President Trump signs the Great American Outdoors Act, which gives national parks billions of dollars for maintenance and repairs.
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#trump #usatoday
Just focus on the pandemic. Didn’t care about climate control, now he is concerned about the GREAT outdoors….wonderful! Take care of the families and businesses that are suffering because of this virus.
@Belligerent Instigator
Unite his party so they don’t wait one week before the deadline to start negotiating? You know, the BARE MINIMUM?
@DudeWatches They have been trying to get something passed for months. What is this one week BS? Have you even been paying attention. Go watch “Meet Kevin” channel on Youtube. all of his video are about stimulus now for months. He is a real estate channel. You are totally clueless.
Yeah and the in,y thing libtards wanna do is pass a 2 trillion dollar bill proposed by that cow AoC
Right !
That is your state’s responsibility, they are the ones shutting everything down.
This guy is such a good liar that some poorly educated people actually believe him.
Please do your research from factual sources. Register and VOTE
@Craig Dougan Peaceful protests. Delusional.
He is a total embarrassment to your lovely country.
@peter linden I’m sure that’s what ignoramuses said about anti-nazi advocates in the 1930s
And Hillary would be your choice for honesty? Idiot
@Common Sense Well it would be a contest as to who would lie more and trump would win hands down – no question
God Bless President Trump

Thank you!!
I’m gonna cry.
Preserving wildlife is *so* badly needed.
People want gun ownership to kill deer in the fall. Why?
These people can easily buy deer feed.
For those who don’t know, deer mate in the fall.
Hate comments are going to be *very* crispy with me.
Non-vegetarians hate me too.
So, it’s time for a *True Story:*
Year: 1997
Location City: Carleton
There is a working farm in this location, also a duck/geese preservation area.
No massive conglomerates have taken it over.
In this farm, they had some deer.
Several buck, 2 doe, and one fawn.
I always wanted to pet a deer.
Just once in my life.
I stood still without a sound.
I stared slightly down.
The deer were *very* hesitant.
The doe slowly moved towards me.
It took roughly 45 minutes to gain her trust.
I succeeded in petting her.
She was very soft and gentle.
She closed her eyes and put her head into my hand.
It was the most precious moment I ever had.
I succeded in my goal.
It took *tons* of patience to accomplish this.
I had no camera and no news crew.
All natural.
Witnesses would be my daughter, she was 3 at the time, she has a very good memory.
Thank you for reading.
God Bless!
• Love inside
“Pure” Michigan, USA
• That’s why.
Take a gander at what his administration has done with the environment
Kudos President Trump: I’m glad to see him following in Teddy Roosevelt’s steps.
@Abe Lincoln Lol, Abe, Trump is the president of your party.
Belligerent Instigator TrumpVirus wrecking havoc. All large US cities are Democratic. Go to college. Educate yourself.

@Abe Lincoln New York has over 33,000 deaths. Other large states with comparable numbers have around 5,000. Emojis must mean you are right.
Please follow him out of the WH!
@rosenb14 Woke scolds are stupid.
This is hugely popular, protecting our wildlife and parks. Smart move. I hope it isn’t about building roads to get access for mining and clearcutting.
He’s not protecting wildlife!! This will allow hunters to bait bears and freely kill them when they were protected before.
it’s a very smart move by Trump. It’s good to see him take a realistic stance on climate change this is a big flip for him.
Thank God, the “Inglourious basterds” are finally getting ready to solve the problem in their effective and very unique way …
Trump finally says to wear a mask. 6 months late. Hopefully his cult will listen. 2/3 of Trump supporters are unemployed.

While Nancy Pelosi and Bill Deblasio were encourraging people into large gatherings and calling Trump’s travel ban “racist”, Andrew Cuomo was deciding to let CoVID patients into nursing homes, causing over 33,000 deaths, greater than any other state. All you can do is complain about Trump’s messaging on masks. Who is the one in a cult?
Lol, Abe, Trump is the president of your party.
Just another thing to distract people from Covid-19 & all the confirmed cases & deaths.
How are we suppose enjoy America when we can’t even afford a loaf of bread. Send our children to school. Come on people get real.
p o s
just like the rockefellers. Limit the land we can use increase the price of the land that is left. Supply and demand. AND the GOP has switched sides just like they have done throughout history.
thanks. It makes up to some extent for egrefgious abuse of the environment until now. Good job. You will not be getting vote.
If you care so much about the great American outdoors, why did you withdraw from the Paris Agreement?
Because the hockey stick was proven a hoax. Please do the research. Al gore predicted that the whole coastline under water by jow . Yet he still enjoys his multi million dollar home right on the coast. Let’s not forget Obama’s purchased their summer on the coastline and according to AOC we have 10 years left. HAHAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA
@dolandlydia Why is “do the research” always the response? I suppose you want me to “read the manuals” as well?
Too little too late. Desperate.
I’m Here To Give My Testimony About A Doctor Who Helped Me In My Life. I Was Infected With HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS In 2015, I Went To Many Hospitals For Cure But There Was No Solution, So I Was Thinking How Can I Get A Solution Out So That My Body Can Be Okay. One Day I Was In The River Side Thinking Where I Can Go To Get Solution. So A Lady Walked To Me Telling Me Why Am I So Sad And I Open Up All To Her Telling Her My Problem, She Told Me That She Can Help Me Out, She Introduce Me To A Doctor Who Uses Herbal Medication To Cure HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS And Gave Me His Email, So l Mail Him. He Told Me All The Things I Need To Do And Also Give Me Instructions To Take, Which I Followed Properly. Before I Knew What Is Happening After Two Weeks The HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS That Was In My Body Got Vanished . So If You Are Also Heart Broken And Also Need A Help, You Can Also contact Him Through @dr_job3
People, Women, Man, Camera, TV, Yose-Mite!
Can you imagine if?… so it’s 7 months after the attack at Pearl Harbor and war president Roosevelt is asked why the ships are taking too long to repair and there are shortages of munitions, medical supplies, and food for the troops and he replies that “it was the Japanese who attacked us, they attacked us, I didn’t find out until 1:00PM, they started it, it was a sneak attack, they didn’t warn us!”
Wtf? Millions of Americans are in need. The “parks” can wait.