Top coronavirus task force members testify before a congressional panel as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to take its toll and states face a resurgence of cases.
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Whoever you are, wherever you are, no matter your political ideas, I really hope your year turns around and gets better. I know this has really impacted us all…
@Philtration Joe Biden:”what you’all know but most people dont know is that, unlike the african american community, the latino comminity is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes” ; “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” “you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean,” Biden said about obama. Joe: “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a dunkin’ donuts unless you have a slight indian accent…. I’m not joking.” – Joe Biden “if my opponent wins they gonna put y’all back in chains” “Why the hell would I take a test? C’mon man.” “take a test where you’re taking cocaine” “I’ve been tested and I’m constantly tested,” “We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created by, go, you know, you know the thing,” “Look. Tomorrow’s Super Thursday,” “They would … actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.” “We choose Truth not Facts”
Thank you. But, it will never improve until the day after the November 3rd general elections. That the pandemic arrived in an election year sealed our fate. The President’s pitch for reelection was the economy which is now in shambles. He initially tried to ride the virus for political value, and after seeing that any association with the virus was negative, he dumped the entire load on the state governors, who in many cases simply passed the buck down to the cities and counties. His new strategy has been “there is no virus,” or “hoax,” “conspiracy to make me look bad,” “99% harmless,” etc. Instead of a national response to the disease, we now have hundreds or thousands of actions/inactions, with every level of state and local governments bickering and competing for resources. Yeah, it is what it is.
mnpd3 Can you prove the virus exists outside of using mainstream news articles?
mnpd3 The virus is fake; the only reason you think it is real is because the media has been pushing it 24/7. If you use your own two eyes there is no pandemic.
ATL Braves go get it yourself dumbas5
I went straight to the comments lol
No bullshit

i was expecting boomers and karens ngl
I have a juicy buicy
and youtube starts deleting them
Same lmao
I hope all these people commenting go vote
@E Mc2 Yeah, Just like the polls told you Killary would do? Haha. Sucks to lose day after day, eh? When all we do is win! I’m getting so tired of it!
@Kyle C Yes, your winning has been amazing. I really hope you guys win A LOT more. Winning under Trump is quite Amazing! Unfortunately Fat Nixon cann run on fake promises and now has to explain what he accomplished while spending an entire work year golfing at tax payer expense at his resorts.
1. Worst Depression since the great depression
2. Highest number of deaths from Covid in the World (500x times South Korea, a densely populated country 1/6 th our size.
3. The Largest budget deficit in History.
Get ready to enjoy the amazing future he has created for you
@E Mc2 Yes Great points. Because Trump himself not only created the COVID19 virus but unleashed it upon the American people. That sort of reasoning is just pathetic. Dishonesty at it’s finest. PAthetic.
@Kyle C He did not unleash – he amplified it. Today 1,200 plus Americans Died. 1 person in South Korea 2 in Germany. 49 in the U.S. Guess you are not good with the ol’ numberz… The Fish rots from the head, especially if the head is lying, empty and lazy and only concerned about his ratings.
And his MAGA Scumbags are making Death Threats against Fauci. Some very fine people you are associated with
@E Mc2 Hmm lets see who you people are associated with, pedophiles, blm, antifa, soros, yeah seems like Hell will be full of yall. Hope not, theres still time to make things right. Lets see if Hiddin’ Biden even shows up to a debate. Boy, that’ll be a bloodbath I cant wait to watch! haha!!
It isn’t China’s fault. It may have been China’s fault in January. But it’s August now. Nations near China have all overcome with relatively few casualties. Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand have all overcome. Even Europe, which was taken by surprise and hit pretty hard, has recovered. Canada has avoided a disaster. The US was among the last to be hit by coronavirus and had all the other examples to follow, and yet it’s doing worse and worse. It’s your fault, sharpie monster.
We’re doing so badly because besides COVID-19, we also have POTUS-45, the Trump virus.
What are you going to do if people in not social distancing/wearing masks and not following the guidelines the setup by the administration. No way to control it then.
A scared man crying for 5 minutes about voting……yawn. Boring.
And lying about Covid numbers
Wow USA Today really be thirsting for ads
pizzahot IG you don’t like capitalism /free trade … or freedom… why are you commenting here?
Vu Du
30,000 Subs Without a Video Challenge!
katie geiger that list is a lot shorter than other presidents
i dont think were gonna see lower priced med, i think were gonna see more people not get there meds cause they cant find them
This coronavirus is the strangest virus I’ve ever heard of.
It’s very dangerous in the way it spreads. It is so mysterious the way it lurks in schools, but then dies at Home Depot. It can wreak havoc in churches; praying people are exceptionally vulnerable! Although it’s mind-boggling how it vanishes when people stand close together holding signs, destroying businesses, homes, property, monuments, etc. Yet, standing to watch a marathon or a concert triggers its wrath.
It is sneaky. It can spread when buying clothes at Kohl’s but not at Target. It is non-alcoholic. It can’t spread when you are buying beer. It lives for two days on Amazon boxes, you must wait 48 hours to touch them but it can’t survive on Dunkin Donuts coffee cups, so enjoying a hot cup of joe is safe.
It is the most curious thing, how it lives on basketballs, baseball bats and ballet bars, but dies on WWE ropes and Walmart shopping carts. It is spread by hair stylists, dog groomers, and dentists, but not by bank tellers, cashiers, and fast food workers.
It’s so smart. It won’t bother the first 10 people gathered but it knows when the 11th person shows up, so be careful if that’s you.! It even knows what you want vs. what you need. If you want a massage or your nails done it is very actively on the prowl and not even a mask can stop it, but if you need a plumber, it is weak, and a mask will keep it away. It also seems to be most dangerous after 5:30pm so businesses must start to close before the virus comes out of hiding and wreaks havoc upon the populations. It also requires dine-in restaurants to have a shorter menu and you use real plates but only plastic forks and spoons.
Whoever heard of such a clever, sneaky virus?!?
This was gold

ima have to copy and paste
Buy a microscope, change your perspective.
Why does this not have more likes?!
@Miss Densmore I added this comment to another video about covid and it got 893 likes in the first 5 days
@GoTocco That’s more like it!
“Coronavirus? Never meet the guy. He sounds like a great guy.”
It is a China virus and that is a fact! And I am not even a Trump supporter.
“I wish him well”
@Ammathein You pulled out every facebook conspiracy with this comment lmao
@jesus domínguez Projecting as tho I get my information from 3rd party sources from one of your social engineers. That aside, do your homework.
He just can’t stop, he actually thinks we’re that dumb.
All you need to know
To be fair, some people did vote for this thing. So yes, there are dummies out there
Ryan Statt this Latina voted for him the first time and I can’t wait to do it again this November!!Trump 2020

@Eva MZ way to be part of the problem and not the solution
@Eva MZ I can see why, Trump is a lot easier on the illegals than Obama and Biden were
“Social distance, Wear a mask” UNLESS you are important like John Lewis of course. No tyranny going on here.
I’m ok with calling Covid-19 the “China virus”…as soon as everyone starts calling the 1918 “Spanish Flu” the AMERICAN FLU. I mean, we should have never let it happen, right?
Lesson of today: ignore any Trump announcement and go and vote
I’m only here for the 14 ads inside 4 min.
can someone make a video of him saying “million”
It is what it is “
“Person Woman Man Camera TV”
“Yo Sim Mites.”
Lovely just Lovely
Round of applause for our “war”time president!
Bore off
Humanity is led to believe there is no Hope or Cure, when there is Hope & Natural Cures, Not Profitable To The Medical Pharmaceuticals Industries. COVID-19 like most Life Threatening Diseases is “ANAEROBIC”, which can be Effectively Killed With “Ozone” & other Oxygen Therapies, which are Suppressed by the FDA, AMA, Medical/Pharmaceuticals Industries.
Newsweek 06/29/2020 suggested a 50% False Positive Rate for COVID-19 TESTS. This is the Science they want you to Trust & Believe In. Read, This Is A Bio-Attack Alert, by Dr Robert B Strecker.
Look Up:
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3. Oxygen Therapies
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7. Dr Robert B Strecker on Archive dot org.
When a bunch of known corrupt people unite against one man and spare no attempt to assassinate his character, blindly follow that one man! – Marcus Aurelius.
so who here is “tired of winning”