Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer had a fiery debate over the economy and pipelines in the first question period after the election.
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when is he going to stop talking about previous governments!!!
Ideally, when the negative impact of the Harper administration wears off
The decade of Harper certainly has not worn off for me. So, Mr. Cool Socks over here, is not nearly as bad as a Harper, or a Scheer. It’s that famous choice, between: bad and worse (Trudeau and Scheer).
He can’t talk about his record because they didn’t do anything with the majority. Legal weed,but even that’s a mess
@Paul, yup way too expensive and it is garbage. So what did Trudeau do???? Oh yea Destroy Canada!
they are both con artists, a two year old knows that the economy suffers because of endless government taxes, no one will invest in Canada to give their profits to the government. 4 more years of the same buffoonery and bs.
I think all these ‘leaders’ should be tarred and feathered
Once again thanks Ontario, Quebec and Maritimes. More lip service to the west and pander to Ontario and Quebec.
@Starky513 Hes supposed to govern the entire country , not half.
When you say Ontario, what you mean is the GTA.
@Robert Poirier exactly.. we in Ontario are not the same
Starky513 actually Ontario is less than 40%
@Robert Poirier lol Ontario would be brokesville without toronto
Trudeau, shut-up and GET OUT!
4 more years!! TRUDEAU 2024, 2028, 2032
Trudum will resign soon enough , he is Canada s Cancer

71,000 Nov job losses. Shovels in the ground? Wow, that only took 2 years. Cut a few bills that delay … Bill C69 & C48? Our energy sector is clean & regulated.
I think the first thing should be to rename the throne.
Same same . Resign Trudeau
We are supposed to listen to a leader who couldn’t beat an election against a drama teacher who did blackface! That loser scheer needs to step down!
I agree with you , time for Scheer to think about Canadians and step down. He loves that paycheque though.
Here we go again! Useless question periods with just talking points. Time for a real change, Wexit!!
Well pretending to include the west which they, the Liberals call, working together, we’re all one big happy family. So long as the west keeps paying and shut up.
Difficult times because of Justin Trudeau. Noone else. All because of his spending policies.
won’t support our oil industry but supports a $40 billion investment into Chinese LNG.
Let’s cut to the chase and have TRUDEAU REMOVED.
I am so happy to see Geoff is no longer the speaker
Am I missing something here?? Doesn’t bill 48 prohibit tankers? Why build a pipeline when you can’t get tankers in to load?
more of the same…
What highschool is this? or elementary not sure what one..
So, Trudeau puts the pipeline into action. Doesn’t that go against his entire fan base? I was really ashamed of Canada after seeing the election results.
Same answers diff year
aint going to happen with this UCP leader with his cute smiley face as he pretends to be madd. get lost the 2 of you