President Trump on small business support amid coronavirus | USA TODAY

President Donald Trump delivers remarks from the East Room of the White House on the Paycheck Protection Program, part of coronavirus stimulus package known as the CARES Act, that is set up to help small businesses continue to operate and pay employees during the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

RELATED: Here are the six new possible symptoms of COVID-19

The United States has surpassed 1 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, according to Johns Hopkins University data, nearly one-third of the over three million confirmed cases globally. More than 55,000 have died in the U.S. from the virus, a number approaching the 58,220 Americans killed in the Vietnam War from 1955 to 1975.

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  1. I am glad to see this video, I was able to get into the second round of funding to submit my application. I have no idea where I am in the process but remain hopeful

    1. @FB Wrk Barack Obama only bailed out the Airlines at the Bankers he did nothing for the middle class

    1. If you don’t agree or don’t like it here or don’t like the job he’s doing you could always go back to your own country, and we want you to go back because you probably think you’ll be better off there…where you came from. And take a planeful of democrats with you please

    2. L Jay 😂🤣😂WEIRDO!!!! Blah blah blah Tf are u talking about….idgaf about politics, like I said I’m here for the comments!!

  2. Mnuchin, who took 1 billion for his bank, One West, in the 2008 bailout.
    He used the money to buy up your foreclosed homes.

    1. Mnuchin is one of those despicable people responsible for many people loosing their homes in 2008. Period.

    2. Mr Man Man People treated real estate like a currency and got greedy buying rentals they couldn’t afford hoping to sell 2-3 years later. Banks were not regulated enough. Thankfully the Dodd Frank Act prevents people from ever doing that again.

    1. Addams29 Many of those jobs will be lost to automation. Big business models are outdated and the commmon unskilled employee will be wiped out. Small local businesses based on specific skill sets and criteria are the solution.

    2. @Firefly people will still buy it because of the price difference but the quality won’t be the same.

    3. @John Doe Yes I agree. The quality hopefully will be better. American pride in making something. I hope. At this point I just don’t want to support a Communist country that treats its people bad, treats us bad, steals from us… and has obviously a horrific virus and disease problem. This isn’t the first time they have spread a disease that killed people.

    1. yes,…but,….. it’s a total democrat hoax,. and it will magically disappear,… a stable genius told us so,..

    1. @Vixxii Pixxii

      the crazy Trump’s family harmless mad barking,even Kim Jong Un Fury dies out,now for only smokes,chinese and russian are jiggling with my CHINA…

    2. @ong kim that’s awesome i thought your previous comment was funny.. but hey GOD BLESS AMERICA AND PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP <3 my USA AND DAMN PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN..

    3. @Vixxii Pixxii

       I am proud too ,to be a communist and I love my CHINA,,INSANE Trump is a crazy President,how can you admired this mad person???

    1. @Jamie C
      But here in Spain and all Europe civilians can,t use military calibre because it,s for exclusive use armed forces

  3. The small business loan forces them to reopen while it’s still unsafe, putting millions more at risk of the virus.

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