One day after President Donald Trump declared the coronavirus pandemic to be a national emergency, millions of Americans were grappling with a new normal.
More than a hundred universities have transitioned to online-only classes, and several states and large urban school districts are shutting down all K-12 schools as part of a sweeping attempt to contain the spread of the virus.
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#trump #coronavirus #mikepence
They really put an ad on a service briefing.
Vixen♡Demure would you expect anything less from YouTube?
You realize the camera operator, broadcast media technicians for this network and every affiliated local broadcast company depends on advertisers for a paycheck? YouTube no different. If advertisers disappeared our media be owned and operated by extreme individual agendas, even more than now. The more advertisers the more variety of agendas we hear and more likely we form our own opinions. Satellite radio almost destroyed local radio.. where would we be in event of extreme weather in rural areas or power outages with satellite only
@Oli Ilo I understand people need to be paid but it seems in poor taste to monetize a video of the president addressing the nation after having declared a state of emergency. The rest of us are also dependent on a paycheck and are wondering if our jobs will close as a result. They could have foregone ads on this one particular video with no big loss.
Soon there will be ads on the undersides of our toilet seats.
2,000 people in one city in china died alone .. from my source
Right, you could have the Flu type A or B!
I had flu type B right after I gave birth to our daughter in December of last year It took three almost four weeks to get over that right there was no joke I can’t imagine what Corona would be like
@WeavingWonders …prayers were heard. God bless…
@Brett Harte Next prayer time, ask the big man why he keeps creating viruses?
@TheMarlinspike … absolutely. He is the Creator…he creates all the living for reasons He only knows why.
Did Dr. Ben Carson just cough in his hand?
Of course he did
Did Donald “covfefe”?
@Lander Mohe It’s airborne; it doesn’t jump off of surfaces and attack you.
BGirlChic It is something those our age have as a habit. I notice young people are taught young to cough in the elbow, but us old timers were never brought up on that. I’m working on breaking that one!
What California doesn’t need right now is a bigass earthquake.
True, but having been in California frequently, they never need a big …as earthquake.
They have to stop doing these in doors and need to started having the press conference outside
@Kathleen Donlinger hi
Pretty sad we don’t want even out own family in our house.. lol
That’s one of the best ideas, because the press wouldn’t even show up, they’d be stepping out their safe zone. There are advantages to this virus
@Kathleen Donlinger It has been confirmed by CDC as airborne.
@Kathleen Donlinger Thank you Kathleen! Was about to comment the same thing so sick of people spreading misinformation about this situation, that’s the reason why there is so much panic in the first place!
New York has an extremely high number of cases. We are in a state of emergency. I got called off of work today I’m losing hours/money.. But guess what? I go outside and people are still flooding the bars today in their saint Patrick’s day outfits despite the parade being cancelled. I went to go get food and couldn’t even find a parking spot , no one is staying home everything is still packed .. still can’t get a parking spot at local food places .. I’m in Rochester NY this is not that small of a city.
I live in B.C the. streets are not busy people cancelling trips and taking care not to make matters worse!
I believe that the reason of jobs closing is so that people are not forced to be in the environment. I am relieved that we are not worried that our job will be lost during this and generally speaking families that care about there health can stay away from those that don’t make great decisions. Besides gathering groceries to bunker down and gas we have been home bound, for those who decide to party and pretend that we are not in any danger well that’s them but at least we have a choice.
Cassondra Q in a couple of months your streets will be packed with the bodies of the dead, why? Because this bloke talking shite in this vid has got a nation fooled. How many thousands of US citizens have died from the “flu” or “pneumonia” this season, a record number? What there has been no autopsies done to test for the Coronavirus? There has! Only a few you say, they were all positive. Tens of thousands dead already? Really!
go to hell murica
@An Rit Nothing lost even if your scenario plays out, natural deselection to exterminate the weak. Maybe your next ?
This is not a time for petty hate and criticism (esp. concerning something that has never happened before); now is the time to come together and put any/all differences aside. Its not about shaking hands, etc. That’s the focus of the press during a pandemic? Really!?!?!?
Agree 100 percent. It is petty
Ty!! Words of wisdom! May we get though this safe and healthy!
CDC was caught totally flat footed. White South Korea spends $2,000 a year on health expenses, they already conducted 300,000 tests and the cumulative curve clearly shows that they are very successful at combating epidemic. We are spending $10,500 a year on health expenses, but we already have over 3,200 infections and 62 dead and spread of epidemic is in progress. There are no toilet paper, gloves, face masks, thermometers, can goods, meat, vitamins and even vegetables in stores. Our supply chains are collapsing.
Dr Anthony Fauci is becoming the voice we wait to hear. Cudos to the Presidential task force for acknowledging Dr Fauci as the voice of wisdom and experience. He’s putting his own health at risk to find answers for us, the people. I appreciate their hard work, and especially the honesty from Dr Fauci.
We need more like him working on a cure. We need to know more about how this virus is affecting the lungs. It sounds like Aspergillosis to me. Let’s get honest about this too, and find a cure.
Dr Anthony Fauci is just a spokesperson – he doesn’t take care of sick patients. At most, he visits hospitals and speaks to doctors.
Does anyone else hear the blocked nose?
Yes. Eyes swollen shut.
he seems sick
@Karen Neko He was tested came back negative..
This is the first time that it’s seemed like there’s a chance of getting things under control. Until Friday, the Feds weren’t even acknowledging that it was a serious issue.
You do realize it’s a cover for the arrests as well as global reeet correct?
@kayla smith I hope Nancy Pelosi is one of the ones arrested.
What he said about handshaking is true. It’s an automatic reaction to shake hands when you greet someone.
Real honerable men still shake hands! (Maybe not right now tho, lol)
True, except in the case of meeting Biden or Hilliary……1st reaction is to punch them
The news reporters sitting up front are going to mad
in abt 2 weeks….. 
“Mr. President: Are many, many special things happening in terms of the medical?”
It’s great to hear that the we are having a world wide praying
good to get that back in today and in the future 
What does that accomplish? Bad stuff happens to people all the time, whether they pray or not.
@Matt Stryker True ^
They don‘t take it for serious otherwise they wouldn‘t stand crowded within infection distance giving a bad example to the viewers.
Im pretty sure that every journalist getting near Trump now is tested or at least was evaluated for risk but i agree it doesnt look good. That will likely change soon.
That’s a sacrifice this administration is willing to take. They are very far eno ig j front he journalist anyway on their stage.
Wow, 10 minutes in and he wants NOTHING to do with all of this. Amazing.
Take drastic measures to protect your loved ones!!!! May the Lord save us all!!!!

God Bless us all!!!!
Shut down all flights from infected states such as Washington, New York, and California NOW.
Should be shutdown regardless,they don’t even know what the constitution is, nor abide it
Rise up children of God in times like this kneel and let them hear your prayer…………… thank you Lord Jesus
shyshy myrrh those without faith suffer fear
@touchy2017 i think its natural even apostle have fear u can read it in the bible but the good news is we have a God that we can run to.