Trump declares 'major disaster' relief for states crippled by the coronavirus.
RELATED: Former CDC director on the coronavirus
President Trump credits companies like 3M and Ford for their efforts to distribute products to the hardest hit areas during the COVID-19 crisis.
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#PresidentTrump #Coronavirus #DisasterRelief
Folks, if you have a loved one in the hospital or a skilled nursing facility, PLEASE stay away until the threat of COVID-19 is gone. We need to protect the vulnerable and the wonderful people who care for them!
@Stephen, he still gets to worship Trump so what does he care?
@Frank M Martinez, True Christians don’t celebrate easter.
Frank M Martinez I agree, but do you think the other party would do better? Which one is worse?
EVERYONE in this COMMENT SECTION need to realize. Let God guide you. So many of are not seeing that God’s is calling AND we ARE FREAKING OUT. BEFORE I THIS CRISIS WHAT WERE WE ALL DOING?
@MrElPoderozo1 god will protect you and anyone in your familly. be patient
It’s just so painful trying to listen to trumple – – awful at speaking; reads as if he is still learning how.
Yes one run on sentence
Ok……Joe Biden
I would rather listen to Biden who doesn’t know who he is or where he is…what a wonderful President he will be
Wait till us here in Florida gets hit. Our population has 25% senior citizens (65+)
@Pretty Boy Jeep all people visiting and on spring break, not floridians! Its people running from new york and other states cause they think its safer in warmer weather. Boy, they ain’t smart, i live here and so many people coming down from new york past few days and all they say is they don’t care if they spread it…. Wtf, thanks.
@DONALD J. TRUMP so dumb
Allah be Praised!
@Spermwhale1000 Allah be praised for everything in this world,Glory to be allah
Ohio is gonna need it too
Ohio is not important.
@Chaz Ward It’s more important than you, Princess..
@DDKaraokeOutlaw bruh you’re gonna call someone princess with that profile pic…smh
To sum up a bunch of the following comments: “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”
Hahahahahahahaha. Damn that was gopd.
followed by “LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!?!”
What about Oregon?
Y’all are weirdo meth heads and hippie junkies anyway.
@Pretty fly for a WiFi lol, well as much as this is repeated, I cant say that you’re wrong unfortunately haha.. And Oregon really isn’t as bad as alot of other states, but the corona virus has hit us here in Southern Oregon.. I’m in Medford Oregon and we just got cases of it here in my town, only 5 confirmed but that means more like 50 probably honestly! Regardless tho, other states are in a much worse condition than ours..
@Pretty fly for a WiFi I gotta agree a pretty good amount of ppl are , I’m orginally from California
Thank you for making it illegal to go outside, it really makes people with goblin complex (short big arms with small hands, stubby thin legs, and relatively small heads) a chance to leave and not get mocked, dont worry that us “goblins” are going outside and spread this plauge, our immune systems are stronger than a wild elk on legal enough drugs.
@Con Servative thank you for your understanding
I SEE the PEOPLE behind him KEEP GETTING smaller
Where’s dr fauci ?
Trump kicked him out of course.
Trump Fired Him.
@Spermwhale1000 why the hell he would do that the doctor was gonna help us ugh we have the stupid president in our country
“X22 Report” has 93K views in one hour…You guys have less than 2K views…Speaks volumes of the effectiveness of MSM. You did this to yourselves.
Yet here you are!
You do know that when you click on the video you contribute to their viewership.
Man what about Colorado we having it bad
He doesn’t give a sh*t about you guys because helping you guys out does not benefit him.
@Jason C. that’s beyond idiotic
I wish luck to all,I hope that you and your family will do we’ll
Aight so Michigan doesn’t need it…? I mean we’re a lockdown state with rapid spread. Not to mention where the big 3 are supporting a ton of this
Michigan has 19 cases
Wtf you talking about?
@Bolt Nation ummm noo according to MDHHS we have over 2,400 cases and counting and 43 deaths. We are 5th in the nation for infections & 7th for deaths. 2 hospital ICU’s in the metro Detroit area announced they are at capacity.
Every state is getting relief just more for place with most cases, I followed the whole thing over the weekend, worst of was the Democrat adding all kind of stuff that had nothing to do with relief was a trip there bill was close to 6 trillion with all there add on republicans wrong the bill Democrat voted against republican bill was 1.3trillion it was all relief for everyone. Democrats voted it down and threw a 1500 page bill and tried to slip,a bunch of crap that had nothing to do with relief. They had to get some stuff cause it went from the 1.3 trillion to over 2 trillion. Why I say have to do away with these parties and limit there time in office.just be able to get rich of being in office
Again and again just wanna say everyone plz stay in the home.
What we need is major disaster relief from Donald Trump. Because he is absolutely a roller coaster of disasters.
He’s been great for the country. The Democrats and media…. Not so much.
When we expecting 3rd word war. I think it’s already started. China started BIOLOGICAL 3rd world war. In order to do not cause others attention, they started from own country. Now they watching online how people died. How destroyed their families, and how decreased economy of other countries.
This is only my opinion.
Damn that You and Governor Ivey need 2 be getting AL package ready Jefferson County is the highest in State. They need relief before FL, and Cal how many case’s do they have?
Allah be praised.for everything
Pity you didn’t have this reaction till it was far too late