Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre have reached an undisclosed settlement in a sexual abuse lawsuit, according to a court document filed by Giuffre's attorneys. #CNN #News
Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre settle sex abuse lawsuit

Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre have reached an undisclosed settlement in a sexual abuse lawsuit, according to a court document filed by Giuffre's attorneys. #CNN #News
Guilty as charged! You don’t settle unless you broke the law.
She wouldnt have bothered had Andrew been a plumber…
In the USA, civil cases are typically settled. The level of ‘proof’ is only 51%.
Ahhhh that’s rubbish.
Another incentive to gold diggers. She went in knowing exactly what she was doing and she did so more than once.
@reality What about those Gnomes that aren’t in Sweden??
See, a little money and you never have to worry about committing crimes.
“See, a little money and you never have to worry about committing crimes”… except you can never show your face in public again.
You never have to worry about committing crimes if you have money and your so-called victim is Virginia Giuffre. She did the same thing with Epstein.
@lexie r She certainly did, it’s called sex trafficking. Look it up and try to understand what it means and what it involves.
@Richard Kjelsrud only in CIVIL cases …..
Rubbish. Do you think she would have bothered if he wasn’t rich?
In the public’s eye, he has admitted his guilt in making this settlement. I feel sorry for his victims.
@Spring Is Coming
I use to be a member of the East Luton Girls oral society, . . sorry typo, . . that should read choral society.
@Kong Lee – Kong Lee, she thinks he King Kong Well Hung, fart no prob.
Yes he has admitted indirectly that he did what Virginia said he did the same way late Epstien did and paid the outside settlement fees is a guarantee that indeed he did it. Why pay for something you never deed nor known? At first I was siding with Prince Andrew to prove his innocent , but now I know that her majesty the Queen didn’t just demote him permanently it means he did it. These law technical jargons don’t mean we are fools we all now know that Virginia thou a lier herself, in this case she was all along telling us the truth . However am praying and waiting to see if she is going to sue the three former presidents who she also slept with while she was young. We want to know how fair and just she will be. Prince Andrew paying outside court settlement fees as well as non disclosure forms , SPEAKS TO US VOLUMES.
Ah the duke of York held court in New York her to you “sire”:
Classic case of lil prince and his lil Willie
North side, east side
Little Willy, Willy wears the crown, he’s the king around town
Dancing, glancing
Willy drives them silly with his star shoe shimmy shuffle down
… Way past one, and feeling alright
‘Cause with little Willy round they can last all night
Hey down, stay down, stay down down
‘Cause little Willy, Willy won’t go home
… But you can’t push Willy ’round
Willy won’t go, try tellin’ everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won’t go home
… Up town, down town
Little Willy, Willy drives them wild with his run-around style
Inside, outside
Willy sends them silly with his star-shine shimmy shuffle smile
… Mama done chase Willy down through the hall
But laugh, Willy laugh, he don’t care at all…
But you can’t push Willy round
Willy won’t go, try tellin’ everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won’t go home
Making him support abuse victims is a guilty verdict without the sordid details.
Indeed it is
We KNOW this punk was guilty long ago!!!! it;s sad she took that settlement without making it clear he was GUILTY! Sh eis doing herself and ANY charity she is a part of.
And without justice. Another fucking disgusting, elite pig, skating off without REAL consequences. Can’t keep calling these kind of results “NEWS”. have you all seen this
@Tom MF yip it’s revolting,the trolls on this one on other comments are really disgusting me,how can any decent person stick up for vile trash like Andrew or Epstein while attacking the victims?even pedophilia isn’t too much of a stretch when they are trolling.
He settled for his own good. He knows more things could be revealed, he’s guilty lol
Damaged goods with more money.
@Vincent Ruvo yes Harry and Meghan left everything they desired with full protection world wide. Now they are running out of money. Don’t worry though, all they have to do is go live with family
@Spring Is Coming
and she went back for more. Why she was free to do as she wished wanted.
He is not guilty as she let him off the hook by accepting a deal and letting down all victims in the process. and since he hasn’t been convicted, no one has the right to call him out as guilty. He could have just settled on advice from the Royal family in order to avoid drama during the Platinum jubilee and it could even be that this was the hand played all along and timed to perfection by Giuffre and her lawyers to ensure a big payday. I certainly have lost empathy for Giuffre and hope all the victims she helped create herself as a recruiter for Epstein now come after her with a civil case.
@claudius iam agree
Prince Andrew is Rewarded by settling.
Justice doesn’t exist.
It was a civil case, only money exchanging hands was possible.
@absoluteacw of course, her team wanted a percentage of a big pay-out.
@Legado Pleased you did see the humour in that!
@ShakeMyWay Law can be profitable and Virginia was wise to listen to her legal team. One doesn’t know the nuts and bolts of the reason of the decision.
@Rebecca Ainslie Yes, but was apparently scared that her own actions would not stand the scrutiny of the spotlight…..
He got off CHEAP, whatever he paid. He should be in prison, which is probably why he settled. Think of how his daughters must feel about their dad deep inside….
This wasn’t a criminal trial. So he didn’t settle to stay out of prison. The statute of limitations was over a long time ago. This has always been a civil case.
@Dean Romanado I did not suggest otherwise.
who says his daughters are any better
@L!beral Moonbat OMG
His daughters will think he’s innocent! Andrew has come out of this good! He’ll still live a life of luxury with servants etc but without having to do all the boring royal duties!
So when you’re rich enough, you can buy your way out of a conviction. It’s just disgusting.
of course, this is how it works. If I did any of the things Trump has done I would be in jail, tax eveasion or stealing from his nonprofit, money laundering and some reason the woman dropped the suit that he raped her when she was 13 with Epstein.
but all rich people get away with a lot more when the kid accused of stealing a backpack spends 3 years in prison even though he is innocent.
He can’t help it. His accuser was for sale. At least he had enough pride to prolong it and made Virginia wait. Usually it’s the accused who waits on the victim to agree to settle. But Virginia was eager. LOL.
This was NOT A CRIMINAL PROCEEDING. There would never have been a conviction. Try to understand.
@lexie r
You to turn in your woman card immediately.
There wouldn’t have been a case in the first place if he wasn’t rich.
There are crimes that shouldn’t be allowed to be settled out of court.
Money shouldn’t buy this kind of freedom.
Uh huh… sure thing guy.
@Civil Villain if he had sex with a 17 year old in London that is not illegal in the UK.
I said, uh huh.
Now quit justifying a sex trafficking consumer and rapist to me. I don’t care how much you relate to him.
We don’t know the half of it. Remember the celeb who molested all those little boys and went on to adopt two? Oh, and got a knite hood. Yea, money can buy them freedom all right .. .. dust under the carpet. I would rather be poor and save morals rather than money …………..
Call girls should not be allowed to publicly collect payments from their clients.
Shouldn’t be allowed to settle – there’s a public interest. So, he settles, pays whatever amount, but suffers no punishment — what message does that send to society?
@Marthie Nel Great point. That call girl was of legal age when she met her prince.
She was not a victim.
She seemed to be happy on the pictures with the prince.
@Kenneth Nwabueze nonsense.
@Your Name if you have any evidence, please submit to the courts. Not forgetting that Trump asked Epstein to LEAVE his estate Mar a Largo in Florida, precisely because of the very young girls hanging g about. It’s well documented, read it.
@Kailei M To press CRIMINAL charges you need a victim to testify.
There is NO victim and the call girl is NOT going to testify.
@Your Name Do you even know what the difference between under age, a legal minor and the legal age of consent mean? The legal age of consent in the USA is 16 -18 years, depending on the state involved. Virginia was of the legal age of consent in the relevant states when the alleged 2 engagements with Prince Andrew in the USA occurred. She was also of the legal age of consent when the alleged incident in Britain occurred (where the legal age of consent is 16 years). Prince Andrew has been found guilty in the court of public opinion and has been hung out to dry, but there has been no criminal case against him as he transgressed no law.
Disgraceful. Cases like this shouldn’t be allowed to be settled out of court. He’s basically bought his way out of a conviction
We can all blame Virginia.
It was a civil case. A ” conviction ” would of just cost him money.
The conviction would have been a settlement anyway. This was a civil case. So even if it went ahead and even if Prince Andrew were found guilty, he would NOT have been sent to prison, as a prison sentence is not within the mandate of a civil court. Sigh.
It was a civil case
They’ve covering for this POS for YEARS. The Queen should pay for it, it’s called prior knowledge to crimes…She had it and covered it up for years. Privilege.
Incredibly disappointing decision by Mrs. Giuffre. I was hoping holding Prince Andrew accountable would be priceless, not just for Mrs. Giuffre but also all the other people undoubtedly victimized by this creep. But I guess the money was more important.
I’m betting both sides knew they had weak cases. The Prince probably paid for sex with Giuffre but didn’t know she was underage. Also Giuffre has strained her own credibility by accusing a bunch of other men, some of whom are probably innocent (such as former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson).
@Nathan Baker Why do you assume that men hanging out with a convicted pedo and a convicted trafficker must be innocent while the minors involved were in a long con? Stop defending creepy men, don’t be a creepy man and you won’t have to be so eager to defend the indefensible
@Maria G. Not everybody who knew Epstein is guilty of a sex crime. In America, anyone accused is presumed innocent unless proven guilty. In the case of former New Mexico Governor (and presidential candidate) Bill Richardson, he hasn’t even been accused by anybody other than Virginia Giuffre. If Richardson in particular is ever convicted of any sex crime related to Jeffrey Epstein, I will pay you $200. My word is good. Please save my comment and respond here if that ever happens.
Ms G also chose the money when she sued Epstein some years ago.
@Marthie Nel That is a good point. I had forgotten about that.
This is disappointing than rather going to court and truth coming out she choose a payout
Well she agreed
This bullshit, including getting sold out by the DOJ, hss run her life for decades ,the info is now in the public domain it’s up to US now she’s done her part by getting the message out, let her enjoy what’s left of her life ,she’s suffered enough, it’s up to us to protect coming generations. We failed her.
At least Andrew played hard to get about agreeing to settle. Virginia was overeager. LOL.
She also chose a payout when she took Epstein to court some years ago….
A good pay day for a self acknowledged good time girl whose father drove the fragile person to various appointments. Strange the only person she issued against was British Prince no prominent Americans.. Justice in the land of the free.!!!
I think he believed he would lose in court and maybe the Feds would arrest him as he has been avoiding them .
This is a civil case. He’s criminal case is coming up. maybe Don Lemon should do the same. Admit guilt before his trial.
I thought she said like two years ago or whatever, “I won’t settle, I won’t stop until people who committed these crimes are brought to justice”
Prince Andrew:you’ll never get me in court, here’s 100million pounds.
That was BS and even she knew it ..
Haha!!! Money talks and BS walks it must have been good money, but I believe her 1000% but she is also helping privileged powerful men continue with business as usual if you’re going 2 be tough about it be tough and do what u said u were going 2 do u could have gotten both, now it makes it seems like it was more about money than justice
He could have had people threaten her behind the scenes… money may have been the best option. There are very, VERY powerful people that back the royal family
Yes fair call and if Justice was her main priority no amount of money would have swayed her.
And its fair to say she endured pain and suffering, although given her environments and the lifestyle she certainly didnt do it to hard, compared to the untold numbers of young people who are taken and severely abused by their abductors and live like dogs. There’s no money nor any compensation for them.
Ah the duke of York held court in New York her to you “sire”:
Classic case of lil prince and his lil Willie
North side, east side
Little Willy, Willy wears the crown, he’s the king around town
Dancing, glancing
Willy drives them silly with his star shoe shimmy shuffle down
… Way past one, and feeling alright
‘Cause with little Willy round they can last all night
Hey down, stay down, stay down down
‘Cause little Willy, Willy won’t go home
… But you can’t push Willy ’round
Willy won’t go, try tellin’ everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won’t go home
… Up town, down town
Little Willy, Willy drives them wild with his run-around style
Inside, outside
Willy sends them silly with his star-shine shimmy shuffle smile
… Mama done chase Willy down through the hall
But laugh, Willy laugh, he don’t care at all…
But you can’t push Willy round
Willy won’t go, try tellin’ everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won’t go home
Nothing screams innocence like a big cash payout!
Nothing screams prostitution like accepting money instead of seeking justice. The system is all wrong here. He shouldn’t be able to buy his way out. And she obviously has no integrity to accept money to be quiet.
@Kman8962: That’s why under age is illegal for prostitution. Most adults gain this knowledge with minimal schooling.
A settlement like this means he is paying his accuser to stay quiet and stop hounding him about what he did in the past. That’s how it works when you have money. You can buy off your accuser.
She accepted money for sex and silence. That’s prostitution.
please be aware that this is the second lot of so called hush money she has received and signed a contract on, I think the money is the real reason she called him out and the fact that he is part of the royal family therefore a better target than Jo Blow. She should have taken him to court and fought for other girls in this situation as she said she was going to do
@Susan Platt which part did i get wrong? That she prostituted herself back then or that she prostituted herself now?
@Susan Platt maybe because he didn’t trust he could get a jury that WASNT full of idiots that have already made up their minds? You know… like you…
Buy why did the woman settle in? She wanted money over justice ! Shame to women hood.
Nothing says “I’m Guilty” like providing your accuser with a “Settlement”!
Nothing says I don’t care if this happens to anyone else like a settlement.
Didn’t he say that he had NEVER seen or heard of her, but he SETTLED a civil suit?
I guess money really can buy you love? no?
It doesn’t matter what he said. He won. Money always wins.
@Doppy What did he win Doppy?
He had never seen her because he was wearing a blindfold when he was with her. Kinky royal stuff