President Trump impeachment trial: What’s happening next? | USA TODAY

Here's what've you've missed in President Donald Trump's impeachment trial and what's expected next.
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As President Trump's impeachment trial wraps up USA TODAY's Christal Hayes sets out to catch you up and answer your questions from social media on what's next.

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President Trump impeachment trial: What's happening next? | USA TODAY


  1. It’s simple Democrats don’t dictate to the Judges, Executive, Senate, and especially not the Republicans, in their attempt to deny the voters of other states.

  2. Do you know how many millions of dollars were wasted with their bogus case against the president of the United States Of America!!! We the people are sick of this and want to see these liars who literally constructed a concious group of lies against our president. They need to be charged at least with lieng under oath but also falsifying evidence and more much much more. We want Justice. Too bad we dont hang traitors anymore. Ugh. Maybe the Clinton’s can share their hitman with us. J.k but for real they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We the people need to make sure that happens. All they did was expose their own crooked corrupt plans. Thanks dumb dems. 😘 glad you did all the work for us. At least something good will come of this. Trump 2020 & 2024

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