After being asked whether he will be watching the results of the U.S. election, Prime Minister Trudeau says he will be watching parts of it, but his main focus is standing up for Canadian interests.
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What a scoundrel and cheat this JT.
Trudeau LIAR;
We is he a liar ? I’m sure u collected all the cerb he provided
Jusr resign JT please, 3 +major ethics violations, misuse of government monies, going after your own military. Just go to cuba
How dare you insult our comrade
He’s not wrong.
This fella is a disappointment
LOL hay Trudeau don’t you mean standing up for your own interests.
It can never just be a simple answer from this guy. We honestly just want the answer buddy
What would be the honest answer to you Him saying that he sits there at night dreaming about Trump being president would that satisfy you? He’s not going to pick a candidate because that would be bad for Canada if the other candidate gets elected it’s not that hard
You should know that when Trump is concerned, NOTHING can be simple.
Go south and vote for Trump then, you will surely get “simple” answers.
@asad asif sounds like you’re an “ expert” in being simple.
Blackface – Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me, Fool me three times elect me Prime Minister of Canada! I wonder if he has called Iran to ask for his B&lls back?
He’s praying Biden wins so Trump stops bullying him
@COOLxLEADER LOL..and that’s your response ? Typical low intellect leftist…short on brain cells….try and keep up.
@Ted Poplaw Biden doesn’t rely on domestic terrorism and acts of fascism to deter an opposing political party.
Oh right, like how world leaders made fun of Trump at the NATO Summit lmao
@Makaveli Deezy LOL..I guess you haven’t heard of BLM or Antifa…get informed before revealing your ignorance for all to see…I’ve watered things that have more comprehension than yourself.
@Makaveli Deezy you think they are not going to Laugh at Biden… especially when he thinks he’s talking to his granddaughters high school
When have you ever stood up for canadians
I never seen so much dung come out of a liars mouth. You’re next Trudeau.
The blackface asks” what election”?
So much garbage coming out of his mouth
Feller that cheated in his second election comments on election. Cool story bro.
Biggest clown ahhh ever ahhh
Youre next Drama Teacher, Canadians will vote you out of office!!!!
All dislikes are from American Republicans showing up.
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