Historian Michael Beschloss on the problem with trying to compare Pres. Trump to other presidents: “Trump is so terrible he makes Hoover look like Gandhi.”Aired on 10/06/2020
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Presidential Historian: ‘Trump Is So Terrible He Makes Hoover Look Like Gandhi’ | All In | MSNBC
It’s time Trump went to prison.
@Jerry Beloin BTW what did the Rethuglicans say when 210,000 Americans died?
The party of death tries to call itself the party of life. The so called party of family values is the cult of personality of an amoral pos who not only breaks everyone of the 10 Commandments he brags about it as well.
Biggest. Hypocrites. Ever.
Linda Scott his head lives in an era where all men are not equal. People who wants to believe they are better than others tends to have insecurities about their intellect. By his comment alone says a lot about how many brain cells he has left.
@Linda Scott you guys believe in murdering babies that’s in a league with Satan lol
@Linda Scott so you guys are the real killers think about it

America deserves to have justice, as we have been without it for far too long! Gonna be busy with all the miscreants in the whitehouse, I hope.
General Hayden and other hi ranking honorable current servants are calling on Americans to vote and defend America’s democracy. Let us all answer the call. Hoorah!
@pfpublius America never yields. It’s time.
@John David go Biden
@John David you are no fan of America John the troll.
@Elisa ċḣȧṫ ̇ẇi̇ṫḣ ̇ṁė go Elisa and thanks for reposting. The front line holds because of you also.
@John David You’re silly billy!
Trump and GOP are intent on destroying USA!!! They have become the agents of Putin!!!
@jln my earliest was 1710 this one must be won
Its too late America is the next Russia
@jln Do you know that most Republikkklans believe that we should’ve been on the side of Hitler during WWII.
@jln its united states citizens.america is the continent.
He always was. If you watched the 2016 debates he blatantly asked for Russia’s help live on TV. He committed treason and no one has tried to stop him. You think your race riots and social dysfunction are all your own but it’s social engineering straight out of America’s own playbook -read your international history- combined with the monster that is social media. As someone who doesn’t live in your particular fish bowl, it’s time y’all wake up before it’s too late
Trump knows that his days are numbered, and he is taking as much as many Americans to go down with him, pure evil, even Hitler will be embarrassed of his cruelty.
Tell that to the people the Hitler massacred. You are delusional.
Trump may be a wanna-be tyrant, but he is certainly no Hitler.
@Jock Young
Over 200,000 dead Americans and counting.
Millions infected, millions out of a job and suffering due to his gross incompetence.
The Full Story of Trump and COVID-19:
Evil indeed
He’s on a powerful steroid, he his roid rage running this country
“he his “roid rage”???
A lunatic being on roids
Thats not good 
Hemorrhoid rage

Miller, King of the Vampires, has tested positive. What a shame
That news brightened up my day
Hopefully bill barr, the Jabba the Hutt, is next in line. Miller should spend some time on a vent to gain a better understanding of his “Kids in a Cage” program.
Hey. Don’t dis VAMPIRES.
@michael Baughman You still dating that same fella michael?
It is what it is …
So from this I guess we can predict how the history texts will view Trump.
Trump’s reason for the in-person debate is simple; infect Biden with COVID, just as Trump has infected just about everyone in the White House. Typhoid Trump.
It just makes me sad knowing so many people have died because of numb nuts ignorance and neglect to govern this country. I hope some day soon he will be held responsible .
The all caps makes you seem like a totally rational person
2009 the Obama administration was confronted with the outbreak of Hn1n Flu,Biden was put in charge.
Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain said they did every possible thing wrong. 60 million people in the U.S. got Hn1n during that time.It’s one of the great mass casualty of America’s history.
Biden has fought a pandemic before it did not go to smoothly
Vaccine shortages, fights over funding, and contradictory messaging
Obama got lucky that Hn1n wasn’t as deadly but just think if Biden was in charge of Covid.
6 hours ago
@Lawrence Harris 3 PEOPLE died YOU’RE A liar
Biden does not need to do this debate, he is leading in all the polls. He should set the rules. Trump can follow them or stay home and tweet the night away.
@Brad Dibble I wondered if this was William H. Isn’t Tweetles also the same guy?
One sick puppy, multiple YT channels.
@Linda Scott you knew what I meant I’m not correcting it ….its like people can’t make typos anymore
@John David Trump lost big time. Guess you were sleeping
@Aylin索倉 true but not as much as Biden. Besides Trump got all those fraudulent votes he keeps talking about. So really he lost.
What a joke of an administration. Biden 2020!
Up until the unredacted truth gets released in a few days. The only idiots who fell for the Russia Hoax were the desperate Democrats. Do yourself a favor and turn the dam channel and get some actual news for once. If Biden wins it’s just one step closer to meeting our maker and I have no problem with that.
Mirror, mirror on the wall.
Who’s the most hated president of them all?
Duh, said the mirror, the writing is on his wall, Mexico paid none at all.
Mirror, mirror on the wall.
Who’s the most hated president of them all?
Duh, said the mirror, the writing is on his wall, Mexico paid none at all.

why do everyone say that democrats are pedos
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, poetry will only make your defeat more real.
“Tis the way the world ends,
Not with a bang, but a whimper.”
T.S. Elliot
Enjoy your crumbling world, shill.
@The standard narrative has holes in it In reality it takes one to know one.
It’s just a republi-con job.
Sad to say, trump supporters appear to be like a cult, trump is Jim Jones. The only difference trump will not drink the bleach, he will encourage his supporters too
Sad to say, trump supporters appear to be like a cult, trump is Jim Jones. The only difference trump will not drink the bleach, he will encourage his supporters too

@Cindy ċḣȧṫ ̇ẇi̇ṫḣ ̇ṁė <---- STD Skank Alert!
Annoymous Bailey exactly, trump want drink the bleach, metaphorically speaking either, but telling his base not to be afraid of Covid, is the same thing. His base will die, but he’s got access to the best medical help.
@Abdulla Sama <--- Another one! Did the WH disgorge a bunch of T's discarded mistresses from the basement, or what?
Yup Jim Jones. Sip the cool aid by not wearing a mask. You’ll be ok, I promise.
When Biden moves into White House it will have to be disinfected top to bottom.
@Annette Sandoval Annette it must truly be a sad thing to be as unintelligent as you obviously are and not know it

@Juicy Fruit no disinfectant?
Juicy Fruit Trump For Prison 2020 .
and the entire lot thrown out, except for the poor staff.
The most cruel and treasonous president of this wonderful
Trump on steroids is literally happening before our eyes.
Yeah can’t wait for the nexts debate going to be a TKO by Trump
dOnald tRump never did an honest, decent thing in his miserable life.
And the American people are paying for it. It is time to send him the bill by voting him out of office and dragging him out if he refuses to leave. He has done more damage than Nixon and all the presidents who followed him combined. And that, unfortunately, is not the hyperbole of which Trump is so fond.
Remember when Trump made fun of Biden’s mask. And then the fool said, “Don’t talk to me about smart!”
In the interest of fairness I heard him say don’t call me smart
Biden would be foolish if he agreed to debate this guy in the same room.
Are you saying that the DNC is a pedophile ring?
peter rollins: Biden’s much Smarter than Him. Trump Supporters seemed to have a lot to bark about Biden being in his basement but the real “Sucker” is spreading it and doesn’t care, IF he really has it.
@Hudfarvet er Dansk THAT IS Qnon GARBAGE!!!!!
Hudfarvet er Dansk
tRumpard spotted
One day, it’s like a miracle. Trump will disappear.