President Zelensky to Canadian parliament: You all need to do more

In a speech to the Canadian parliament, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for the leaders to imagine a similar situation in their country, and asked for “more to stop Russia.”
#CNN #News


  1. This wonderful man. Begging for decency and empathy and courage. We cannot fail him.
    Must feel awful to clearly lay out his case over and over again and get a tepid response. While his people are being slaughtered.

    1. @MJB
      I live next to Ft.Bragg, my military family members are beyond frustrated that they’re unable to actually defend democracy.
      I have volunteered & done what i can from the states.
      I’m also a refugee so i do in fact know what its like to live under a dictatorship & lose a parent to war like i did when my family fled Nicaragua. My country became a mess when Russia got involved so again i know how much damage Russia has done all over the world.

    2. *”Repent Or Perish!!,”Beware The Great Tribulation Is Only A Breath Away.”* (Seek your Eternal Salvation.)
      [G:2002] Canada, I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA give you this warning. Do not follow in your sisters footsteps. You call yourself North America, now you carry the name that I despise, if you do not repent and turn away from the sins of America the fate of America will be yours. You shall share in the grief; you shall share in MY wrath, if you do not follow in YAHUVEH’s and YAHUSHUA’s footsteps. Come set yourself apart now Canada and Canadian Christians, start praying for Canada, for your political leaders have sold your providences to the highest bidders. In the USA there are states that have tried to come apart in America, for the shame that they have felt and there is a providence that tried to come apart from Canada (Quebec) for the shame they have felt. I, YAHUVEH will acknowledge those that try to come apart and I, YAHUVEH will set them apart on that day and the full wrath will not fall upon them on that day.

      [G: 2001]: America, think long and hard before you become involved in another war. What nation will you fight? You have no one nation to fight. You are so small compared to the larger nations. You are like the youngest trying to defeat the oldest. The only reason you have won the wars in the past is because this nation for the most part turned to “I AM” and MY Son YAHUSHUA and knew without US on your side you would have lost every war. Even your initials were given to you by “I AM”. US, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is the US and A is for Almighty. This nation was to stand for United States of Almighty. For you once served the Almighty Living GOD “I AM” and YAHUSHUA. It was “I AM’s” grace, love, mercy and wisdom I gave to your political and spiritual leaders.

      America, don’t go to war, without “I AM” on your side. Don’t allow your politicians to think you want this war with an invisible enemy. Can you really fight 60 nations or more to root out the men you call terrorists? How can you hope to win? Oh America, you are facing a world full of bullies that want very much to act as a friend and for the most part will betray you if given a chance. They will attack when you least expect it. You offer your hand full of money, and bribes, and they hate you for it. You have been warned! America, you are so close to MY heart, for even when your enemies thirst and hunger you want to feed and water them. Do you not realize you strengthen your enemy at times instead of weaken them?

      You are heaping coals of fire on heads that do not acknowledge the GOD of your forefathers, they hate you when you show them love and compassion, and they look at you like you’re weak instead of strong. America, even after war with your enemies you go and rebuild their land but you can not wipe away the tears you caused because you are too quick to flex what you think are your arms of strength, your muscles, and yet when your muscles are not strengthened by the Holy Word of YAHUVEH you will find it takes more to do than what it use too. [More].

      Warning to America (& Canada now 2003~included)
      (Do not know what to repent?~ may you learn from America(n).

    3. @Gen X parenting Im not defending russia. Ukraine is no democracy. “In wartimes the truth is so precious she must be attended to by a bodyguard of lies.” – Churchill I believe
      We are not getting the whole story about Ukraine. Just like we dont have the whole story on covid or the vaccine for that matter.

    4. The European states are starting to realize that they cannot depend on other nations for their energy. The [CB]/Biden admin are failing to keep the narrative, each passing day it gets worse and worse. Producer inflation rises to 10%. Russia planning new supply routes. SA considers accepting other currencies.  The [DS] is in trouble, Zelensky is now making the rounds and visiting countries, which means they already lost. Putin just seized the [DS] assets in Ukraine and barred them from entering. Trump puts out a statement that their crimes are going to be finally revealed. What we are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard.

  2. Mr. Zelensky you are a brave and strong man to have this happen to you and your people. Canadians are standing strong with you and all Ukrainians 🙏😔💔🇺🇦

    1. The European states are starting to realize that they cannot depend on other nations for their energy. The [CB]/Biden admin are failing to keep the narrative, each passing day it gets worse and worse. Producer inflation rises to 10%. Russia planning new supply routes. SA considers accepting other currencies.  The [DS] is in trouble, Zelensky is now making the rounds and visiting countries, which means they already lost. Putin just seized the [DS] assets in Ukraine and barred them from entering. Trump puts out a statement that their crimes are going to be finally revealed. What we are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard.

    2. @A W Tell that to the Canadian soldiers that were killed in Afghanistan. Including some killed by American soldiers.

    3. @Joe Biden Says: The world must look in wonderment why so many Americans continually say F Biden to their President. Makes the US look weak and laughable.

  3. 🇨🇦❤🇺🇦 Our Ukrainian family is important to us. What is happening to you hurts us and I call on our leaders to do everything we need to do to help. Not just the humanitarian needs (very important), but to fight back against totalitarianism and evil.

    1. @Finbarr McGrath I am trying my best. The outcome is already foreseen, not good for the west.
      That is what Macgregor told Grayzone, I think he is right.

    2. The European states are starting to realize that they cannot depend on other nations for their energy. The [CB]/Biden admin are failing to keep the narrative, each passing day it gets worse and worse. Producer inflation rises to 10%. Russia planning new supply routes. SA considers accepting other currencies.  The [DS] is in trouble, Zelensky is now making the rounds and visiting countries, which means they already lost. Putin just seized the [DS] assets in Ukraine and barred them from entering. Trump puts out a statement that their crimes are going to be finally revealed. What we are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard.

  4. His bravery and courage is inspiring and so are the Ukranian people. Stay strong, be safe. Bless you.

  5. As a Canadian, I will never understand the pain and suffering of Ukrainians because we live in such a peaceful environment. I believe however that we need to stand strong with them to stop the aggression from Russia or any other threats to the democratic countries. Or else, today’s Ukraine will be tomorrow’s Canada…..

    1. @Lakon Oki Our country is composed of vast amounts of blessed peoples and refugees from all sorts of war-torn countries, or from dens of corruption. Ourselves we have plenty of challenges as a nation. Don’t patronize our suffering. We don’t look down on yours.

    2. @Raven Conacher Which I am not a trained Soldier, pretty much my whole family is. Including my big brother and only sibling, who is active duty right now, and who would be one of the first to be deployed, due to his training and position. He would be over there right now if he wouldn’t get a desertion rep for it.

      As for your silly false dichotomy of being trained doesn’t mean you’re bulletproof, well no duh. 🙄 It does mean you will do WAY MORE GOOD. On a field of war you are either a help or a hindrance. Ya know what makes the difference? Training.

      We have an obligation to Ukraine because we made a deal with them that is they gave up their nuclear arms we would have their backs. I’m also curious as to why you think a Ukrainian life is worth any less than an American Life?

      As for service… I’ve served my whole life in ways that I was equipped to.

      So I’m not sure who your virtue signaling to, but it’s certainly not me.

    3. @Sun Dial Well you would know all about cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome. Trump 2022-2028 yes 10 years combined check the constitution. You heard IT here first. Pray for sun dial 🙏🕯️

  6. So much respect to this man and his country, I want to help!!!! I am so sorry you are going through this!!!

    1. A video with English subtitles of what actually started the war in Donbass with video facts:

      Video with English subtitles about the fascist ideology of the post-Maidan Kiev regime:

      Video of Ukrainian nationalists burning and killing people alive after Maidan with video facts:

      Video from Ukrainian blogger Shariy about the burning of people by Ukrainian nationalists in Odessa on May 2:

      Video from a Ukrainian TV show of Rada deputy Goncharenko posing with the bodies of burned people, while the audience applauded him:

      Video of Ukrainian media with the “Lugansk AC” fake:

      U.S. Colonel tells the truth about the current state of affairs in Ukraine:

    1. we all knew trump would lead us into war. we all knew trump would destroy the economy. We all know Trump is a putin puppet and is why russia decided now to invade. oh wait, this is Biden. thanks for voting democrats everyone! from trump mean tweets to nuclear holocaust, brought to you by CNN.

    1. ….or,for 80 million idiots to vote for a weak America. The result is blood on 80 million idiots hands.

    1. @Hamlet K Squid reminds me of Bush Blair and their lack of respect for the lives of innocent Iraq 🇮🇶 war criminals still walking free.

    2. @Taylor Murphy He’s not a leader, he’s a puppet with no scruples and performs as his puppet masters pay and demand of him. He is protecting bio-labs that have tied with the likes of Biden, Pelosi, Romney and John Kerry that is just the tip of the iceberg. He is quite the professional puppet though.

    3. @Thomas O’loughlin – Lots of things about both Bushes stick in my craw. I hope there’s never a Bush III. The breed isn’t improving.

    4. @ross meroe he is a fool by thinking that NATO will backed him, gullible too. Your right stop wasting his people lives, on bended knees he should negotiate with Russia

  7. We are lucky here in Canada. War is always far from our country. And I think that is why we need to support Ukraine and other democratic countries in pushing back against autocrats and their corrupted regimes. Democracy is not perfect, but it is the best we can have and we must do all we can to protect it, everywhere. SLAVA UKRAINI !!!

    1. @JaydragonM We are doing it everyday by taking to the Internet and supporting the people of Ukraine. And we are doing it everyday because the sanctions imposed on Russia means we are paying more for things here. It is our governments who should now give Putin an ultimatum: On this set date, we are moving into Ukraine to protect its citizens. You can either remove your forces from the country or we will do that for you.

      Just a reminder: NATO is composed of 30 COUNTRIES! We have the biggest military force in the world by an HUGE margin. We need our politicians to finally realize that and tell Russia to F*CK OFF from Ukraine (and Georgia, why not)… and never try anything again, anywhere in the world.

      Then, in turn, we throw them a bone: We signe treaty that states that with each step for demilitarization and democratization they take, we remove a set of sanctions, and eventually even start helping their economy.

      But our leaders are cowards and they are letting Putin control the narrative. They shouldn’t. We shouldn’t. He’s not stupide enough to start a nuclear war. His generals wouldn’t let him anyway.

    2. @JFHeroux im one of those anti war people who hate fake liberals that are closet war mongers… get that..You want to support a war on the other side of the world we know nothing about, is that what you want maybe you smoke to much crack and not enough pot…

    3. No we don’t, and if you wish for that I hope it’s you who enlists instead of those of us who don’t want to.

    4. @JaydragonM Dunno, but if you all pressure them into doing more..enlist every single one of you, because otherwise they will draft us. And it’ll be those of us who don’t support that war stuck going

    5. @Ds0661 whoa, I dont want us to make an ultimatum, I dont even know if I support a no fly zone unless all of NATO agrees to do it jointly, so Russia doesn’t just whip out nukes on the US.

      But I do want us to do everything in our power… just shy of starting WW3. I don’t think we’re doing enough to stop this.

      Perhaps, we should be massing planes on the boarder and asking Russia politely to leave. Then if all of NATO gets behind it, you can impose such a no fly zone on short notice.
      That gives some bargaining power. But Idk if I want to put boots on the ground who aren’t volunteers.

  8. One of the greatest 19th Century philosophers was asked, ” If the end of world was about to happen what would you do?” They’re response was ” I would finish these last row of hedges.”


  9. The headline text of “you all need to do more” really should be corrected as the direct quote of “please do not stop in your efforts”. Canada has been a strong and admirable international leader in terms of on-the-ground aid in Ukraine, sanctions against Russia and Belarus, and support for Ukrainian refugees. The point here is to remind Canadian politicians about the severity and desperate need to continue.

    1. Don’t forget Canada had also been training their military since 2014 and only left due to the invasion.

    1. Reagan, an actor who became US leader. The Soviets and the Cold War were supposedly history till Putin try to change that.

    2. @Les Sharp so what!? Just a degree doesn’t mean he is capable to lead a country! See what has he done so far? Putting his country into a mess. Go back to his comedy stage!

  10. What really struck home was the President Zelinskyy analogy of naming Canadian cities and targets.

  11. I m Russian, and I m crying now seeing what is done by Putin to Ukraine. Zelensky is the hero. God help us !

    1. Haha, you trust Putin after he stole 70 billion dollars from Russia your country? Damn, you’re gullible.

    1. Zelensky is striking similar to the Joshuo Wong of Hong Kong, China and Navanly of Russia, that are supported by the West to destabilize and destroy there countries. In other words, untrustworthy and without any scruples whatsoever.

  12. President Zelinskyy and his Ukrainian people have won a place in the annals of history, and in our hearts; now we must, as civilized, caring people, answer his plea with our arms.

  13. Canada has been supporting the Ukrainian forces since 2014, in training them on defense. Unfortunately we can’t go against NATO and impose a no fly zone even if we wanted to, I don’t blame him for mentioning it but I can see he didn’t spend much time on it cause he knows we aren’t the strongest power in NATO. I am sure he will spend more time addressing that when he speaks to the US Congress. I think the biggest impact Canada could have now is working with European countries on energy supply, so they can cut their dependence on Russian resources. Of course we’ll continue with the aid we’ve been providing, but outside of actually going to war against Russia that’s probably one of the biggest impacts we can make at this point.

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