President Trump departs Walter Reed for White House | USA TODAY

President Donald Trump leaves Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after being hospitalized since Friday with COVID-19.

President Donald Trump will return to the White House on Monday, three days after he arrived at Walter Reed hospital with coronavirus symptoms that were alarming enough that doctors administered oxygen and several rounds of aggressive treatment.

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#Trump #WalterReed #BreakingNews

President Trump departs Walter Reed for White House | USA TODAY


    1. Trump says not to worry about the COVID-19 virus while 200,000+ Americans have died mainly because they didn’t get the socialized health care Trump and his family gets for life, thanks to American taxpayers!

    2. @Stick 13 HAHAHA! Get that evil and hate out of your heart and find the truth. Trump’s divinely guided, loves and fights for the people, not the demons. Trump 2020! 4 more years! God bless Trump, God bless USA! God bless the Earth and Humanity! Rise Patriots Rise! Love Wins!

  1. These media sources are something else. My Dad tested positive for COVID right after he had a stroke. We believe he got it at the hospital. Everybody is lying about how bad it is. The numbers of deaths are listed as COVID because most of the death are complications “due”,to COVID with all my dad’s health problems I was so worried. He has high blood pressure, diabetes, a mild case of pneumonia and he is 84 years old.. and he’s doing fantastic

    1. Glad to hear he is doing well and thank you for sharing! It’s important that people hear from direct experiences instead of the hype.

  2. This Man Mr.Trump is a joke we all know that he never had the Virus. He new an knows hes losing so he had to do something. Such a faker and a baby

    1. If I’m the baby. I would have better sense then go an put family and people who work for him in danger..

  3. I’m really trying hard not to be cynical about this – of course it’s not a publicity stunt ! I know that !

    1. Cause all the Drs and etc would have to been in on it risking their careers, fortunes etc and jail time if it were a hoax…Still dont understand how people cant see that ? Hospital would probably be shut down for good or at least till an investigation was over. Not like every employee there is a republican and would go along with in the first place

    2. Hey Betty….you know damn well the DemonRats exposed President Trump and those in his inner circle to the CCP virus. The truth will come forward and all I can say is Hell hath no fury like the silent majority.

  4. Mocking 210K dead Americans with this obvious PR Stunt; Trump, cult members and Fox state tv will say he is stronger than any virus and is eager to get back to work to protect and serve the people.😠😠 😁😂

  5. God thank you for healing President Donald John Trump and first Lady Melania. We thank you God bless you both♥️😊

  6. Stay strong Mr President we pray for you in the first family and your cabinet everyday our world and our government of the United States of America the world needs us and you know that great job

    1. @NHL Vidz Weekly
      this pos wasnt even sick i hope u catch this then let us kno how it was if u live. freedom of speech i can be as rude as i want f u.

  7. So how bad can this virus really be if Trump – age 74 – gets infected and walks out of hospital a few days later looking alright? Makes me think that getting the Covid virus is hardly the death sentence it’s being made out to be by the mass media.

  8. This whole story is Trump’s manipulation of the news cycle. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt to shift the world’s attention away from his embarrassing performance at the first debate. It is so blatantly obvious.

  9. November 6, 2012 @realDonaldTrump: “The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.” – Donald J. Trump.

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