President Trump and Coronavirus Task Force update on pandemic | USA TODAY

The coronavirus pandemic has now claimed over 2,300 lives in the United States, as the number of cases across the country topped 135,000. The hot spot around New York City has been the focus of intense attention since the last coronavirus task force briefing on Friday, as President Trump mulled an increase in quarantine restrictions on New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, but ultimately ended up sticking with the travel restrictions advised by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.
RELATED: Coronavirus Conversations

Authorities have advised additional metropolitan areas with high population densities to brace for a surge in COVID-19 cases similar to what is being seen in New York City. Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health estimates, but was careful not to predict, that deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. could range from 100,000 to 200,000, with millions of cases across the country.

During this briefing, President Trump announced the extension of the social distancing guidelines from the original 15-day window to the end of April, essentially an extra 5 weeks. The president also mentioned several times that he was expressing hope that the pandemic will have taken a turn by June 1.

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    1. Hi Alicia from Australia. Best wishes to you and yours. Gold bless and keep you safe and well through this.

    1. @Hans Wilsdorf god cares about everyone. Please stop being so terrible this is not any of our faults we cant control what is out of our control.

    2. @Hans Wilsdorf evangelist are funding working hard to spread Christanity in poor Asian countries joshua project

    1. @lionel messi haa ok that’s not what i was going for, exactly. What I mean is, you can talk with other people, using your mouth, like the old days, but talk loud. Don’t whisper. You have nothing to whisper about. If you have nothing to whisper about then you have no reason to need to whisper. It’s simple. Now go stand by the door frame.

    2. Because there is no such virus in America it’s all fake news , this virus is purposely spreaded

    3. @Tanvir Ahmed Blogs brother it doesnot matter how much cases you checked
      It is matter how to stop it and prevent from its spread

  1. Testing kit is ready in just fourweeks and usually it takes 10 months.. why the hell you waitied until it got worsened. I hope more and more life will be saved now. God bless America

    1. @Alan Sullivan thats actually not true, i live in peru, there are 30 million people here and now there is 500 cases. Thats a response to the virus, why you let the cases gl to 150 thounsand cases??

    2. @Alan Sullivan Number of people tested may seem to correlate with number of reported cases but in fact scarcity of testing kits and number of people infected out there are also one of the major factors correlating to number of cases. You should say number of testing kits produced (due to government precautions/policies) + number people infected (due to government precautions/policies) + number people going to test when they are ill = number of cases.

      The Trump admistration should have admitted that they fucked up thinking that it wouldn’t affect the US -.-

    3. @Alan Sullivan yes USA is performing far better that in Afghanistan.
      I am not Afghanistan supporter but it’s reality

      Don’t be offended
      God bless you

  2. All of this will absolutely cause Suicides :'( Please be strong people!! Everything will be ok in the end, if its not ok? Its not the end………….

    1. I also want to add that I think Trump can be a Real A$$hole and that is why I am voting for him. This will be the 1st time I have ever voted and I am 55 🙂

    1. @brentprodz okay say your govt. Try this
      You got good results in
      If someone walks unnecessary on roads and public place .police punish them but all essential services are open here.

      I hope all Europe will be in home at the first date of police action.
      Location-Telangana India

    2. @s gangwar Police are already patrolling streets to check if you aren’t making unnecessary trips. They won’t come at you with sticks tho lol.

  3. I walk this empty street
    On the boulevard of broken dreams
    Where the city sleeps
    And I’m the only one, and I walk alone

    1. Today I go to market there is few people on road.
      Few police personnels stood along the road
      I feel like I walking on European roads so clean road’s,no traffic,only birds,dogs,money are outside.
      No one go for work.
      Police are punishing if someone is outside without any purpose.
      Only needy people comes outside of home.
      In many states cerfew are imposed.

      Location-Tilhar,Shahjahanpur,Uttar Pradesh,India

    2. @s gangwarNo mate Im from Australia. I just hit the Amurkin sites because you guys are easy to take piss out of

    1. Facts! We all an abundance of food. People re just board. Stay home please so we can get past this……I drive a bus for a living and half the passengers ARE NOT GOING TO WORK….JUST JOY RIDING FOR FREEE. STAY THE 🤬 home

    2. @Ben Mercer it’s not just people going to work, it’s people still going to stores everyday when we only were told to go to get what we need. When I have been to the store there were people with big screen TVs in their carts and tons of other things that ahouldnt be the focus right now. If people dont listen then we will end up like wuhan with 3 or so scheduled days to go out to get what we need and exercise outdoors. Some people are taking it seriously but alot of people think just because they are healthy it doesnt matter and I can tell you that’s not true. I just turned 30 and had a severe case of pneumonia before Christmas last year my dad caught from an elderly man at his work. When my dad caught it he fought it off pretty quick. I however had to be on 2 different courses of antibiotics and over 6 chest x Ray’s as well as still get out of breath and on an inhaler. So it’s very selfish that people are doing stupid things like beach parties and raiding stores and out when they dont need to be. Just because people think they are healthy it puts others at risk no matter what age. Stay safe. God bless💙🌍🙏

    3. @Larrkey Yes I think you are correct. People are just board. Maybe it’s my age but I’m getting so much done at home that has been left for so long. And yes, we do have enough food. We are all better off than some. All he best, take care.

  4. Last updated: March 30, 2020, 14:42 GMT
     United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

  5. Pls guys stay at home . Social distancing is the only way to control. Prayers from india

    1. Awe god bless prayers 🙏for your country as well, from the U.S. If anything good comes out of this, I hope it will bring all of our countries closer together and they let some of the other issues go. We all are in this and are stronger standing together. God bless you and please stay safe💙🙏🌍

  6. It’s Good to See Americans being Americans Again in fact I’m going to love paying my home taxes and taxes for the good of the country

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