how all the drugs and guns are getting over the boarder ?
Justice system is broken in Canada
Yes, like everything else under this liberal government.
Toronto police video Suhail manjra last fakes names cammdaner saved
Mean while Trudeau was asked questions
When are you going to grow your beard back
Why do dogs wear pants
By the end of Sunday no one will remember this guy

A sad day. My condolences.
One Kriminal off the street I mean actually three
Terribly sad. Hopefully one day Canada will focus on our weak justice system & liberal criminal friendly policies, instead of legal firearms owners.
The guy was released after multiple offenses. Blame your current federal government.
I blame liberals for this, cant keep a repeat offender behind bars, let them out on bail
blame trudeau with his laws
Spoczywaj w pokoju Grzegorzu
Trudeau needs to go
Crime and punishment. Bring back the death penalty. Commit any three crimes and execute. Not wait 25 years…within 7 days. Crime will drop