Presidential historian Allan Lichtman discusses the current state of the Republican Party following the 2022 midterm elections and where the GOP could be headed next. #CNN #News
Presidential historian: Don’t expect DeSantis to save the GOP

Presidential historian Allan Lichtman discusses the current state of the Republican Party following the 2022 midterm elections and where the GOP could be headed next. #CNN #News
Election denial gets you nowhere. It’s basically like telling the average voter they don’t matter — well they do matter, and they have made that message resoundingly abundantly clear.
Democrats have challenged every national election they have lost since 2000.
Quit acting like it’s only a Republican thing.
Surprise surprise Complete Nonsense News disparaging anything Republican like the little gullible twats that cling to every word.
@Sundae Express The same thing your news narrators were worried about right ?
@C. Cadon Odd CNN and New York Post both claim it hasn’t/won’t pass.
@Bob Cob Projecting again Bob? Typical MAGA trait.
Lichtman has some solid analysis.
DeSantis is Trump puppet Same as Trump just different names
How many times have we heard “the GOP will have to acknowledge they’re doing this or that wrong”…
They never admit wrongdoing, and they will soon pay the price. They got lucky because Covid and Putin trashed the global economy
Well? Since they are incapable of changing their minds, how do they know they have one?
And they never do.
GOP winning the popular vote once in the last 38 years

I’m waiting on DNC to acknowledge they know what their doing. Plan/Policy or just control thru fear. Name something they ran on? Anything not fear based about GOP.
This guy is 100% on and I’m so glad he kept talking so many of these commentators ask stupid questions and keep repeating themselves the guy just wants to tell you exactly!!!!

She said he hadn’t been there for awhile. He , appropriately, said something snarky about finally being invited back. Suddenly it’s ok to criticize Republicans again!
@Calicoes Blue Well, this is the guy, who has correctly predicted the winner of every presidential election since 1984.
@Dfuher Wow, really??? I honestly didn’t know that. Well I can see why, this man has great foresight, intuition & understanding. Nice

As usual he is just so enlightening Professor Lichthman one of the very best he educates us each and every time he speaks
Please have this guy on again! Brilliant points and fresh logical perspectives

He is famous for predicting the winner of presidential elections, and has correctly predicted every winner since 1984. Check out how he does it
Nobody’s discussing how DeSantis’s national endorsements lost also; O’Dea, Schmidt, Masters, Mastriano. And Kari Lake is about to lose. And if DeSantis endorses Walker that’s likely a loss also. (Actually Walker is a loss even if he wins)
Having a 50-50 Senate with a mad Joe Manchin works out very well for the Republican Party.
Those who hate God and despise correction will be THE ALL TIME LOSERS at the end of this movie CALLED LIFE. So be of good cheer while you can Dragon, you WILL INDEED get your Socialist Fascist Communist Government that you so desperately begged and pleaded for, then when your COMMUNIST UTOPIA arrives you will hate that more than you hate the ORDER OF GOD OUR HUMAN CREATOR. Are you CATCHING THE DRIFT?
@MacK the Night well, one thing for sure, Fetterman will be sitting in the Senate while

So Sad! 

the quack oz will be whining about his loss. Along with the orange oaf who endorsed him. Ah conservative tears
@7thpilot ironically, I bet you just love the orange oaf. Worry about your own politics.
“Well, I think if they win, I should get all the credit. And if they lose, I should not be blamed at all.” -Trump
Funny how this is the same mentality Trump ran the country when he was the President.

With statements like that, how can people even take the orange oaf seriously?
I agree 100% with Allan Lichtman’s analysis of the GOP. Great interview!

CNN should have this guy more. great discussion
He’s very affirmative if you’re on the establishment side.
He gave me a new perspective…
“Don’t expect DeSantis to save the GOP.”
Why would we want him to?
@Joshua Hall Thank you! Romney would be great. Hope we can save the old GOP.
Florida may like DiSantis BUT the rest of the country is another story? Many see a LT of Trump in DiSantis? The planeload of immigrants? The ‘gotcha’ voters he had arrested and did the big press conference over? Both were pure Trump. People have had enough of filthy politics and filthy politicians. They want solutions, empathy and sanity. I fear DiSantis is just Trump2.0 ?? Those vicious stunts showed who he is and many DID NOT like it. Mark my words….IF DiSantis gets the nod…one of his pledges will be to pardon Trump. He knows he needs the MAGAMorons…and Trump knows he will need a pardon. I think the GOP may choose a less polarising candidate. The American people are tired of the hate rallies, election denying BS and lies.
I hope the old gop isn’t interested in gutting Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. They were always interested in destroying roe v wade….
DeSantis and Trump are one and the same except that DeSantis is not a dunce.
It’s no secret cut it out. Republicans want desantis. Which is a good thing for dems because desantis is divisive just like trump and he’s a whimp and won’t fair good on the national stage outside of a gerrymandered florida. I wish people can see every comment I’ve made because I’ve predicted everything about trump this fair and know that I’m correct about desantis. He’s trump 2.0 that’s literally it.
Every democrat needs to post these bullet point on every billboard in every state for the next 2 years going into 2024
Here are the bullet points: We have no policy – We have no plan – We only react based on media propagation fear.
Very glad I got to hear what this man has to say from an historical reference. Thank you
Hard to imagine how effective a Republican presidential candidate can be without the support of such a divided party .
This is a concise and intelligent commentary to hear on the news.
I still ask, what do they stand for? They gave up every position to Trump at their last convention.
Respect to this man for his straight talk. Its the voters, its always has been.
Professor is so good. Desantis is not God. Republicans are having a giant cancer in their head. He alone can’t solve the serious issue. Just think of how many different types of healthcare professionals working together to treat a cancer patient in order to bring him to remission. It is the same thing here. Even though Desantis has become more popular, it does not mean the can do it all.
One should keep in mind that DeSantis wanted to send children back to school, but didn’t want to spend the money to provide them with vaccinations.
I can’t believe that the race got that close with both the House, Senate and Warnock and Walker, just Unbelievable! My God, what’s wrong with our American people!
Even though logic agrees with you, if you think what a landslide it _could_ have been for Republicans, due to historical precedent, then a considerable number of Americans have helped bring an amazing result. Democrats now need to build on that by listening to voters and what they want. Even better if they manage to retain the House.
@MarshyMellowYellow Warnock isn’t against guns, he believes that a person that who own a gun need to ne responsible and have a better background check.
Something is wrong somewhere, I can’t believe as well. After everything an average American has been through in the last two years. The world is in trouble, God’s help is needed!
If the libertarians break for Walker, he’ll beat Warnock.
@forever 84 Does Warnock has an age requirement with the guns?
Allan Lichtman has presented the best analysis of the current state of the GOP that I have heard from any commentator of later. I concur with the many insightful points that he has made. While many on cable news are fawning over RD, he is simply another version of the former guy engaging in political stunts, stoking culture wars and creating division.