President Trump attends National Prayer Breakfast

President Trump speaks at the National Prayer Breakfast after his acquittal in the historic impeachment trial.

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  1. He’s not talking about trump .trumb day is coming good by trump 2020 this fool don’t even believe in God and you know what you are doing is wrong boy he’s so stupid how are going to do anything about people praying my God has a plan for you how are we doing better you done took almost everything away from the poor people oh my God you keep on playing with God reading what someone wrote for you God does not like people playing with him God is not in anything you are doing oh I’m going to vote you right out the white house you have more unemployed now then ever the only people thats benefits is the rich say what now people that has been locked up are being put on pay role I am so tired about you talking about Christian people you don’t even know how God works God is not a raisest like you are you are only saying this to get people to vote for you you have not won stupid

  2. 52:25 “As everybody knows, my family, our Great Country, and your President, have been put through a terrible ordeal, by some very dishonest and corrupt people. They have done everything possible to destroy us, and by so doing, very badly hurt our Nation. They know what they are doing is wrong, but they put themselves far ahead of our Great Country. Weeks ago, and again yesterday, courageous Republican politicians and leaders had the wisdom, fortitude, and strength to do what everyone knows was right. I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong. Nor do I like people who say “I pray for you” when they know that that’s not so. So many people have been hurt, and we can’t let that go on. And I’ll be discussing that a little bit later, at the White House.”
    – President Donald J. Trump, 1 day after Acquittal, 2020

    1. and we all know, that the person who said “I pray for The President” was Crazy Nancy. The woman who signed the impeachment articles with ONE STROKE PER PEN, so she can use dozens of pens for ONE SIGNATURE, and give out those pens as celebratory pens to her colleagues. The woman who ripped The President’s State of The Union’s speech in front of all Americans. The woman, who will soon be facing an Ethics Charge for that disgraceful conduct.

  3. Tara was my first girl name that I would call myself at the age of 13 because I grew up in a neighborhood called Tara Woods and across the street was another neighborhood called Tara Estates and the first street was Scarlett O’Hara Dr. which drove me crazy when I saw Gone with the Wind and guys says, “Frankly, I don’t give a damn!” Now, here’s the numerology to the name Tara which is 40 the same as David. and here is the meaning of the name Tara that really made me nervous when I got about 30 years old. The place where the Kings met Ive been gay all my life first acting on it at 9 years old but I wasn’t openly gay until 19. This is where I grew up, I move here when I was seven years old on my birthday. and these dinosaurs where interesting my name is LaTrent Donnel Montgomery 23/3 7.666 that the Pterodactyl is often called a type of pteranodon. though at about 20 I used Trent Donnel and began calling myself Che Reynolds Taraboose will always be a part of me. So, when I was 19 I slept 3 Kings from heaven, 1 Jesus in my old Arch Angel form Makaity and a lion as a panther in some savanna, like what is a panther doing in an African jungle? I was also told to be a Eunuch by one of the Kings and when God struck me the next year at 20 years old 5 times in the face for a pack of cigarettes that I stole I had a dream as Che Reynolds with a fat Christ and yea so it’s gotten pretty complex but I’m Trent Donnel Isaiah 57 which is actually having perfect ways Holy Eunuch brook.

  4. We Are here we will always stand the Truth Kind love and Respect God blesses our President Donald J Trump.

  5. It’s time to talk about the $23,000,000,000,000 dollar national debt. What is President Donald J. Trump’s game plan for dealing with the $23,000,000,000,000 national debt? President Donald J. Trump didn’t mention the $23,000,000,000,000 dollar national debt during the State of Union address. It’s time to talk about the $23,000,000,000,000 dollar national debt. The US taxpayer will not support raising the debt ceiling as a budget solution. A $23,000,000,000,000 dollar national debt is Congressional Treason.

  6. Why dont they show all the things he says and does on video. For a listen on how not to treat people
    Listen to learn “how to hold your tongue”

  7. God is testing our love for him through the worst man on earth trump! But I also believe that we must beat him down and put him in his place. If not with God safely away so not to do harm to others.

  8. Uma hora pede oração e outra hora dar tapinha de amor no rosto de seu amante ..busque se informar mais sobre seus agentes do FBI em .estão fasendo bosta por toda a América .estão usando demônios e fasendo sacrifício com sua própria nação e ameaçando a todos ,menos os sírios , Egito , Paquistão árabe.esses a América peida e eles sabe do que vocês estão fasendo em quatro parede dentro os orfanatos americano e so os americanos não sabe ! Que coisa não ? Se informa engomadinho Trump sobre seus orfanatos e fas uma boa trama e investigue seu agente e agência do fbi .pede pra ele usarem câmera e quebra de sigilo bancário e telefone e computadores que os desfalque são tão grande que pagaria pra ir mil vezes na lua passar por Marte e ir até no Japão compra disco voador e etc . Pede pra agentes não do FBI pra ir até os Walmart ,onde fica as fotos das crianças desaparecidas que estão sendo estrupadas por seus agentes e até esquema grandioso de tráfico de órgãos , vídeos eróticos das crianças desaparecidas que na verdade foram sequestrados por agentes do governo ou FBI . Investigue vocês se suprienderam com os descaso de seus administradores de direito humanos e outros órgão que investiga sequestro de crianças e vários morte que ninguém resolve .darei um recado pra nação americana , procure se inteirar dentre os seus agentes pois estão tendo casinhas e caso com outros homens e sabe quem são eles ? Os mesmo os quais você atacou senhorita Trump !pede ou ordena pra que uma mega investigação aconteça dentre as agência do fbi e em esclusivamente em alguns agentes do governo FBI por nome de wilson negro auto mora em new jersey matou ocultou o corpo pra os fins satânicos e ele tem tanto estrupo feito por ele nos orfanatos que pode acontecer morte entre seus agentes do FBI . Busque informação ? Vai até as casas do FBI que vocês chegarão até os bandidos . Franck e heury sabe até de planos que o mandaria o Trump pra inferno

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