President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19 | USA TODAY

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19 and "will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately."

Not only does the announcement have seismic implications for the president's messaging, it will also have an impact on the logistics of his schedule just weeks before the Nov. 3 election. Trump had already canceled a rally in Florida on Friday, and the revelation of his positive result raised questions about his ability to hold rallies, fundraisers and participate in presidential debates scheduled later this month.

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President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19 | USA TODAY


    1. @Cheyne Simons this might be to show hydroxycloriquin works. No vacuume needed.. Big pharma is part of the problem also.

    2. they want to see if people are buying the stuff that he is positive. ..personally I think this is part of the strategy to stay in the WH as long as possible….

  1. Wishing a speedy recover for both. I put politics aside when it comes to health and wish others could do the same. So much hate in this country now.

    1. @Missile Man the sheep barbie are the people who still defend Trump. Trump proved that he is not only a traitor at the debates but a white supremacists/Fascist. Look in the mirror there’s your sheep.

    1. About a virus that has a 99.97% survival rate? Idk maybe. What else is there to do? Maybe a vaccine? Better treatment too I guess

    1. You don’t believe Trump. Oh, my is Trump lying! Oh, my! Amazing. How trump has warped your mind do much.

    1. MrB. Nobody thinks it’s an automatic win. We are thinking “how appropriate that Lardass got the virus, and that is some strong Democratic hoax”!!!

      Maybe it’ll shut his fat trap.

    2. @imiss toronto maybe go back to toronto since you miss it and watch the news there about the gay Justin Trudeau.

    3. @mrBDeye who said I lived in the States? I don’t. Besides that’s the answer all you Trumpers give to someone who doesn’t agree with your idiotic ideas.

      Besides JT has done a good job re the pandemic. So have our other political parties in that they are working together and not at each others throats like we see in the US. They wouldn’t last long here if they did.

  2. I cracked a rib laughing at Parscale.
    I now have a compound fracture laughing at this.
    Sweetest irony possible!

  3. The Notorious RBG (may she rest in peace.) Still working from the heavens above, Trump should have honored her last dying request.
    Perhaps RBG really did have the last laugh.

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