Presidential historian Michael Beschloss joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss the nature of President Trump's final days as he prepares to leave office. He compares the President's unwillingness to concede the 2020 election to Al Gore's concession in 2000 after the Supreme Court ruling, adding, 'That's what most patriots do.' Aired on 12/28/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#MichaelBeschloss #PresidentTrump #MSNBC
Presidential Historian On President Trump's Final Days In Office | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
History will not look favorably upon Trump and his family. They will be seen as absolutely unamerican.
@U.S. Patriot Nope.
@The Tweatles Zero likes.
@N 827 All lies and delusions. Enjoy your long, painful four years to come.
@cortical1 He EXPOSED the enemy and America LOVES him.
@TheBase1aransas He just got fired by the American people. LOL.

23 days until putin / trump illegal fake ugly presidency is over
@Nathan Carabajal
It ain’t gonna happen. It has been tried before and it’s only for formality. Biden is the next president and no one can change it. It’s already been certified and with the house majority in democrats it’s not possible at all.
@Trump Putin’s puppet . i just want the nightmare over
@Nathan Carabajal the whole world wants this nightmare over. You ain’t alone. It will be over soon.
Didn’t you read the news? Putin Russian Collusion was/is a delusion
Didn’t you read the news : trumpunzees living in alternate reality.
Nixon: “I am not a crook. If I was to pardon myself, I would be admitting to all my guilt. Besides, what kind of a lowlife pardons their own self?”
That lowlife would be??
@Heather Baker LOL. Many people are saying “WRONG!” may be the greatest Youtube response the world has ever seen!..Sir!”
@Bill Johnson You’re joking right?
@Ahmad Abdullah I think you are right!
One who is too stupid to understand that the nature of a pardon is to admit guilt to the crime that the pardon covers. One who puts himself above the law and the Constitution. And therefore one who should find himself deported to China, where I’m sure they could devise a reception fitting for someone with as much hatred for their people as he has demonstrated for the last four years.
Cant wait next year to see that NY will arrest him first n put him in federal prison.
@steve marshall
Watch stories about bigfoot, ghosts and aliens,,all over youtube.
@Washademoak cnn? mask maniac? covid enforcer? ballot counter?
@Washademoak thanks andrew
@Washademoak honest mistake,,,,trumps fault lol
@Robin Lillian hey,,,bit of advice….if you want to play ball bring a glove a bat a ball…something
they were just in the wrong place in the wrong condition….they were going to die anyway…your honor i rest my case
Georgia VOTE BLUE early and Jan 5.
Let’s hope they will
Agree. Hope they will VOTE BLUE.
John Lewis help us win!!
Trump’s behavior at present shows that we were all correct in assuming that he stole the 2016 election.
Yes he did sad and unfair for hilary
Hillary should have never conceited
Lionel, you correct. He is thinking,” I got away with this one, the next one is going to be easier.”
I firmly belive he did too. And that he tried again in 2020, and was shocked, it didnt work this time. That’s why he is having such a hard time accepting reality. He has never won anything, unless he cheated.
**Yes, not a doubt ~! In the history of the United States (including the world seems not to be), this is totally disappointing, annoying, disgusting, and terrifying because we mistakenly chose such a big liar with arrogantly, conscienceless, ignorantly and selfishness to lead us. Where were the values and reputation of true Americans lost? ? More importantly, how do we (ordinary Americans) face with friends from all over the world ? ? What a shameful for a so-called president of the great nation in 21st century !!! God ~ any help ?!?**
He has always lied and they just turned a blind eye to his brazen narcissistic behavior and now he is turning on all of them. Their dangerous moron has gone rogue.
How so?
@rothang puia
Name one lie
@TxDan100 Mexico is gonna pay for the wall. There’s one.
**Yes, not a doubt ~! In the history of the United States (including the world seems not to be), this is totally disappointing, annoying, disgusting, and terrifying because we mistakenly chose such a big liar with arrogantly, conscienceless, ignorantly and selfishness to lead us. Where were the values and reputation of true Americans lost? ? More importantly, how do we (ordinary Americans) face with friends from all over the world ? ? What a shameful for a so-called president of the great nation in 21st century !!! God ~ any help ?!?**
The administration (and Trump) broke not only norms but also laws!!! Horrible
@Agolf Twittler and rich
@Agolf Twittler man oh man
@Agolf Twittler stick to the facts lol
@Agolf Twittler your not standing on a ledge are you
@Tony Negron 4 yrs of peace and prosperity…it drives the left nuts black Americans did better under Trump
We’ve had Nixon and now Trump, we won’t be so lucky with another destructive president. Changes have to be made to the constitution to ensure that never again will another Donald Trump ever be elected as president.
@Deborah Freedman yes. Nixon was a real politic person. Made mistakes, who doesn’t? But he was not evil. I vote democrat but I think nixon, reagan and both bush president were decent people, can not say the same for the amoral cretin living in the white house.
You’re right, Trump is the worst of the worst.
Or, if we are stupid enough to repeat this massive error, that the incompetent and/or corrupt president, can be swiftly, fairly and legally dealt with, and removed from office, before he or she can inflict any more harm on our democracy. Letting Trump go the full term, was absolutely preposterous.
@Sharon Woosley Yes, this is why I believe it is imperative to indict Trump on criminal charges and throw him in prison for awhile. If anything, just to set precedent.
@Jonathan Chartrand Absolutely agree 100%. The next one will be smarter and more cunning, and America will not survive.
Trump has two parts of a brain: ‘left’ and ‘right’.
In the left side there’s nothing right.
And in the right side there’s nothing left.
@AllNiteLemonade I didn’t lose anything. Biden lost his brain. Kamala is changing his diapers every day.
@AT 1984 you lost everything lol and trump actually wear diapers

.. that’s the best part .. you can even tell
**Yes, not a doubt ~! In the history of the United States (including the world seems not to be), this is totally disappointing, annoying, disgusting, and terrifying because we mistakenly chose such a big liar with arrogantly, conscienceless, ignorantly and selfishness to lead us. Where were the values and reputation of true Americans lost? ? More importantly, how do we (ordinary Americans) face with friends from all over the world ? ? What a shameful for a so-called president of the great nation in 21st century !!! God ~ any help ?!?**
4 yrs of peace and prosperity…it drives the left nuts black Americans did better under Trump
A spoiled brat trying to destroy everything in a baby tantrum because he was told “NO”.
@Will Mellon yeah your right
I honestly believe that he has extreme mental health issues. And it didn’t just start with him getting in office.
@Louise Jones your right i believe
@Louise Jones Mary Trump said it all started with Fred grooming him to be a malignant narcissist like himself.
He was told you’re fired!

Trump has never been suited nor qualified for the position of POTUS!
Ofcourse. He’s a dictator.
Huge news there.
@Airplane Emoji don’t forget Bloated Orange Meth-Turnip

**Yes, not a doubt ~! In the history of the United States (including the world seems not to be), this is totally disappointing, annoying, disgusting, and terrifying because we mistakenly chose such a big liar with arrogantly, conscienceless, ignorantly and selfishness to lead us. Where were the values and reputation of true Americans lost? ? More importantly, how do we (ordinary Americans) face with friends from all over the world ? ? What a shameful for a so-called president of the great nation in 21st century !!! God ~ any help ?!?**
4 yrs of peace and prosperity…it drives the left nuts black Americans did better under Trump
The 25th Amendment relies on patriotism. Republicans have demonstrated they are more concerned with power than democracy.
Of course
You mean white racist power
The 25th assumes the cabinet are people of moral integrity who have respect for ethical norms.
**Yes, not a doubt ~! In the history of the United States (including the world seems not to be), this is totally disappointing, annoying, disgusting, and terrifying because we mistakenly chose such a big liar with arrogantly, conscienceless, ignorantly and selfishness to lead us. Where were the values and reputation of true Americans lost? ? More importantly, how do we (ordinary Americans) face with friends from all over the world ? ? What a shameful for a so-called president of the great nation in 21st century !!! God ~ any help ?!?**
4 yrs of peace and prosperity…it drives the left nuts black Americans did better under Trump
With a president like this we don’t need enemies .
If we don’t prosecute TREASON, it signals we’ll accept it. Letting this slide, announces the Fourth Reich for 2024.
**There are absolutely no other real enemies anywhere, but at home. This horrible animal sneaked into our ordinary Americans for over 70 years and sowed the seeds for generations that would take the longest time to end the fight. All troops must return home for safety protection.**
He officially won the worst president & administration award in the history of USA
Buchanans! The most relieved family name in America!
**Yes, not a doubt ~! In the history of the United States (including the world seems not to be), this is totally disappointing, annoying, disgusting, and terrifying because we mistakenly chose such a big liar with arrogantly, conscienceless, ignorantly and selfishness to lead us. Where were the values and reputation of true Americans lost? ? More importantly, how do we (ordinary Americans) face with friends from all over the world ? ? What a shameful for a so-called president of the great nation in 21st century !!! God ~ any help ?!?**
Whoever said, with honesty that trump was ever patriotic? He IS NOT
What do you mean?
Haven’t you seen tRump, dry humping the American flag?
Hello Barbara
How’s the lockdown affecting your region so far?
“Largely amoral? Hold the phone, did I miss something? Trump is completely amoral.
Does FLORIDA have Extradition agreements with other states, especially NEW YORK.??? LOL…..
Donald Trump talks about corrupt Politicians almost every time he opened his mouth which Politician is as corrupt as Donald Trump
Say how he is corrupt please…without the narrative, facts
He IS THE SWAMP that he has being talking about!
Is anyone surprised by Trump’s behavior? He has been consistently insane for four years, and Republicans chose the Trump coup over loyalty to America.
**Absolutely ! In the history of the United States (including the world seems not to be), this is totally disappointing, annoying, disgusting, and terrifying because we mistakenly chose such a big liar with arrogantly, conscienceless, ignorantly and selfishness to lead us. Where were the values and reputation of true Americans lost? ? More importantly, how do we (ordinary Americans) face with friends from all over the world ? ? What a shameful for a so-called president of the great nation in 21st century !!! God ~ any help ?!?**
Adios Trump FOREVER!