U.S. coronavirus deaths and confirmed cases edged lower for the third consecutive day as President Donald Trump prepared to name a task force Tuesday aimed at reopening the economically beleaguered nation.
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CORONAVIRUS RESOURCE GUIDE: Check out our new Coronavirus Resource Guide for information on what COVID-19 does to our bodies, how long it lives on certain surfaces, tips for staying healthy, and more.
Monday's U.S. death toll was 1,509, down 48 from the previous day. The toll peaked Friday at more than 2,000, according to Johns Hopkins University data. Trump claims he has "total" authority on when to ease restrictions and promised to name a task force to advise him that will include "very great doctors," business people and others.
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Title needs to be changed. April 14 is Tuesday not Monday.
When you know all the staff is smoking way too much wax.
@T’Town Tim While people like you kiss Pelosi and Chucky’s rear after they threw a hissy fit because Trump wanted to stop cruise ships and flights from coming into the US. California let over 3000 people off a cruise ship because some were sick. 95% were from 52 other countries. The CDC wouldn’t listen to Trump. Trump was also right about the meds that could possibly help with the virus. No Dr. wants to be told something could work. They think they know everything.
Title must be given by WHO or china

Keep Calm and Stay Home!
“We’re now providing great testing but its the states job to provide the testing”. As Shakespeare put it “the end of his sentence forgets the beginning”
The liberal states are too buy blaming TRUMP.. instead of testing….
The ‘virus’ IS 100% computer generated and presented as real https://youtu.be/ESaO6I_mWDA
Think of the Chilcot Enquiry but computer generated. People gagging themselves, and keeping too far apart to discuss and learn the truth in person.
5 minute video explains the motive https://youtu.be/KCGO_0TC2AM
It is to bring in the one world despot regime our close forebears suffered injury, torture and death to stop their ilk doing that to us. STOP them NOW! Stop them for OUR children. Refuse to comply! Get out theqe. Get together. Take over the banks, big food companies, politics and do as Iceland did in 2008 to start with. ALL nations must.
Ange Browne well this virus isn’t capable of such a thing. Sorry to say. If you think so you’re delusional. The death rate is too small to be capable of such a thing
If that’s true. It’s nothing but an insufficient attempt
Keep Calm and Stay Home!
Get rid of the Twitter feed below, looks really unprofessional.
Why? Are they making your daddy look bad? lol There are other streams you could watch if you don’t like it.
Glad to see this conference outside.
The only positive things that come out of this pandemic is that the air pollution is at a
record low and that the Earth is taking a break
And that you pay taxes all your life they didn’t save a dime for you. Oops guess now we know they steal our taxes lol why pay billions a year if they can’t even keep us safe lol
It will also make most nations and companies rely less on China.
And decreasing the human population on Earth
The US would be better off in investing our time, talent, money, resources into science, inventions, innovations, and medicine rather than sports.
@Stephaine :Budai Hell no. I should not have to forcefully contribute my income to pay for YOUR education.
Axel Smith America already does provide foreign aid unfortunately
Axel Smith less fortunate countries should try to find their own solutions to improve their economies. It’s not the job of America to hold their hands
@Pikegang Yogi That’s reasonable. Unfortunately a lot of people (mainly liberals) think differently.
@Axel Smith throwing money at things never, ever works.
I have to follow rules.
I remember saying that I would stop when I heard sn ow. I was mistaken.
I have to figure out how long you ignored me, then multiply that by ten.
Then we can talk about restitution.
Myself included, we are not very practiced at listening to our inner voice. We can get way better. I guess it takes practice.
There is no Iceberg.
We won’t hit an iceberg.
I knew it was an iceberg before anyone else knew.
No one knows icebergs better than I do.
The penguins brought the iceberg here.
No one could have predicted the iceberg.
We cannot allow an iceberg to stop our ship.
The crew is spreading fake news about icebergs.
Some of you have to drown.
I am the best captain, ask anyone.
JUDY STERNWELL ha ha , get ready for 4 more years….Trump 2020!
Daniel L that’s like getting hyped by a dog with diarrhea shttting on your lawn over and over. Dogshit 2020!!!!

Keep Calm and Stay Home!
Exactly. For Christ sake, take your own responsibility. Say you underestimated the whole Corona thing and you made a mistake by cutting into the health services and now you see that this strategy is risky. Say you want to address the mistakes of the WHO and want to learn from it. Say you need more international cooperation to face future problems proactive.
One thing I learned as a child is, even if the words you use have ine meaning, people color in the text the way they see fit.
Sometimes you can go right down the middle and piss off both extremes equally.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, hope it is not a train, but who cares
It’s a train. But it’s not President Donald Trump’s fault
Definitely a train
@E W just like when they put the jews on train that kinda train ? just hope people are understanding that these rich mother phuckers are all in bunkers right now they are sick of being rich and not being able to use the earth with out us getting in there way so plan is push everyone to smart citys “the ones left you know the slaves they tax cattle”but yeah by getting rid of us they get to inherit the whole earth!
@NN FW Exactly

The ventilators are the last measure with a low success rate. We have to do so much more to avoid people deteriorating to the point of needing a ventilator.
Keep Calm and Stay Home!
Something true that needs to be said and is *really* scary when you stop to think about it:
The President of the United States *doesn’t understand* what’s going on right now.
And the fact is, he *can’t* understand—he’s not equipped for it.
And therefore, he *won’t* understand.
2 questions*

“In God We trust”
CBS News: “More than 33,000 dead in U.S. as COVID-19 spreads.” Same as the number of (not) missing Hillary emails. MAGA??