President Obama: ‘Nothing Weak About Being Honorable’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

President Obama honored the late Congressman Elijah Cummings at his funeral today. Congressman Lacy Clay, a member of the Oversight Committee which Cummings chaired, talks about the need to move forward with Cummings’ work. Aired on 10/25/19.
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President Obama: 'Nothing Weak About Being Honorable' | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. @foreigner fan we had this far left bs in england for 30+ yrs these spying on the people 84% leftwing media 16% rightwing media these people a nothing more than puppets to msm

    2. @taylor Merriweather Agreed. Obama is such a eloquent speaker. Miss that. He never threw fits. When he spoke you can understand and it was so professional. Something that you really miss from a leader of our country.

    3. @Donald Sanders yes if you love war mongers and men that cage children your brain dead for not loving this guy you dont need to ask them questions to expose them these idiots expose themselfs

    1. @Alex Ocasio-Gomez oh, you must not know how to spell basic words. Must be that Betsy devos education system. That’s unfortunate 🙂

    2. @Alexander Cartier Triple K mafia is inside the building. You heard about Master P? We’ll I’m Massa AOG…

    3. Alex Ocasio-Gomez, The Triple K Mafia is indeed currently inside the White House, with grand wizard Trump at the helm. It must hurt seeing decent people being talked about.

  1. I feel in love with Mr President Obama first time I saw him. I was so proud of and for him.
    trumps not worthy to shine that honorable mans shoes.

    1. But its worth blaming Trump for somthing Obama did nothing racist about that smh I guess if your black man cage all the kids you want morals do cost nothing

    2. Are you talking about the guy who destroyed Libya and Syria and subverted Mexico and Ukraine?
      He is a War Criminal.

  2. “There is nothing weak about kindness and compassion. There is nothing weak about being honourable. You’re not a sucker to have integrity, to treat others with respect.” Is it really necessary to say anything more? Will people listen? Will they think?

    1. Probably not. They can’t get over the concept that a black man makes their Orange Clown look like a pot-boiling rooster.

    2. mrmockatoo , It has nothing to do with him being black why is the race card always used. Look at what he did fast and furious, Benghazi and spying on citizens or maybe the bringing of people that hate America. I hope that it won’t be to late before Americans wake up and see what is coming the take over of America and Sharia law being implemented.

    3. @sue Sorry Sue. It’s just that if you scan the comments from Obama haters they are overwhelmingly poorly written and overtly racist. By the way, I wouldn’t worry about Sharia law…Vlad has other plans. Dosvedanya Comrade.

  3. “Nothing Weak About Being Honorable.” We all know who Obama is speaking to. American voters who chose a comic book villain as their president. That 40% of Americans who believe that doing the right thing is for chumps. That its OK to lie and cheat. That any kind of criminality is acceptable as long as you don’t get caught. Trump voters.

    1. @Zachary Fluke yes lets take words from the man that did cage children you know why his wife is aka the blackwiddow I do and I am from england my grandads tribe started in africa your puppets to msm and Soros funders of antifa push fear for votes well done ypu will be known as the party that destroyed america pat on the back

    1. @Mind Freshener The job of the president isn’t to commit serious crimes in full view, either. Trump is going to prison.

    2. @Tessmage Tessera So are we just going to forget entirely how the Syria crisis was fuelled by the Obama Admin’s negligence? One could consider that a war crime….

  4. that’s what you call a president, that’s the elegance and eloquence a president projects to his country .Truly a man of honor and dignity…..compared to the monstrosity who’s in the White House now…

    1. Are you talking about the guy who destroyed Libya and Syria and subverted Mexico and Ukraine?
      He is a War Criminal.

  5. Every time he speaks I feel like we’re getting the post presidency JFK deserved to have. That we needed from him as a nation.

  6. Barack Obama (Founding Father) — “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

  7. I did this, I did that, Me the Donald Trump, I know how, Me, Myself, and I, Me to Me, thank you
    -Quagmire45 eulogizing Elijah

  8. That’s right it is nothing weak about kindness meekness integrity honest justices righteous love respectful

  9. IOW: Nothing weak about being a “sjw”; in fact it takes courage and character. Proud to be one since my childhood in the 80’s. All the best people in history (including our founding fathers and the political philosophers and social reformists they drew from) have fought for moral, social, and political progress and justice. It’s the reason we enjoy so many rights and freedoms, and so much equality and justice.

    And us sjw’s will keep working to build a more equitable, inclusive, and tolerant world while the miserable, hateful, weak, and intolerant bigots try to drag us back to humanities’ dark past and mock our efforts and principles as if they were something to be ashamed of. In reality, that only shows the anti-sjw’s moral and intellectual impoverishment and utter cowardice.

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