‘Pretty nasty, partisan’: Jennings on Biden slamming MAGA Republicans

Scott Jennings, former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush, and former South Carolina state Representative Bakari Sellers debate President Joe Biden’s speech where he called out MAGA Republicans and comments he made saying their philosophy was “semi-fascist.”#CNN #News


  1. He’s not missing the point at all there is a difference between regular Republicans and Maga Republicans

    1. No, he isn’t. He’s in lockstep with their hatred. You can’t defend what has been happening without accepting your agreement with it.

    1. And he also told them to stop kicking out a MAGA Republican who started to heckle him during the speech. Trump used to encourage violence against someone like that in his audience and have them thrown out of the building.

    1. @Mark ah yes, the old XY vs XX biology argument. Best way to prove to the world just how extensive your ignorance is.
      Please explain people who are XXY genotype, or those who have AIS.

  2. “I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.”-Harry S Truman

  3. I was all on board to listen without prejudice to Jennings’s criticisms…but then he said Biden has thin skin. 😐 Biden…not Trump. He sat there, a Republican, and said the man who beat TRUMP has thin skin.
    Can someone tell me times Biden whined or tweeted about “Let’s go, Brandon”? Can someone please remind me of how thin-skinned about all that? Oh…he wasn’t? Oh okay.

    1. Do you recall the Biden interview when a person called in and had a question and then closed the conversation with several nice words but then tacked on …. And Let’s go Brandon”. Biden responded, yeah, let’s Go ! I don’t think he quite completed the phrase and perhaps Joey was tuning in to the fact the caller set him up and then mocked him right to his face…..well, his ear. Lol
      Biden was once a great presence and could charm the public. His cognitive skills are severely diminished. If you know that POTUS has the sole authority to launch a nuclear response to a perceived threat, it’s terrifying to think someone with advancing dementia is the person who can order the launch and legally there are only a handful of other people that can counsel the POTUS ….. and try to dissuade the POTUS…. but even collectively they cannot over-rule POTUS. We are arguing over political details and we are on the edge of a potential nuclear conflict with threats from Russia and potentially direct military engagement with China. Whether the Dems or the Republicans have it right …..it doesn’t matter if the POTUS makes the wrong decision and lights em up. We need our very best minds working in positions that have potential to destabilize or destroy civilizations.

      Think Obama. Think Reagan (until the last couple years when his cognition also was impaired), think Kennedy, Eisenhower, and Truman. We need unifying leaders that project strength to the world, but also project compassion and integrity.

    1. @Gabrielee McCollough Nah.
      Biden clearly stated “MAGA Republicans”, just as he has spoken well of Republicans that aren’t fascists.
      Also, Biden *never* said you couldn’t be black if you voted for him, he said that if couldn’t decide whether to vote for him or TFG you weren’t black because no POC in their right mind would vote for someone as racist as TFG.

      Biden later said he regretted saying it that way because it was too easy to misunderstand. Whether Jennings is also having trouble understanding or is intentionally mischaracterizing, either way, what he said wasn’t the truth.

    1. @A Ted in a Half right, enjoy your echo room where you feel safe surrounded by other like minded dishonest tyrants.

    1. @Barry LaFleur Wow I wrote a well worded impotent rage rant but it looks like it did not post. Anywho after some Harley Quinn I have cooled jets and wow do they need to legalize cannabis if we are going to make it with all of the crap going on. So Barry, I say to each his own. Ignore away.


    1. Biden said to tell you, “ Repeat the line, end of quote”. Now who can argue with those words of inspiration 😂🤣😂

  5. When he recently said, “and well make sure no elections are ever stolen again”! Was that a CONFESSION???

  6. 3:20 The questions wasn’t whether you’d agree with them. The question was how you’d describe that faction of the party.

  7. I would watch but my eyes rolled back so far in my head the last time I saw a clip of Scott clutching his pearls I fear they may not roll back this time.

  8. “When Biden gets into campaign mode, he gets pretty partizan.” Oh , really? Wow, who would have expected that.
    Whereas Trump and GOP politicians never make partizan statements before, during or after campaigns?
    Scott Jennings sounds rather wet behind the ears.

    1. @Ty Rapp If you guys are going to politically pursue one side, at least make it LOOK like you’re going after the other.

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