Rachel Maddow looks at new reporting in the New York Times that suggests that there was an earlier, successful quid pro quo between Donald Trump and Ukraine that served to quash cases related to the Robert Mueller investigation. Aired on 11/04/19.
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Previous Trump, Ukraine Transactions Mirrored Later Quid Pro Quo | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
GOP = TRAITORS SINCE 1960s (not acting in good faith!)
Well,if at first you DO succeed… do it, do it again!
AlphaK91 : Well put. Even Trump’s follower’s don’t, “believe,” in Trump. They just think it’s WORTH selling out America, because of the Propaganda they swallow
Ash Roskell all this is administration does is worship and encourage him. That’s all he needs.
@AlphaK91 he’s a cult leader…worship him or drink the Kool-Aid.
Republicans are holding a day of silence today as the transcripts of the hearings were released. It’s like we’re showing the centerfold of Trump doing naughty things, and they’re blushing. xD Schiff has got the skinny on Trump
@K H I’ve heard some interviewed and they say women shouldn’t be in politics
@Gisele P yeah bless them you can only hope that they will one day soon realise that he is trolling them. It is a shame many are just forgotten folk who are being lied to.
Just wait when they subpoena the whistleblower and Hunter Biden- There will be too much circus!
Trump and his administration are attempting a Coup on America’s Constitution, free and fair elections, democratic norms and rule of law. He is conducting rogue hit jobs and operations against our allies endangering our national security and foreign policy interests.
@Karen Wentz Maybe in Orange jump-suit, NOT in Orange Make-Up ……………………
@Ralf Häggström That was the point! Thank You for clarifying.
@Sofus Not that long run ……….
I keep imagining a t shirt… “ I’d like you to do me a favour though”
@Kath Casey They should be blasting “Back In The USSR”.
@mtronix trump could wear one when he’s around Pence. Pence could wear one when he’s around trump. Guiliani could wear one around Barr. Hannity could wear one when he’s next to Pirro.
@mtronix Send one to all of the Senate tRump backers.
I was thinking “I read the memo”
The Republican party is a foreign agency instead of a American agency. These characters running our country appointed by trump and the Republican minions who did rig our 2016 election with wiki leaks, Russia, our state department, our DOJ department, face book taking money from Russian tech companies for fake ads, …. So much corruption, where did my America I have respected my whole life go???
Our country took a nap in self indulgence. We consumed too many
promises from a con man. It is time to join hands and wake up to this
fact. Return to researching our candidates BEFORE voting.
The orange clown runs America like his own little criminal enterprise in which he is the boss. I Guess that’s exactly how he ran the Trump empire.
Jeremiah Jeremecht a Crook Crook Crook
@r dh crystal Giddens is a ridiculous trump troll that goes around every single clip and posts inane right wing nonsense… basically what a child would do…. she subscribes to jessie lee, so you know what you are getting…. a barely literate moron. ignore her.
@Ash Roskell He couldn’t run a company like any of the democrats running, right? Look a Obama’s past and how he ran businesses.
Or the Clintons, or…
Trump knows nothing but to commit crimes at every turn, he’s been doing it for at least 50 years. The media are all complicit.
@K H – MSM especially FOX
@K H The National Enquirer for one, they bought exclusive rights to his stories and then buried the stories.
But overall many outlets are guilty of glorifying Trump and publishing inaccurate numbers regarding his wealth without double-checking if what he said was correct. I thank the Washington Post now for keeping tabs on his public lies, the number is over 13.000 public lies at this point and I bet there will be 10 more before dinner.
It seems to me that Fox, National Enquirer, Breitbart do not in any way qualify as Main Stream Media
They are radical fringe rags that have no journalistic integrity. It’s sort of like lumping Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones in with actual journalists…..oranges and apples.
If Ukraine has an Act One and an Act Two, how many other countries have acts of their own, each in their uniquely staged Trump drama?
I would look at other nations whose heads of state visited the White House, or received substantial military aid. And, as the president is a bully, look wherever the president could have taken advantage of a nation’s lesser political/military/economic power to do a little arm twisting.
ruth depew Just follow the ones Trump seems to like. We know if you have what he wants and you do what he wants…You too can be the “Best” people, leaders, entertainment channels, etc…etc…etc. Plus..follow the money.
@J M M The Left is burying themselves in socialism The dem-socialists who bring you free college, the bankrupting new green deal, free health care for illegals that will come from middle class blood sweat and tears, day care, a weak military. If they deliver on their promises that will sink our economy. All the Dem candidates are bad. Bernie is the craziest and a know it all, Warren is dislike-able know-it-all , Biden just knows not a lot .
Yeah like the rich will pay for it .. it’s gonna hit the middle class and redistribute income in major ways. It will ruin millions of jobs, lives, and make our enemies smile.
And on top let’s pay for reparations! Let Hollywood pay for the reparations. You know this will divide the races even more. Obama bought ocean front property .. doesn’t he know Martha’s Vineyard will be under water in 10 years?
Trump never said there were fine Nazis. The left-wing assertion is a lie. Video proves the president never said Nazis were fine people. When Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides,” he was referring to people demonstrating in Charlottesville for and against tearing down a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, not to Nazis and Antifa.
Economic viability is important for a superpower who needs to show strength against the power-hungry Chinese, corrupt Russians and crazed Muslims leaders. They want to destroy us, slow or fast. The Left doesn’t even consider this of much interest. Actually Bernie will be happy if anything helps China, Putin, Kim or Mullahs.
Msnbc should post maddow whole show!!
No everyone has cable. Broaden the audience, everyone would benefit from maddows research on this administration.
@Crystal Giddens trump abused election laws, bribed a foreign government which is an impeachable offense and then tried to cover it up. He extorted Ukraine to dig up dirt on a political opponent which is both a violation and an impeachable offense.
I will not get cable, and so, I watch the snippets, and get them late. Still worth waiting for her presentation grounded in brilliance.
yes, used to, what happened
Can you SEE, America? They will NEVER STOP. No matter how many times they get busted, they’re SO desperate, SO inthrall to Putin, So arrogant and crooked, they just keep breaking the law. The longer Trump is there, the worse it gets. There will be no Republic LEFT to save, if we don’t get them out, VERY SOON
US didn’t see what was happening when everything Obama tried to do was stopped. Idiots don’t see now. No-one! Absolutely NO-ONE questions the terminology everyone in the country uses for a Majority, Democratic vote. They all call it the dismissive ‘ popular vote’ as though there’s something ‘wrong’ with it. There is. The majority vote doesn’t win anything. US is not a democracy OR a Republic. It’s a dictatorship. Moscow Mitch has been running it for a very long time.
So, according to Dr. Maddow’s reporting, there may be, not one, but two counts of abuse of power to rig a national election.
Okay, good to know.
A second article of impeachment should be, and may well be, multiple counts of
obstruction of congress.
Also, good to know.
@quinn hendley
I’m thinking there may be as few as three, but no more than five articles of impeachment, each with multiple counts.
And yes, it’s unfortunate Nancy feels too many of us do not have the attention span to follow any more than that.
Of course, she’s right.
It is also unfortunate this has to occur during an election year.
As always, timing is everything.
@An Atheist
I can’t think of anything more annoying than for someone to tell me what they think I meant.
I can assure you, I meant exactly what I said.
I do not mince words.
@Richard Darlington LOL, you did ‘perfect’. Republicans are pro russians. Your puny annoyance doesn’t matter.
@An Atheist
Republicans are only interested in maintaining their power, no matter who helps them. And right now, that person is Trump.
And if Russia has leverage over Trump (and they do), so be it!
The GOP should register as an agent of a foreign power.
Gscalenut absolutely Dirty Rotten Trump is a Crook Crook Crook
tingle blade ,Russian government is our enemy, they started it and we must never give up.
Putin murders anyone in his way. Many Russians have paid the price for crossing Putin with their lives.
You must be a Putin sycophant and are clearly an enemy of America.
tingle blade there is supposed to be discord between our governments! There’s a reason why we classify Russia as a hostile nation, because they are hostile towards democratic allies and democracy. Simple really.
This is already a spinoff of the 2016 Russian Interference…now, there’s a prequel. What’s next? Saudi-Turkey-Syria crossover?
I’ve read on some sources that it seems Kushner green-lit Kashoggi’s arrest (which lead to his death), and that Turkey found out and leveraged Trump due to it. Assuming there is any truth to it, it would make it pretty much the spinoff you asked off.
Disclaimer: I’m in the process of buying/selling a home and I don’t have time to double-check all sources, but I found it interesting. Please don’t take it as a given and, if intrigued by it, fact-check it first before spreading it around.
well said
@Razvan Zamfir congrats on your buying/selling. best wishes in your new home. how exciting. i’m working towards that myself.
@crocusflower thanks! Don’t buy a condo if you can avoid it, a house is a better investment imo
Now that the inquiry is “official” and “legitimate” following the vote (it always was), those who fail to cooperate MUST go to jail. Isn’t there more leverage for that now?
The investigative part (taking of depositions) was already “official” and “legitimate” as the House Speaker had proclaimed it to be so and that was enough. The vote they took was on the rules that the House committees will use in the public hearings which will soon start.
Great reporting……
We’re hangin’ in there with you Rachel…..
@Oppothumbs M either you haven’t read the memo, no transcripts produced yet, or you, like trump, don’t understand what quid pro quo means and therefore think the “transcript” does something other than confess to exactly that. I can send you a link for a legal dictionary if that would help.
The mafia never extorts you once.
True, you don’t just walk away.
Men, the more u hear u have to wonder if the Democrats have enough time to conduct this investigation.. there’s so much to uncover.
you ain’t kidding, holy moly. just like with don & his daily attention seeking ridiculousness & the rest, now we’re getting barraged with his 100’s more crimes. no wonder he doesn’t have time to do his real work, he’s been a busy beaver. omfg.
The dem-socialists who bring you free college, the bankrupting new green deal, free health care for illegals that will come from middle class blood sweat and tears, day care, a weak military. If they deliver on their promises that will sink our economy. All the Dem candidates are bad. Bernie is the craziest and a know it all, Warren is dislike-able know-it-all , Biden just knows not a lot .
Yeah like the rich will pay for it .. it’s gonna hit the middle class and redistribute income in major ways. It will ruin millions of jobs, lives, and make our enemies smile.
And on top let’s pay for reparations! Let Hollywood pay for the reparations. You know this will divide the races even more. Obama bought ocean front property .. doesn’t he know Martha’s Vineyard will be under water in 10 years?
Trump never said there were fine Nazis. The left-wing assertion is a lie. Video proves the president never said Nazis were fine people. When Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides,” he was referring to people demonstrating in Charlottesville for and against tearing down a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, not to Nazis and Antifa.
YOu didn’t know this did you ? Most of the Left gets feed lies by the media, and sure the Right lies but not like the crazy Left
Economic viability is important for a superpower who needs to show strength against the power-hungry Chinese, corrupt Russians and crazed Muslims leaders. They want to destroy us, slow or fast. The Left doesn’t even consider this of much interest. Actually Bernie will be happy if anything helps China, Putin, Kim or Mullahs.
Please start saying “Bribery instead of”Quid Pro Quo” so the people who really need to hear these messages don’t get thrown off with legal jargon!! Remember who Trump voters are!!!!
It appears that the end result of the “Big Picture” was to have Ukrain take the fall for Russias US election hacks and interference so that the sanctions on Russia would be lifted. Trump selling out our ally like he has the Kurds and the USA.