Pro-Palestinian protests take place around the world amid conflict with Israel

CNN's Becky Anderson speaks to Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, president of ​the Palestinian National Initiative about the rising tensions in Gaza and the possibility of establishing a Palestinian state through non-violent means.

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Pro-Palestinian protests take place around the world amid conflict with Israel


    1. @Bannedforthe8thtime Youtubecanthandletruth what? I legit have know idea what you are taking about.

    2. @leor Levi I’m not just talking about the Israeli governments outright militaristic operations. Even though I have major questions as to why you think it is okay for a country who prides themselves on having one of the most sophisticated foreign intelligence agencies in the world (Mosssad) to kill innoce t children all the damn time. I’m taking about the systemic dehumanization and oppression of the Palestinian people on at the hands of your government. I don’t understand how you cannot see that refusing to allow innocent people access to clean water, food, electricity, medical supplies and access to roads ffs. I’m sorry, but its quite clear to the entire world that your government is trying to exterminate them as a people. I’m trying to appeal to your humanity because I don’t want to believe any Jew would condone these actions.

    3. “European settlers coming to a foreign land, settling there, and either committing genocide against or expelling the indigenous people. The Zionists have not invented anything new in this respect.”
      ― Noam Chomsky,

    1. @ALON ZADOK so what, a stupid book of primitive magical nonsense didn’t mention pizza, but I’m still eating it for dinner.

    2. @Baheer M that came later on Judaism is 5000years old and was ripped off by ur prophet

    3. And? That doesn’t change the fact that it was mentioned in the Quran, what are you trying to grasp at here?

    1. I’ve always thought it’s strange to call any land “holy.” That small piece of land exists for a relative microsecond in time before plate tectonics and erosion rearrange the planet again. I can’t imagine a God who created the entire, living planet, never mind the universe, would want us to glorify and single out one, little, ever-changing part of it. Hell, the entire human species has only been around for a tiny, tiny fraction of the Earth’s history.

      I know it’s more about land than religion, but the religion doesn’t help.

    2. New Republican – Who said that? I’m sure nobody did, and your tiny brain was straining to come up with a way to use it to bash liberals. SMH.

    3. We made some progress under truno and once we get another republican administration I think we have the blueprint for peace. Deal with those who are responsible and have common values and interests. Thats how we got so far with the Abraham accords

  1. The entire world is in distress right now, what makes people think Israel would escape it?

    1. @Franko Ramerez I think your confusing this outcome with what will actually happen to your kind.

    1. Actually they were before yes. Christians, muslims and jews were coexisting peacefully in palestine before the occupation

    2. Whene the settelements stops and Israel acknoledge the borders of fPalestine and stops settelements

    3. “European settlers coming to a foreign land, settling there, and either committing genocide against or expelling the indigenous people. The Zionists have not invented anything new in this respect.”
      ― Noam Chomsky,

    4. @Cuck Lord Yeah not just the Europeans. Spain, Portugal, France. Why are white people always blamed.

  2. Love and Light from New Mexico ! Folks, be ready be prepared. #southwestpreppergroup

    1. Hamas wants to take attention off the fact that they cancelled electuon…same old story. The people if Gaza nee a real party to lead them and not these two terrorist organizations.

    2. @TheGamingAlong you mean the part of the world who votes for their leaders? The reason for that is that Israel has freedom and is a responsible player.

    1. I really wish both sides would come to senses. This segregation is as bad as the constant atrosities.

    2. ​@Gluteus Maximus If it gets really bad we’ll just wait for one side to kill the other, then kill the victor. Like more civilized parts of the world.

  3. Wow this is terrifying and horrible this shows how violent human beings can be but the figures when does fighting ever end🤔

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