President Trump Refuses To Denounce White Supremacist Groups | Way Too Early | MSNBC

Rashad Robinson of Color of Change joins Way Too Early to recap the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and President Trump and Trump's refusal to denounce white supremacist groups. Aired on 9/30/2020.
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President Trump Refuses To Denounce White Supremacist Groups | Way Too Early | MSNBC


    1. Trump went beyond not taking a stand against White supremacy, he called out to White Supremacists to “stand by” and be prepared to inflict violence on the American people if Trump does not win the election. This needs to be called out for what it is – un-American and seditious

    2. Trump’s father attended the Ku Klux Klan rallies so what can we expect? Of course, Trump’s a racist and any Black or Hispanic who votes for him is out of their mind — he wouldn’t do a thing for anyone who isn’t a billionaire and can do something financially for him. Trump thinks we are all, including the military suckers and losers — WHY can’t his supporters see that he disdains them? I guess to fathom such lowness, such hypocrisy.

    1. Gilberts Grape ok now you’re being ignorant . You want to research who gets sued more ? Do that and get back to us later ,You must be in another country

    2. @JWalkers Conner from claymont. Biden hasn’t done anything for us in 47 years why would he get it right this time.

      You’ve been Ruled by a two family dictatorship of bush Clinton and their puppet Obama. Your whole life selling us out to their globalist donors.

  1. Trump didn’t denounce white supremacist because he is a white supremacist. It is sad to see the media not calling out the President.

    1. @Ellen Peba Portland, Louisville, several more. They are going to keep going until us real soldiers put them down!!!

    2. But I have seen the media and Republican Voters Against Trump and The Lincoln Project call Trump a racist and a white supremicist. The problem is that Republicans who worry about their careers and reputations because Trump destroys all in his path who cross him. But even so, I wish more Republicans would put our country first.

      THIS is how Hitler came to power — all those around him who looked the other way as he kept breaking the law until everyone in Germany including his supporters was at his mercy — this is Trump’s scenario. I am astounded by intelligent people who support this criminal — what is it they are not seeing. He’s a pig and a liar and in the Woodward tapes back in February he states that Covid affect even young people while at a recent rally he said that Covid “is nothing” and doesn’t affect young people because their immune system is too strong. What a liar!

      I knew he’d be awful in office but I never suspected that he would bring his whole family into the White House and that he’d turn out to be exceedingly evil — he’s a threat to our democracy and a threat to our national security and “national security” those are not just words — I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s sold our warfare secrets for a few million to our enemies.

      His evil knows no depths and he doesn’t care if he brings down the entire country, especially if he’s going down — and eventually, he is going down — I just wish it would be soon. God help us all! VOTE HIM OUT!

  2. Despite what Trumpet didn’t do, why hasn’t any member of the Republican party come out and condemn white supremacists???

    1. Not hearing him say that he condemns white supremasists is more than a good enough reason to not vote for him.
      “Stand back and stand by” pfff ridiculous!!

    2. Because that’s who they are. They are afraid of the rebrowning of the country. It was brown before the immigrant invasion. They are scare.

    1. PROUD BOYS ARE NOT A WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP!!!! The founder is blank, lots of latinos are part of it, they have NEVER ever said or done anything about people of color…. KENOCHA WHITE SUPREMACISTS? WHO? WHEN? WHERE?

  3. The debate was like watching a comedy skit of two old guys at the rest home bickering about politics. Biden stood his ground although he was thrown off topic with the interruptions. And trump in usual fashion was rude, deflected, and avoided answering the questions. And what the heck was up with his hands, I thought he was doing the vogue dance. God help this country!

    1. @Roman Ward If you claim he won you are a racist supporter. The main thing that killed that clown was supporting the white supremacists. And interrupting his opponent repeatedly without allowing him to speak. He lost dude. Stfu now.

  4. “ Stand By” can’t you imagine what that meant from a guy in that position. The Republican Party now to me, is a joke!. FB was always cancelled for me when you start spying 🕵️‍♀️.

    1. I wish the leaders on your side would tell ANTIFA and BLM to “stand down and just stand by” rather than embolden them to “go out and protest” and “radicalize”. They have obeyed. Riots, looting, burning, forcing innocent bystanders to “say this or that” and even shooting people at point blank for wearing a Christian cap. Can you see the difference? Or will you continue to plug your ears and chant whatever they command you to chant?

    2. @sevecn yai
      Yup, sure looks like doesn’t matter to a lot of fake news out there.

      I really do hope trump loses. You Americans don’t deserve trump. I’m glad I’m chinese. At least after he loses, china will be next in line to take over.

    1. yep, trump would lose all his police union endorsements if he denounced the white supremacists. they have completely infiltrated and corrupted the police.

  5. Thats not all. His “proud boys” took trump’s message and turned it into a badge. No doubt they will wear that like fascist insignia next time they invade a state capitol with their weapons.

    1. @lavanniek look America, We still have people defending our president even though he could have stopped violence from white supremacist with just 1 sentence on live tv.

  6. Just imagine president of United states of America saying standby be ready for violence nothing left to shock anymore

    1. PROUD BOYS ARE NOT A WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP!!!! The founder is blank, lots of latinos are part of it, they have NEVER ever said or done anything about people of color…. KENOCHA WHITE SUPREMACISTS? WHO? WHEN? WHERE?

    2. I only heard stand down and stand by…
      Can you show me the timeline of the debate where he said he ready for violence?

    1. Richard Cogbill well, I can’t answer for others but I can assure you I am a native born American voting citizen.

    2. @Eric Wall Biden actually kept his bearing, yet the president constantly interrupted with nonsense
      Politifacts has checked both their statements and 90% of what Trump said was false, yet biden got a 70% truth score. Also Biden actually has plans and policies in place. The president didn’t answer a single question correctly

    1. Oh boy the grammar police doesnt understand spell check taking over. But you are right. Do you feel better up there. So besides .your. I guess the rest of my point was sound as you didnt say anything about the point, I’m sure you being so much more educated than me, still understood the point. Just went after grammar to deflect.

  7. The people who voted for trump and still intend to vote for trump are living proof that the dumbing down of American is working!

    1. And voting for cooked Hillary or quid pro quo Joe is a sign of great intelligence? Hillary admitted she had “private policies” and public policies .. she admitted to backroom shady deals and serving vested interests. Hunter is on a CCP board and Joe is China’s favorite.

    1. Yes! and sadly, as a result, we can rest assured that when Trump does lose, we will see @ least a handful of them react in a way that will endanger the lives of many innocent people.

    2. Toddy Jones Don’t assume it’s just a handful. And they won’t be just “endangering”. They are planning on bloodshed. They have been stockpiling military-style weapons for years and waiting to hear the words “stand by” for years. Vote early. Speak out. And be ready.

    1. @Rennard Henry 100% agree with you, And wishing you and your family the best! And remember we are living through a Historical moment and no one can control who tells our story, but if we vote we could shape the way the story is told!

    2. Yes , Let Antifa burn down America , continue mayhem as civil war will ensue. Some will stand up and fight for those who want to protect this land . That is expected. Antifa is small vs the masses that love this country . Very simple folks !

    3. @Roman Ward trump was moronic and sounded like a fifth grader rambling and stumbling over everything. He has no plan for anything but people like you are totally fooled by a fool. You’re not worth the time to explain reality to.

    1. @John Thomas: Kenite. I know you, and whom you’re you are the one’s whom were responsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ; you’re the Scribes and the Pharisees… You have those racists group’s but We have GOD Almighty and his Army we will prevail against your satanic organizations…..

    2. First of all he did denounce white supremacists!!!!! Proud boys are not a white supremacist group. They have many Hispanics as members. Who is more dangerous in America today? The proud boys or antifa? Probably not antifa because the dont exists.

    1. ​@B Sharp WHAT HE ACTUALLY SAID: “There are good people on both sides I’m not talking about the Neo-Nazis and white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally “

    2. Trump will not disown his tip supporters and obvious fan base. They are essentially the one group where trump can count on every single one of there votes can you say that about any other parties or groups in America.

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