President Donald Trump is set to issue new guidelines to states on Thursday aimed at easing social distancing restrictions and reopening parts of the country as the U.S. grapples with the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.
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States will have to meet a certain set of “medical metrics” before they can feel safe reopening, according to the guidelines provided by senior administration officials. The officials did not provide details on metrics, but stressed that they are “recommendations” and provide governors and local leaders with flexibility.
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Prediction. They’ll open it and wave two will hit. Reinfections! Oh no!
They’ve got to keep this going until the election.
there will be wave 2, 3, 4, 5,……. a vaccine is not coming for 2yrs, get that thru your thick skull. If you wanna hide inside do so. Stop telling others what to do.
They’ll also say all that influx in cash caused it
Google Name
Wave One has just begun in the US, I’ve lived through this thing here in Lombardy, Italy, and the US is just about four weeks behind… 19 days ago you still had bars, clubs and pubs filled with chanting drunks at night…we had that last time on Friday February 21 (I was out) so 55 days ago.
Unfortunately you’re still climbing halfway up the steep Wave One (I think you should reach around 10.000 victims x 24h within the end of the month). Reopening now would not create “Wave Two” unfortunately but act as a powerful gust of wind into the “sails” of Wave One. Then you would seriously be in trouble.
That moment when you admit that you want the country shut down until the election…
@Knight Flayer 2 years? You are very optimistic:
– N1-H1 (2003) still no vaccine to this day, just curative pharma that stabilizes the disease.
– HIV/AIDS (1981) still no vaccine to this day, just curative pharma that stabilizes the disease.
– Spanish Fever (1918) efficient stable vaccine introduced in 1938 by Jonas Salk e Thomas Francis (took 20 years)
– Tubercolosis (1889) efficient stable vaccine introduced in 1921 by Albert Calmette e Camille Guérin (took 32 years).
Most people think vaccines are “movie antidotes”…. the “mad scientist” usually a fat nerd suddenly comes up in a few weeks with a magic green or blue liquid, immediately syringes the sick hero and in 5 minutes he’s back on his feet.
Truth is quite different…vaccines are something you need to be EXTREMELY cautious with, if their are not stable and super-proven they can do more harm than the virus and, even worst, cause the target virus to MUTATE and then you are in real trouble.
This is so crazy! I feel like I’m living in a movie!
Four Brothers it’s surreal.
@Jakub Zera simp
Americans love ugly scary movies WELL living in one that may not end! And if you want out you get to live dying in the night mare MOVIE!
called a nightmare – created by the CCP
Will there now be enough masks, gloves, disinfectant for everyone who will return to “normal”?
Enough ventilators and doctors for what may come? Enough tests?
I wonder…
This virus is turning out to be leverage for politics. Trump using it to show how great he is. (but failing miserably.) and every body else using it to show how stupid trump is. Which leads to more extreme reactions which leads to punishments. All while people are dying.
Keep drinking the cool aid Felix!! Greatest President in American History!!! Lol!!! Maybe Felix is Trump or someone who works for him or just a troll!!!
@glorbesworld customs let’s see…..Trump gets elected as a non-politician, defeating 19 career politicians and the invincible Clinton Machine in the process while nearly all the pundits, soothsayers, ‘reporters” and diviners on earth say no way. Then, in the fastest time in US history, outperforms all his predecessors in every category, passing Obama the first month.
Doesn’t sound much like failure.
Wow one of the most biggest bullshit press conference I can actually say he’s lying to make everyone feel safe an get back to there lives.
@Mike D well, you’d never know Trump is the most accomplished watching CNN, MS-DNC, or the networks.
Just saw an article yesterday where NRP finally admitted they’re left wing. So are ALL the major networks. And despite that left wing 1000 to 1 majority in the press, TV, academia, and Hollywood, the truth still gets thru.
Americans see it loud and clear in achievement. Anyone can give speeches – Obama was a master at them. Getting things done was another story.
It’s very easy and takes little thought to throw baseless allegations around. We’d have thought by now the left would have learned that lesson after two years of Mueller investigations, the Kavanaugh fiasco, Stormy, Avenatti, and the rest of the laughable that went nowhere.
If only the democrats had some achievements to crow about. Seems for them that Trump bashing and resistance is going to win the fall elections. Good luck.
Okay, so who’s going back to work first?? Maybe someone from his own family.
He’s literally working and standing next to other government officials and reporters LMAO.
His kids work for him and are working, not even a Trump supporter, but this statement is stupid.
Maybe your mom may get a real job and a lesson on how to raise a kid without being so disrespectful in the world
Edith Quesenberry
Holy crap, another comment I found of yours. Please listen to melania trump, and don’t cyber-bully.
He’s a non-essential worker
Viral News I have been working the all through this. A lot of businesses are open on the sly. I visited a welding and fabrication shop yesterday doing more business than they can handle. Truckers are working hard. Go back to work and be productive.
me working at the grocery store everyday risking my life and only getting paid 10 dollars an hour

Drinking Outta Cups …because it’s not happening to you?
For sale By owner ….Many people are compromised though, underlying health issues that make them more vulnerable.
Wow. I hear they make $16 to start in Canada right now. So I guess you are part of tRumps best economy in the history of the world? That’s if you’re part of the 1% only.
And here I sit hungry after loosing a job that barely paid $10 a day.
It is not rapid
This is what happens in a war with China, you attacked their Economy and China retaliated with Biohazard . You are responsible for this mess .
BcA – Biciclind cu Axel
America is responsible for China choosing to initiate biological warfare?
@Evan Underwood It takes two to tango
Camera man: show us the slides please!
Open all and enjoy deaths. How they can stop second waive

? You can open everything only in a certain order.
Mr President…. be careful what you wish for
50 pcs in a box
The world helps each other cuz we don’t live in this media LALA land where everyone hates Trump. Other countries help America and America helps others. Thank you Mr. President.
@Kevin Soler The tRump crooks are just trying to find a way to steal a $ out of this whole thing. That’s their M/O.
@PATRIOT HAM I don’t understand why it’s great that trump only cares about the economy and people’s lives? Why is there no responsibility for such a person?
jack jack I think it’s funny how you think nobodies life is on the line if we keep the economy off. Think a little bit. Wow you realize corona virus doesn’t kill everyone it infects yet you think poverty doesn’t kill.
Hey you, whether you are black, mestizo, broke, of the middle class, all without real social coverage, try to get “tonic water”: it has proven itself since 1850 (it’s a decoction of dried cinchona bark; native to Ecuador); otherwise you risk leaving your life there, given the figures I see every day on the web!
Otherwise, do like me and drink at least 50 cl per day of Indian Tonic from Schweppes, flavored with quinine (it exists in 1.5 ℓ bottles, with 0% sugars) …
May God help you and the good people in your country.
Greetings from Paris. Saturday April 18, 2020 (today is the day of the Holy Perfect [Who is the Holy Spirit]: it is one of the best occasions of the year, to make a sincere prayer).
“you will know in 5min positive or negative/live or die” ……hahaha!
Im an essential employee. I clean and disinfect schools everyday during the pandemic. That means traveling to buildings, coming in contact with random people to clean public areas. Im very thankful I have a job. I know many have lost theirs. I think an overwhelming population of us realized a $1200 check was nice but its our tax money to begin with. Its like our government saying they can no longer offer things our taxes pay for so here’s some of your money back. To hear wealthy people got a relief check of 1.7million really puts things into perspective. I remember the last corporate bailout and how dumb I flet when they took all our money to give themselves a massive bonus. I thought the relief checks average Americans received was intended to be a way for us to use our own tax money to bailout the corporations on a more personal level which is just as sick. To find out that the rich also received a check from the government that is worth more than I will ever make just turns this slap in the face into a punch. The fact that essential workers dont even qualify for hazard pay while working with a plague says it all.
Fo you intend to seek patient permission to test in these so called high risk populations that may go to the doctor for other reasons?
This person has no leadership skills whatsoever, he’s basically saying that Americans don’t want the lockdown and it’s up to them and the governors of the states to make the decision “if things go wrong don’t blame me it’s you and your decision”
God bless
MrMuhammadabbasi you are the type of idiot who would listen to “experts” and not do a travel ban on Chinese
Philip BadAwesome The war on intelligence goes on. The combatants: Trumpanzees vs anyone with more than seven brain cells
@ Philip BadAwesome – did you really reply to his comment or did you just wanted to insult anyone?

but it isn’t his decision
COVID19 + EVENT201= Certificate of Vaccination ID2020
Be safe America..the home of the brave..!

Reopening ??
Congrats America to the next level of covid 19.
I miss my friends