President Trump was asked about his stance on gun reform legislation and claimed that "we have very, very strong background checks right now," and that "it is a mental problem." The president also warned that legislation may lead to a "slippery slope," for the Second Amendment.
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President Trump: We Have 'Very Strong Background Checks' And Warns Of 'Slippery Slope' | MSNBC
Soo He will do Nothing just like ALL Republicans ……
Somme Tinonme like all politicians more like it
@Hank Hill Actually you are wrong there has been hundreds of bills from the house about all kinds of issues and McConnell and the shitpublicans have blocked them all. So your all politicians claim is off base.
Dennis Manson that’s this specific situation. There has been plenty of opportunities over the years. So, no, it’s not off base. I will say it’s a majority of the republicans but do a little research and you’ll have a less bias view point
@Dennis Manson True facts. McConnell has all but shut down the Senate as a legislative body. Which is why the claim of “The democrats would give up the second amendment” is such utter horse hockey. You can’t “give up” an amendment. It takes 2/3’s of both houses of Congress (or 2/3’s of all states which has never been done) to amend the Constitution. It’s just more shoveling of meaningless ramblings that mean nothing at all.
“We have missing area’s” Yeah between his ears!
Oh yeah, totally not parroting NRA talking points…again. SMH
@Sam Brenna he cares. he cares. he cares. and he heard the backlash from his supporters and he cares.
The LITTLE MUSHROOM DK PUSSYGRABBERdrumpf is a national security threat to this great nation folks
@Crystal Giddens He only cares about himself. This was well-documented (and public knowledge, really) in the 60+ years before he changed parties for the fifth time back to republican. The selective amnesia of the “base” is one of the most disturbing parts of this whole nightmare. They guy who made a career of ripping off independent contractor does not, and never has cared about anyone who isn’t rich, or him
Looks like he’s just pocketed another few million off the NRA! Standard!
NY shut down all their mental institutions, that’s how Spanky got out.
@Roberts Von
Donthecon is running the con of his life on America IMPEACH THE MOTHER FKER
He just says what gets him out of the room . facts don’t matter, reality doesn’t matter, what’s best for Americans doesn’t matter,what he said yesterday doesn’t matter..soon he won’t matter
For short, he’s a completely standard politician who is neither better nor worse than the average one despite being widely considered exceptionally good/bad depending on who you ask.
Nothing is going to change until corporate money is removed from Capital Hill. What we are witnessing now is fascism 101. Politicians, especially republicans, aren’t working for, or representing the will of the people. Instead people like Moscow Mitch, are representing the desires and interests of corporations and special interests. This has resulted in the will of the people being completely subverted. How else would you explain the fact that at least 90% of Americans want to see new gun laws passed, and yet republicans refuse to do anything. Mitch McConnell refuses to even allow a vote on anything regarding gun legislation.
What this all amounts to his republicans giving the middle finger to at least 90% Americans, and basically saying “F*** you guys!!! We don’t care what you want, and we don’t care how many children are gunned down in schools with assault rifles, we are going to do whatever the NRA tells us to do.”
Now….. .am I lying?? Is that not what’s happening?
David J 90% of people absolutely do not want new gun laws! Gun laws are not followed by criminals do you not get it.
When is it a badge of honor to admit special interest /nracontrolls the political process
Slippery slope = logical fallacy. A term 45* couldn’t even spell, much less comprehend.
If Trump somehow manages to stay out of jail, with his poor business skills & non stop corruption, he would make a great CEO for the NRA, where he would likely prove to be their final death blow.
you need a hug, word is that you……blahblah
it’s clear he’s just bullshitting. making it up as he goes along. we’ve all heard people in our lives do this to us. this is just another example from him. it’s what he is.
He’s right, we haven’t been putting enough into mental health facilities / psych hospitals… it’s obvious, because his nutty self got elected!!! #25thamendment
Our nation needs a new name, properly befitting our ‘#1 status’ in gun-related violence. And so…
“Welcome to Ammo-merica…Good Luck!”
Trump got 20 million from the nra did you really think he was Gona do something lol.trump got jokes
Yeah, that cowardly backsliding didn’t take long. This guy tries to pretend he’s strong but again and again proves himself to be a total wimp.
The only times he retreats on quicker than saying he’s behind even basic gun safety laws are his half-hearted attempts to prove he’s not a racist.
How many NRA chips does Trump have in his pocket. Maybe our best route is to get RID of this trash Then we might be safer with Democrats!
Babbler in chief. Walking back his “promises” again. Nothing new.
What’s even easier to buy in this country than a gun? A member of the GOP.
This is not an administration it’s a PUTIN installed criminal Enterprise
Impeach the mother fker asap America
Not one Democrat would want the 2nd Amendment taken away, not one. But yet, this fraudulent president continue to spew the NRA’s fear mongering tactics. I want to enjoy my firearms for recreation and for protection. I don’t need a firearm that can cause massive casualty. There is really no need for it. Having said that, I still believe that every law abiding citizen should have the right if proven sane to own any firearms they want. This boils down then to having a thorough and comprehensive background check to obtain any firearm, period.
Home grown terrorists aren’t crazy, they know exactly what they’re doing when they open fire on civilian crowds. They do it because they’re full of the same hates and fears Trump feeds them on a daily basis. If I believed everything Trump said I’d be a paranoid, gun-toting racist too.