President Trump presents Medal of Honor to Sergeant Major Thomas Payne | USA TODAY

President Donald Trump presents the Medal of Honor to Sergeant Major Thomas Payne of the United States Army.
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President Trump presents Medal of Honor to Sergeant Major Thomas Payne | USA TODAY


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    1. Richard Canaan this is true but Delta is the most Elite of even the rangers. Also you’ll never know when you come across someone that Is Delta they always remain secretive which is so badass to me

    2. @knockingdoorsdown the insignia on his left shoulder, they black knife inside a red arrow is the known insignia for delta. While some of their missions are secret their existence is definitely no longer secret

    3. @Jessie H. A bit of r/whooosh

      Well it’s a good thing that delta got recognized in this kind of way. Not by appearing in seminar, news interview, and signing books saying “I KILLED BIN LADEN!”

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    2. @paul w And they’ll do what exactly?. Trust me they won’t track me down, but I’ve got you, and yopur ip is going to be plastered all over the dark web on some pretty nasty forums asking for some very illegal and nasty stuff. Enjoy, coward.

  1. and 19 yrs ago you sat in a high school class room, and today, you are the Nations Hero, THANK YOU SIR, FROM A DAUGHTER OF A NAVY PT GUNNER……

    1. paul w I would insult you but you aren’t worth the grease that’s gonna burn you in hell, let alone anyone considering words to upset you.

    2. @Joma Hawk sad he has to act that way. Hate war all he wants but this man risked his life saving others that he didn’t know, from another country, so they can go home to their families. 🇺🇸 Just an angry person inside. No worthless comment will hurt our strength. Bottom line is no matter what they say we will always be the ones that will hunt the boogymen.

  2. Courage, heroic acts and selfless service need to be acknowledged with special consideration for those who go up and above expectations. Congratulations to Sgt. Maj. Payne for your extraordinary courage and leadership in the face of insurmountable odds. Your country is proud and thank you for your service. Vote smart.

    1. his rank is sergeant major. His name is thomas payne. While there is a rank called “major” (O-4), major is not his rank or name. “sergeant major” (E-9) is his rank.

    1. @A J her confirmed sources cnn, msnbc, nbc, New York Times.. All Fake News All the time! You would think they would learn the are being programed by their regularly scheduled programing by now!

    1. If you look at his uniform at 2012 ceremony…he still does not have CIB or CAB attached..Hes been very busy since 2012…Great American 👍

  3. In addition to the ceremony, I like how the President made sure the Medal hung straight! I would’ve done the same.

  4. God bless our military and especially our special forces. Without them we couldnt live the lives we have today in america!!!!! Congrats to the sgt.major and thank you!!!!!

  5. When I was In Nepal not to far from Mount Everest. They found out I was an American, The Nepalese and Indian were asking me about Trump. They all liked him..

  6. Trump made sure he centered the MOH and the Chaplain’s opening and closing in the name of Jesus were perfect. Thank you SGM.

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