CTV's Glen McGregor provides the latest details on Trudeau's cabinet shuffle.
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Everything is proceeding as I have forseen! Emperor Trudeau
@N ouuu Daren how ofFeNsiVe is that all you got?
@MomopilotCool A little dramatic, DAREN

@N come on Karen you can do better
@Jumbo Me Hey, Jumbo
You know I can!!
@Jumbo Me Want me to work my magic on you??
Is that the new dream team.aka nightmare.
“The scream team”
A major improvement would be getting rid of the lazy leader.
get rid of ALL OF THEM
I think that will happen. I do believe he’s going to resign soon. Just got that feeling. He is a lame duck
You would not even be able to do better so shut it lil lady!
@Networking Folder maybe not but couldn’t do any worse than blackface
@Jumbo Me Well, well, we actually agree on something!! Never thought I’d see that day
He is stacking the deck that is full jokers.
What a joke. Wake me up when the nightmare is over. I’m going to go into cryo sleep.
Wake you up in 12 years lol
@JD B Forgot a zero? There more of his dynasty waiting in line IMO!
this h3ll only ends when you go to sleep for the final time
you are going to wake up and find yourself already transitioned to non binary.
What is government anymore.. definitely not what it was supposed to be.
We work for them now.
No they’re the same thing they’ve always been, its just more apparent now.
Govern = to control
Ment = Latin for “mind”
Govern-ment = mind control
It’s a service corporation
Maybe someday we will have a defence minister that will actually make building up our military, in particular coastal defence, a priority. As it stands now, we are completely incapable of defending our interests in any way.
I agree. We are in big trouble.
Our military is hamstrung by the fact that it can’t procure things itself. Public Service and Procurement agency is a behemoth of an agency, procuring everything from warships to kayaks for environment Canada and that is why we have a massive backlog of military procurement needs.
Trudeau in charge of holidays?
And then they all went to work right away. Wait, they still have 2 months of holiday, because smart Canadians vote for that.
Another bunch of inept spendthrifts. Great!
No more Minister of middle Class Prosperity. Saving some money there I guess.
The dork squad.
The only cabinet he should unveil is the closet he came out of.
Only in your dreams, sorry
Mark those check boxes! Experience and successful records not required.
My strong and independent ex wife divorced me due to my disability and stole my Toronto home and therapy dog save yourself men and don’t cohabitate or get married unless you enjoy being falsely accused and automatically charged and put in jail.
Corruption & dishonesty. Nothing new.
They;ll sure like their pay raise.
Any cabinet that has Steven Guilbault in it isn’t worth spitting on period.
So is the Liberal Party breaking COVID gathering rules in Ontario with this swearing-in ceremony?