Paul Workman speaks about what was revealed in the last episode of Harry and Meghan, including Harry being screamed at by his brother.
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Wow. Siblings yelling at eachother… what a scandal!!!!!!!
Wow! Like that never happens! Lol. How lame.
I think that if, as in this case, your sibling is acting as your boss then it becomes a bit more menacing.
@Mags J Have you heard of birth order? Not saying it was pleasant, but older sibling yelling at younger happens all the time.
@Mags J its almost like.. it’s almost like William is his superior. Believe it or not the monarchy is a job, you do something wrong at work, you get sat down and spoken to, what a shocker
@Mom Tur ⁴⁴443444444⁴4444444444⁴⁴⁴⁴4444
Awh! Poor Harry.
Oh my gosh… is that drama ever going to end… 10 years later the hurt felt from the royal on SuperFlicks
Shame, poor baby love – his big brother shouted at him
Meg & Har always seeking attention.
These two are pure evil!
Oh my Gosh.
Look in the mirror.
@elasticfantastic8286 at least I can see my own reflection. Those two are so evil
… they can’t see their’s!!
Yes William and Kate are pure evil
Poor baby…….
Your brother didnt yell at you
Your Prince did
Know your role sunshine.
that would be the one he swore to defend and obey
Yes, as in future King
Let me get out a violin!
Stop treating meaningless drivel as if it’s important.
I thank you for expressing my exact thoughts…
Where are the facts, any facts to back up any of these claims? Just a lot of complaining, blaming and victim hood.
Wow bothers arguing in front of Grandma and she stays out of it.
My brother yelled at me and I yell back that’s called sibling argument. Why is this news?
I want to scream and shout at Harry
He also apparently said he’s “delighted, and hopes the documentary can help reunite him with his brother”.
Oh no. Poor Harry.
Things DO get easier when you’re a big boy and out of Pull-Ups Harry!!!
Aww…poor Harry..I guess that’s why the world has to hear about it. Of course he doesn’t say what he did to upset William so much.
So, did William make Harry cry ?
Who hasn’t had their brother yell at you