President Donald Trump holds a press briefing on COVID-19 testing from the Rose Garden.
RELATED: White House addresses coronavirus cases among West Wing staff
There were nearly 80,000 deaths and more than 1.3 million confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. early Monday, according to the John Hopkins University data dashboard. Worldwide, the virus has killed more than 282,000 people and surpassed 4.1 million infections.
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“You know what the crime is”…….typical deflection non-answer.
Katherine Davar
How about you prove one conspiracy before taking on a thousand others??
Prove Obamas Kenyan birth Certificate??
Prove Obama founded Isis??
Oh Shouldn’t Hilary be in jail by now with all those crackpot conspiracies hanging over her head.
Bill Barrs DOJ needs your evidence to make convictions in a court of law, do you have any evidence?? Do your nutcase friends have any evidence?? All you pathetic losers have is unsubstantiated Bullshit.
But sure, just jump on the conspiracy theory bandwagon you pathetic dope. Don’t you EVER wonder why your conspiracies always just fade away and nothing ever happens.
Don’t you EVER wonder that maybe, just maybe what your being told is unsubstantiated bullshit spread for political purposes and is not supported by EVIDENCE, inwhich could be quickly turned over to Bill Barr leading to convictions???
Start putting 2 and 2 together you pathetic brain dead dope.
Trump wanted to leave after that question
@Cavett Haynes You know he is human – maybe he just had to go pee ?
SeaJay Oceans Or get his diaper changed
Trump said everyone who “WANTS” a test can have it, They immediately contradicted him saying: Everyone who “NEEDS” a test can have it.And then say that the only ones who “NEED” it are those who have symptoms. What happened to those who are infected and do not know it, but they can infect others. (asymptomatic) Do they really believe that people are stupid?
He is speaking to his base, because those dumbasses will believe anything he utters. So sad
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@The Void only need quarantine until virus free!
I had symptoms weeks ago and I couldn’t get a test. In fact, up until recently there had only been a few hundred people tested in my county.
@Robert Thomas The same thing happens where I live, but at least we have tests available for all people with symptoms. And starting in some places to people with no smptoms. Fortunately most of us follow the rule of staying home. Be Well!
Two days ago I asked my VA doctor for a test And was told no…. I am symtomatic And 100% Service connected disabled… ie I am supposed to 100% coverage. So why is she telling me no?
So. Oregon rural citizen
@Jay Smith this is just a virus not that serious the odds of you dying from it are super slim… the president isnt taking it as seriously because it’s really NOT that serious
You should ask your doctor why she said no. Call.
Contact your governor or state health officials.
@Kelvin Louis, write mine, you have my curiosity aroused.
Janet Carpenter this is my mail
The president said people are dying the other way I feel safer in my home without major testing I don’t trust anybody because I don’t know who has Coronavirus
Charles Jarrett I feel the same way. I’m staying in anyway. I would advise people who don’t have to go out to stay at home. I understand people who will lose their jobs going out. I hope those who have to go out have masks for protection. If people are required to return to work to keep their jobs, then the job should be required to furnish masks for the employees’ protection. If I didn’t have a mask I would make one using a scarf to cover my mouth and nose. Upon arrival at my job I would go to personnel and see if they are providing masks. If they are not, I would be sure to make a written request to whoever I needed to, to ask that they be provided. Send an email to personnel also to assure a paper trail if needed. I’m not trying to be funny, just very concerned about human lives being saved. I have family members who have to return to work also and I’m very concerned for their health.
Something happened….yes,she must have had contact with her husband Miller.
The most, the greatest, the best, never heard before, what an idiot this guy is.
apparently the words “need” and “want” are synonymous?
it looks like.
Look at how they are patting themselves on the back for now having testing, 5 f’ing months into this pandemic. SK doesn’t have much testing now because they no longer need it, they did it early, when it really mattered.
@terrycloth verysoft orange was too busy planning Rally’s and playing golf
@Benjamin Bailey You are aware that Joe Biden is the other choice right? He’s Donald Trump without the success.
@terrycloth verysoft We know that China is responsible for their virus and we will make them pay for it. But what about the president who could have decreed a national quarantine? Why did governors and mayors act until the virus had come to their lands? Think before giving them your vote again.
@Robert Lara it must be fun living in your head with Peter Pan and the Easter Bunny!
@Nancy Jean Schempp Are you talking by experience?
All at your disposal…
Let’s thank the janitors that keep us safe.
he literally ragequit the press conference lmaooo
@Avenger 1 Are you still in elementary school or is *Trump Derangement Syndrome* making you that stupid???
@Avenger 1 there’s 2 types of people in this world. Those who believe all the bullshit on thier propaganda machine, and then their are those who can research and think for themselves. Now go back and watch your teLIEvision sheep! The real people saving this country have work to do!!! You can thank me later.
@But Cantusee
Shut the hell up !!!!! Time to turn off the Trump siren song. REAL Americans have their own brain and are able to think on their own.
I don’t watch teLIEvision as you put but it is obvious you do. Time to grow and wake up!!!! This pumpkin head that you praise will only lead you to disaster. Oh you’ll thank me later. Signed a true independent!!!
@Long Range Rifle
Ah haha good one you. You’re comments show just how much of a fragile brain you have. You CANNOT form a thought of your own.
Trump Derangement…. NOPE .
I just can’t figure out how you and the rest of those that believe this Pumpkin headed Trump actually knows anything. The ONLY thing Trump knows and cares about is finding those people who feed his ego.
And how much is the home test is it free lol
I may be wrong .. but I think the test is free but the treatment isn’t. If true, nothing like knowing you have it and not being able to afford to treat it.
It is not, and shouldn’t be free. Do you work for free?
@bobby D Oh you Americans really are very simple & narrow minded minded aren’t you? Actually, in my country it is free, and no I dont work for free. Just because you are entirely incapable of doing something doesn’t mean it cant and isn’t being done. All public heath care, and education is free here. So is dental up to the age of 18. So, yes it is FREE! Many country’s have free health care – just not you.
Yea but their all on your staff. The rest of us cant get a test
USA today tweets are very negative. Opinion is not necessary. Facts only are needed!
He just Reading !! He dont care about what he’s Reading either.. he just be saying anything …
Who’s getting all these tests?
Anyone going into surgery
Nikki Racks surgery for what ?
Carlitos Vee anyone who needs to enter the hospital for a procedure is being tested in my state
@Ed Hodgkins May God take care of your mother.
Clyde Cox the Governors are responsible for managing the testing in their state. They must submit orders for testing supplies to the Fed, then the Governors administration disperses to authorized testing facilities in their state
They have learned about washing there hands

i agree a lot of people have he’s right about that!
@Calculated MC I didn’t know I was taking a grammer test online ha ha finished college years ago. Could careless now! Good thing we have people like you to correct grammer online!
“Anybody who needs a test gets a test. We- they’re there. They have the test,and the tests are beautiful”
-Trump March
@Robert Thomas oh there you go…FEEL BETTER NOW BABY
Flashstar 123 what I are you saying shut up
Flashstar 123 GOD shut your mouth
Flashstar 123 you are a voice for the media and satin
@James Morrell
And you are disinfectant
” screw you guys, I’m going home” …… Not much difference between South Parks Cartman and trump…..they are both cartoons
They’re both fat asses too
Global Citizen hello how you doing over there I need more friends and messages on my mail can you be one of my friends?
Anybody else getting sick of Trump’s lies?
6 more months
Lies like a rug
It must be fun living in your head with Peter Pan and the Easter Bunny!
Reporter: Mr. President why so many people hates you?

Trump: dont ask me, ask china! Thats a nasty questions!